Question at hand
Karimov, A.A. (2021). Police in Russia and the U.S. A comparative analysis of the use of force, special means and firearms. Police activity, 4, 1–9.
The research subject is the scope of legal and tactical aspects of the use of force, special means and firearms by police officers in Russia and the U.S. The research subject is the professional activity of police officers in Russia and the U.S. in terms of the use of force, special means and firearms against citizens violating public order. The author formulates the following research tasks: To study the aspects of enrollment and requirements to the candidates; To analyze the peculiarities of regulation of active service performing; To compare legal and tactical aspects of the use of force, special means and firearms. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the comparative analysis of legal and tactical aspects of the use of force, special means and firearms by police officers in Russia and the U.S. The author believes that it is necessary to reconsider the legal grounds for the use of firearms by police officers even in the light of the fact that the frequency of violence used against police officers has recently increased by 12%, since legal regulations determine the tactics of the use of force, special means and firearms. The author arrives at the conclusion that each of the described systems has its positive and negative aspects which can be logically explained.
concept of law, physical tests, oath of a policeman, tactical aspects, preparedness of employee, measures of state coercion, professional activity, police officers, competence, regulation of service
Professional training of police officers
Gol'chevskii, V.F. (2021). Aspects of firearms training of road traffic police officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
. Police activity, 4, 10–20.
The research subject is social relations in the field of the development of basic skills of road traffic police officers of Russia in using firearms during operations and for stopping drivers attempting to escape from the crime scene. The research object is the formation and development of firearms using skills of internal affairs officers during the professional training of middle and major commanders enrolled in internal affairs bodies of Russia. The topicality of the research is determined by the tasks of improvement of professional training of specialists in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and ensuring personal safety of internal affairs officers and the safety of civilians during operative actions. The research contains the analysis of use of service weapons by police officers during operative actions. Based on the example of apprehension of a vehicle, the author analyzes the effectiveness of use of service weapons by road traffic police officers. The research methodology is based on the analysis of the use of service weapons by police officers, and experiments. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the following: a) the analysis of statistical data of the use of service weapons by internal affairs officers; b) the task to organize a comprehensive firearms training of internal affairs officers; c) the list of measures aimed at the improvement of firearms training of internal affairs officers. In conclusion, the author substantiates the necessity to improve the basic professional training program in terms of raising the effectiveness of firearms training of internal affairs officers. The analysis of the use of service weapons by road traffic police officers, as well as experiments, prove the importance of the research in the field of public safety protection and effective prevention of criminal offences by police officers with the help of service weapons.
training program, shooting, detention, skills, research, vehicle, offenses, fire training, Service weapons, police officers
Professional training of police officers
Egoshin, I.V., Konstantinov, V.N. (2021). The use of laser tag for police officers training. Police activity, 4, 21–33.
The research subject is the improvement of facilities and resources of practical training lessons within the disciplines “Tactical and Special training” and “Personal safety of internal affairs officers” in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal affairs of Russia when it comes to using modern training weapons. The research object is the educational process in the Ural Juridical Institute under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and its pedagogical capacity of using laser tag for training internal affairs officers. The research is based on the methods of theoretical consideration, analysis of literary sources, generalization of scientific materials, and pedagogical observation. The main conclusion of the research is the substantiation of the possibility to use training weapons laser tag in education institutions under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for internal affairs officers training. The use of training weapons is a promising means of improvement of tactical training of internal affairs officers which will help students to prepare themselves for law-enforcement activity. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the private technique of using laser tag in the educational process of a departmental specialized educational institution. The technique is aimed at testing the pedagogical potential of using modern training equipment laser tag during the practical training within the “Tactical special training” discipline.
tactical and special training, imitation shooting equipment, professional competencies, personal security, police, internal affairs bodies, educational process, laser tag, private methodology, operational and service tasks
Professional training of police officers
Pavlenkov, R.V., Gizatullin, M.G. (2021). Some aspects of implementation of experimental and innovation activity of an educational institution oriented to the improvement of learning and teaching materials and material and technical support of the educational system
. Police activity, 4, 34–48.
The authors consider general and special issues of implementation of experimental and innovation activity of an educational institution using the example of the development and usage of a highly effective hardware and software system based on the components of a small-arms training system “Auto-SCATT” for organization and implementation of educational process (supervised and unsupervised work of students) at an institution of higher education under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - the Ural Law Law Institute. The research object is the process of professional training of students. The research subject is the use of a training system “Auto-SCATT” during the “Firearms training” lessons. The research methodology is based on analysis, synthesis, comparative and problem-search methods. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the fact that it shows how the firearms training process, based on the complex training system “Auto-SCATT” used at ground vehicle driving lessons for the imitation of off-road shooting in motion, is organized. The authors arrive at the conclusion that the use of the “Auto-SCATT” training system not only promotes the improvement of the quality of firearms discipline learning, but also improves the cognitive activity and personal motivation of students.
AUTO-SCATT integrated simulator, firefighting, educational process, educational program, educational organization, higher education, education system, hardware and software, competence, student
Professional training of police officers
Vorozhtsov, A.M., Zhukov, V.M. (2021). The formation of the algorithm of firearms usage and the role of a trainer in this process
. Police activity, 4, 49–58.
The research subject is the sequence of a shooter’s actions at the firing line. It is believed that the repetitions of an action improve the speed of its performance and eventually - its preciseness. Unnecessary movements stop being made, an action stereotype is being developed, as well as a certain algorithm. A shooter should follow this sequence of actions when shooting, and develop it in the process of training. The more experienced the shooter is, the shorter the sequence becomes, since its length depends on the experience. The development of the algorithm is promoted by the study of the elements of shooting and repeated practicing of dry and charged shots. The formation of an optimal algorithm will be more effective if guided by a supervisor. The process of formation of the sequence of actions with firearms is determined by the use of various techniques of organizing and giving firearms training lessons. The use of individual, group and mixed activities allows the teacher to optimize the process of formation of the algorithm of actions in accordance with individual characteristics of students. Motivation and self consciousness of students become significant for the formation of the algorithm. At the same time, the contents of the educational process should be aimed not only at the formation of technical actions with a gun, but at the formation of the tactics and appropriateness of its usage. Successful performance of training shooting will indicate the completeness of formation of the algorithm of actions with firearms.
head of shooting, work idle, skills and abilities, teaching methods, production of a shot, formation of the algorithm, action, elements of the shot, shooting exercises, result
Professional training of police officers
Sinitsyn, E.I., Gorlov, O.Y. (2021). Topical issues of organizing and giving firearms lessons for the staff of temporary detention facilities, guard units and armed escort. Police activity, 4, 59–69.
The official activities of the staff of temporary detention facilities, guard units and armed escort is connected with contacts with the suspects in or accused of crimes, or sentenced to imprisonment for some criminally liable deeds. Work with such persons is connected with higher life and health risks both for officers and for citizens who can be harmed in an emergency situation, for example in the case of a possible escape of a severe offender. To minimize such risks, it is necessary for officers responsible for guarding and escorting to be ready to suppress illegal actions of detainees and protect themselves and those around. In this context, the authors believe it is important to consider the possibility of organizing firearms training lessons with the staff of temporary detention facilities, guard units and armed escort. The purpose of such lessons would be the mobilization of psychological and physical readiness of officers before the start of their service. In the authors’ opinion, such lessons could be performed as training before releasing from duty. Besides, the authors note the topical problems of firearms training of officers and offer possible ways to solve them.
official activity, pretrial detention center, violation of the law, head of the convoy, special contingent, security and convoy service, temporary detention center, motivation, instructor, shooting training