Professional training of police officers
Osintseva, L.M., Kiryushin, I.I., Timofeev, V.V. (2021). The usage of a system-activity approach during district police officers training at Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and its role in the formation of universal expertise. Police activity, 1, 1–13.
The article studies the problems of formation and development of universal expertise of would-be district police officers. The authors consider the modern interpretation of the term “expertise approach” and the ways of its implementation. The authors describe the stages of using a system-activity approach in the organization of the educational process at Barnaul Law Institute. The methods of formation of the professional education of high quality include its structural and institutional reformation, the development of integration models of all levels of education in accordance with the modern requirements. The research contains the analysis of the diagnostics of psychological peculiarities of students and the universal expertise of graduates of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The authors define organizational and technical requirements to the information and educational environment appropriate for using the system-activity approach. The authors focus on the analysis of the structure and the contents of universal expertise in the field of law-enforcement activity during district police officers training. Universal expertise formed in the process of education helps the graduates to solve difficult tasks and settle conflicts in their professional activity. Instruments defining the level of the universal expertise of students will help to evaluate the results of education at each stage and form the comprehensive understanding of the results by the participants of the educational process. The authors arrive at the conclusion that the formed universal expertise shows the preparedness of district police officers to effective service which is defined by the developed skills, personal traits, theoretical knowledge and practical experience in the field of law-enforcement activity.
development of universal competencies, independent work, professional activity, professional development, police officer, personal qualities, system-activity approach, universal competencies, practical preparedness, educational standards
Professional training of police officers
Sinitsyn, E.I. (2021). Pedagogical techniques of keeping the attention of internal affairs officers during theoretical lectures on firearms training
. Police activity, 1, 14–20.
The article considers the main pedagogical techniques helping to keep the attention and interest of internal affairs officers at theoretical lectures during the period of professional training in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The author studies the peculiarities of the structure of a theoretical lecture on firearms training based on the proposed pedagogical techniques. The article focuses on the main reasons of internal affairs officers’ performance decrease during theoretical lectures on firearms training and the ways to improve it using motivating and other factors. The author uses the theoretical methods of cognition (analysis, analogy, the system approach, etc.) and develops the main pedagogical techniques aimed at keeping the attention and improving the performance of students during lectures. The author formulates the following conclusions: It is possible to get positive and productive results at theoretical lectures on firearms training if they are structured and have a strong methodological basis Due to particular psychological peculiarities and some physiological reasons, during long-lasting learning activity, attention and concentration of internal affairs officers at theoretical lectures on firearms training can be decreased. Therefore, the author suggests using some pedagogical techniques which help to keep attention during all the lessons. To show the particular examples of integration of these techniques with theoretical lectures on firearms training, the author considers educational issues in their connection with the life experience involving the use of firearms by officers during their service. Besides, the author shows how to develop the interest of students via strong motivation.
guidance, post-involuntary attention, voluntary attention, involuntary attention, attention maintenance, pedagogical techniques, theoretical classes, fire training, security measures, professional training of employees
Professional training of police officers
Aseev, S.V. (2021). Aspects of physical training lessons at the educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Police activity, 1, 21–32.
The research subject is physical training as an integral, dynamic and targeted pedagogical process. The research object is the students of the professional training faculties of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The author considers such aspects of physical training lessons as the inclusion of exercises aimed at the improvement of coordination, the negotiation of psychological difficulties, and the usage of the students’ best skills. Special attention is given to the issues of the improvement of physical culture of students of the educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and the inclusion of various exercises along with the method of professional situations modeling. The main conclusions of the research are: the necessity to change regulating documents connected with the age peculiarities of the human body in accordance with physical training methods within the professional training program for the students aged 24 - 32, and the usage of the situation modeling method. The author’s special contribution to the research of the issue is the application of the author’s teaching technique based on the method of modeling, and its impact on the effectiveness of professional activity. The academic novelty of the research consists in the fact that the author develops the physical training lessons technique based on the complex of various exercises and the method of modeling.
offender, skill, modeling, methodology, coordination, exercises, female trainees, physical training, police officer, adaptation
Professional training of police officers
Gol'chevskii, V.F., Khramtsova, O.V. (2021). Road Police officers training aimed at personal safety protection. Police activity, 1, 33–43.
The research object is social relations emerging in the field of road police officers’ personal and collective safety protection while in the execution of their duties. The research object is the formation and improvement of personal safety protection skills of internal affairs officers in the process of their professional training. The topicality of the research is connected with the tasks of professional training quality improvement at the educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and the necessity to maintain the working efficiency of law enforcement officers which determines the effectiveness of their work. The study contains the analysis of road accidents, determines the types of persons allowing them to happen, and describes the proportion of road accidents caused by drivers in a state of alcoholic intoxication. The authors define the main causes of internal affairs and road police officers traumatization; analyze the probability of conflict situations between road police officers and drivers in a state of alcoholic intoxication. The research methodology is based on the methods of involved observation, the analysis of the practical experience of the internal affairs agencies, and the interdisciplinary analysis of academic works and regulating documents in the field under consideration. The scientific novelty of the research is as follows: a) the authors analyze the offences committed in the recent years; b) the authors raise the problem of the improvement of personal safety protection skills of internal affairs officers; c) the authors analyze the contents and the structure of professional training programs. The conclusions of the research substantiate the necessity to improve the main professional training program and to take particular steps aimed at the protection of personal safety of internal affairs officers while in the execution of their duties. The statistical data described in the article as well as the example of a road police officer traumatization while making up a protocol, proves the importance of research in this field.
psychology, alcoholic intoxication, road traffic accident, vehicle, offense, crime, Personal safety, deviation, police officers, injury
Problems of ensuring law-adherence and discipline in police work
Sinitsyn, E.I., Arkhipov, S.N. (2021). Typical offences of the law by security and convoy officers on duty. Police activity, 1, 44–51.
The authors describe the examples of possible offences of the law by temporary detention facilities officers, security and convoy officers, and other internal affairs officers responsible for criminal suspects convoying. Such offences are often connected with the disregard of rules of official duty performance or with the improper execution of duties, which leads to the occurrence of emergency situations, such as: an assault on a police officer by an individual or a group of individuals; hostage taking; escape or self-maiming attempts. Based on personal experience and judicial practice materials and regulating documents analysis, the authors consider the key measures aimed at the reduction of the emergency situations rate in the work of temporary detention facilities and security and convoy units. The professional activity of temporary detention facilities officers, as well as security and convoy officers, involves everyday contacts with suspects, persons accused of crimes, and persons sentenced to imprisonment. Officers convoy them to courts, medical facilities, etc. Such duties become routine for experienced officers, which can lead to the loss of vigilance and cautiousness in the work with criminal suspects. On the other hand, inexperienced officers, not knowing the peculiarities of their service, can also commit dereliction of duty, or worse - neglect of their official duties. Therefore, the issues of control and preventive measures taken by senior officers aimed at avoiding offences of the law by their subordinates, become particularly significant.
official activity, pretrial detention center, violation of the law, head of the convoy, special contingent, security and convoy service, temporary detention center, the legality, negligence, disciplinary offense