Legal status of police officers
Tsvetkov, A.O. (2021). Peculiarities of the legal status of a police officer during an armed conflict. Police activity, 2, 1–8.
The article considers the problem of the police involvement in an armed conflict with non-typical combat tasks. In the case of war, police officers can act for one of the operating forces. A party to a conflict, which uses police among its forces, must inform the opponent about it. During a military conflict, police personnel becomes a legal military target, therefore the actions, aimed at damaging the life and health of a police officer, are no longer considered as a crime. The author arrives at the conclusion that the activities of the police during an armed conflict are not only characterized by the contradiction between the international and Russian legislation, in which, correspondingly, police can’t be a party to a conflict, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs is among the structures used for the national defence during an armed conflict with external and internal enemies. A police officer, participating in an armed conflict on the territory of the Russian Federation, is a legal combatant; in case he is taken by the adversary, he is considered as a prisoner and not as a hostage. According to the international law, police can’t be a belligerent party, therefore weapon employment by a police officer can cause legal consequences, unless it comes within the provisions of article 23 chapter 5 of the Law on Police. In the context of the problem, the question about legislative initiative for treating police officers as members of armed forces becomes vexed, in terms of recognition of police officers as legal combatants during their participation in an armed conflict, with the corresponding guarantees and compensation for imprisoned police officers and their family members.
combatants, polis oficer, the right to the prisoner, army, militari conflict, Geneva Convention, The police, international law, war, the defense of the state
Administrative activity of the police
Zheltobryukh, A.V., Vinokurov, V.N. (2021). Factors affecting the establishment of the size and limits of an administrative area supervised by a local police officer
. Police activity, 2, 9–22.
The research subject is social relations in the field of public order protection, ensuring social security and combating crime in an administrative area and the implementation of preventive measures by a local police officer. The authors focus on the factors and peculiarities of the supervised area and its population affecting the establishment and revisioning of the size and limits of an administrative area supervised by a local police officer, and on the amendments to the decree of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of March 29, 2019 No205 “On a local police officer service in an administrative area and organization of this service”. Based on the conducted analysis, the authors suggest, when defining the size and limits of an administrative area, taking into account the population density in the area in question, economic, geographic, national and demographic peculiarities on the territory, the criminological characteristics of the citizens, the number of citizens having a police record, the current operative situation, and the peculiarities of administrative organization of municipal entities. In the authors’ opinion, the resolution of this problem will have a positive effect on the work of police officers, and will help to equally and rationally distribute workload on local police officers thus raising the effectiveness of their service and improving the quality of preventive measures.
national characteristics, size of the administrative area, demographic features, UUP load, geographical features, preventive measures, economic features, the district Commissioner of police, protection of public order, police officer
Professional training of police officers
Udilov, T.V., Vinokurov, V.N. (2021). Variants of design of shooting results self monitoring diaries of the students of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
. Police activity, 2, 23–32.
The research subject is the algorithm of students self monitoring of their shooting training results and the scope of theoretical knowledge in firearms training which are recorded in a self monitoring diary. Students are offered to fill in the sections and columns of a self monitoring diary in accordance with the conditions and standards of exercises of the Firearms training guidelines of internal affairs agencies of the Russian Federation approved by the decree of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia of November 21, 2017 No 880. The research object is the fire discipline of persons being trained in internal affairs bodies of Russia with no prior service. Based on the results of the research of the peculiarities of professional training of internal affairs officers with no prior service, the authors formulate the main sections of a self monitoring diary and offer the variant of a diary design. A shooting results self monitoring diary was tested at firearms training and firearms grenade throwing skills improvement lessons in the course of professional training programs for privates, junior, middle and senior commanders of internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.
arrow errors, diary arrow, self-diagnosis arrow, self-analysis, learning outcome, use of firearms, shooting training, police officer training, self-study documentation, increasing the effectiveness of training
Professional training of police officers
Shatskaya, E.A. (2021). Personal attitude of professional training students
. Police activity, 2, 33–41.
The article considers the problems of professional training of citizens who joined the internal affairs bodies of Russia. The author gives theoretical interpretation to the problem and demonstrates the interrelation between such categories as need, motive, result, and emotion. The author pays attention to the personal attitude of professional training students affecting their choice of professional activity, particularly, the service in internal affairs bodies. The research object is the professional training students studying the police officer program. The research subject is the personal attitudes of students during professional training. The author finds out that the only need to get some knowledge and skills is not enough. Of great importance is the motivation of students, their understanding of their professional duty and will to perform official responsibilities at a professional level. The author notes that the moral and psychological potential of a person has an important role as it affects the personal development of an officer. It’s been established that the result of students’ work depends on their personal dedication. Particularly, their commitment, life orientations and guidelines affect the active involvement of students into the educational process, their performance, professional skills acquisition, formation of competence.
emotions, choice, trainees, professional training, motive, need, personal potential, competence, learners, reference points
Professional training of police officers
Sinyansky, V.A., Nazarenko, B.A., Kravtsov, S.V. (2021). Physical training at educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the context of distance learning
. Police activity, 2, 42–51.
The research subject is the peculiarities of practical physical training lessons in the context of distance learning at educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The purpose of the article is to analyze the reasons for the downward trend of practical lessons and insignificant growth of the rates of the theoretical section of the physical training discipline caused by the conditions of distance learning. The topicality of the research is determined by the necessity to maintain the quality of professional training of personnel in educational institutions of the Ministry of the Interior during distance learning. The research methodology includes the method of quantification and mathematical statistics. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the following: a) the authors analyze the statistical data reflecting students performance before the move to remote learning and right after its completion; b) the authors analyze the performance rates of students before and after the move to distance learning; c) the authors raise the problem of development of the required level of knowledge and skills in the physical training discipline by the students during remote learning. The authors conclude that temporal exclusion of practical physical training lessons hampers the formation of professional competence of students. The research results can be used for planning and organization of the educational process in the Special physical training discipline at educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
telecommunication technologies, physical qualities, standards, educational organizations, safety of citizens, practical lessons, distance learning, Special physical training, success of the study, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
History of the Russian police force
Sysoev, A.A. (2021). Criminal investigation in Irkutsk province: the peculiarities of specialization of police structures in the late 19th century
. Police activity, 2, 52–61.
In the context of modern transformation of Russian statehood, attention to the problems of law enforcement activities improvement has strengthened. The problems of specialization of police structures have become of a key importance. It’s no coincidence that during the recent decade, the process of formation and development of criminal investigation has been actively studied. The topicality of the problem determines the object, subject and purpose of the research. The research object is the process of formation and development of criminal investigation service in Irkutsk province, the research subject is the implementation of this process in the work of Irkutsk police. The purpose of the research is to define the sense, tendencies, patterns and contradictions of this process. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the analysis of the process of formation of criminal investigation service in Irkutsk province. The specificity of organization of criminals detection in Irkutsk province was determined by the specificity of local law enforcement activity. To the extent possible, local administration was trying to carry out criminal investigation in the region using the standard organization of the police work. But such an organization was in contradiction with the requirements imposed on it. Police were not able to organize proper criminal investigation due to the variety of tasks they faced. It turned out to be impossible to organize criminal investigation by independent units in Irkutsk province. Experience proved that the system of financial support for criminal investigation of that time didn’t allow creating special investigative units. This factor determined the appearance of “private detectives” under the jurisdiction of Irkutsk police. However, the insufficient financial support resulted in the poor quality of investigative activity which usually erupted into illegal activities. Remarkably, the necessity to create organizational structures of criminal investigation was much more urgent than in other regions of the country, which is proved by persistent actions of the province administration.
Administration, Detective, Detective squad, Irkutsk province, The police, Criminal Investigation Department, Funding, Detective credit, Secret expenses, Official
History of the Russian police force
Kilimnik, E.V. (2021). Operative activities of the Ministry of the Interior of Lithuania against national-separatists in 1944 - 1953
. Police activity, 2, 62–76.
Based on the historical-legal approach, the author studies the national-separatist organization The Forest Brothers that was acting in Lithuania in 1944 - 1953 and was resisting the authorities by means of terrorist acts. The research subject is the set of measures aimed at suppressing nationalist armed groups. Special attention to this research is caused by the necessity to analyze the activities of the Forest Brothers, as in Lithuania since the Post-Soviet period, the actions of nationalists have been heroified, many of whom, during the occupation, served in divisions under the German administration. The purpose of the research is the historical and legal assessment of the activities of separatists in postwar Lithuania. Special attention is given to the operative activities of NKVD aimed at suppressing regional extremism and introducing legal order in postwar Lithuania. Special contribution of the author is the consideration of the problem of national-separatism in Lithuania. It’s been established that to suppress and oppose the Forest Brothers, the bodies of NKVD and the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic developed a set of operative, tactical and ideological measures which helped as early as by the late 1945 to change the situation in the Republic and achieve the permanent annual decrease of destructive actions of nationalists, and since the late 1940s - the early 1950s to fully control the criminogenic situation in the Republic. It’s been established that the set of measures against Lithuanian separatists consisted of five main directions which included the creation of People's Defense Platoons known as “Destroyers”, constant mopping up of forests for extinguishing the resistance zones, intelligence work, large scale amnesty of fighters, deportation of persons who shared the ideas and supported nationalism and separatism. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the critical scientific insight into Lithuanian separatism, its prerequisites and methods of struggling against it by the internal affairs bodies of Lithuania in 1944 - 1953.
measures, Lithuanian Soviet Republic, Forest Brothers, armed struggle, extremism, nationalism, separatism, suppression, post-war period, NKVD-MVD