Professional training of police officers
Aseev, S.V., Ermolenko, D.A. (2020). Improving the technique of precision strikes in teaching students of professional training of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia fighting techniques of wrestling. . Police activity, 4, 1–8.
The subject of the study is to increase the effectiveness of the technique of precision strikes of students of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with the use of weights in special sets of exercises.The object of the study is the organization of the educational process of students of the Faculty of vocational training of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the discipline "Physical training". The author examines in detail such aspects as the use of special weights and the improvement of coordination abilities. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the traditional system of training students of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; the use of weights in the form of weights not of the maximum weight, while improving coordination abilities in teaching students the accuracy of punches and kicks. Â The main conclusions of the study are that the process of teaching percussion techniques in physical training classes with students of vocational training on the topic "Strikes and protection from blows" contributes to an increase in the accuracy of punches and kicks than classes on the traditional training system. The author's contribution to the research of the topic is: the definition and justification of the purpose and objectives of the study, the choice of the subject and object of research, the justification of the author's methodology.The novelty of the research lies in the development of special complexes consisting of shock technique exercises, which improve the high-speed qualities of shock technique, the accuracy of hitting the target and coordination abilities.
Listeners, Professional actions, Traditional system, Coordination abilities, Physical qualities, Fighting techniques of wrestling, Impact equipment, The offender, Police officer, Methodology
Professional training of police officers
Struganov, S.M., Grushko, V.M., Glubokii, V.A. (2020). Increasing the positive attitude of young people to physical culture and sports as the basis of personal education (on the example of cadets of the East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia). Police activity, 4, 9–17.
The subject of the study is physical training in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, its place in the educational process and its importance in professional activity. At the same time, the article raises the actual problem of physical fitness of the younger generation, which currently leaves much to be desired. Therefore, the state policy is constantly aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle among the population and introducing them to regular physical education and sports. First of all, the implementation of the tasks set is aimed at modern youth, who are the future support of our state and, undoubtedly, should show the health of our nation. The author's special contribution to the study is the attitude of young people, on the example of cadets of the East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, to physical training classes. A survey was conducted on the distribution of disciplines by popularity rating among students of the first courses of the Faculty of training investigators and forensic experts. A comparative analysis of the free time spent by students from training sessions, in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, according to the daily routine, with their preferences and interests, i.e. what they would like to do more and pay attention to in their free time. A survey was conducted on the quality of the educational process and its effectiveness in the discipline "Physical training" among cadets and students of the Institute.
physical culture and sports complex, healthy lifestyle, health of the nation, the younger generation, physical fitness, physical training, sport, Physical Culture, higher education institutions, official activity
Professional training of police officers
Egoshin, I.V., Konstantinov, V.N. (2020). On the experience of using training firearm equipment “Laser tag” during lessons in the “Personal safety of internal affairs officers” discipline in educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
. Police activity, 4, 18–26.
The research subject is the improvement of the educational process in special educational disciplines in educational institutions within the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The aim of the research is to substantiate the necessity to use the training firearm equipment set “Laser Tag” during practical lessons in the “Personal safety of internal affairs officers” discipline. The authors consider the issues connected with the private technique of using training firearm equipment “Laser Tag” which is aimed at reinforcing theoretical knowledge by means of modelling realistic situations in order to form professional skills of students in the field of personal safety provision in the pursuance of their duties. Special attention is given to the description of training firing grounds used for testing training equipment “Laser Tag”. The research is based on theoretical consideration, analysis of literature sources, generalization of scientific and methodical materials, and pedagogical observation. The research methodology is based on the cognition theory and scientific grounds of its introduction into the professional education system. The authors substantiate the necessity to train the students of organizational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia using the training firearm equipment and the corresponding technical facilities. The scientific novelty consists in the author’ s technique of using a set of training firearm equipment “Laser Tag” at the lessons in the “Personal safety of internal affairs officers” discipline aimed at practical reinforcement of theoretical knowledge by means of modelling realistic situations; the authors explain the necessity to use modern simulation weapons during the educational process at educational institutions, and offer the variants of practical lessons at special training firing grounds which are aimed at forming professional skills of personal safety provision.
training ground, training of the police, police officer, personal safety, laser tag, the bodies of internal Affairs, private method, practical class, police, professional competence
Professional training of police officers
Udilov, T.V. (2020). The role of nonstandard elements of an obstacle course for the development of psychological characteristics of police officers
. Police activity, 4, 27–38.
Successful performance of professional duties by a police officer to a great extent depends on their personal and psychological characteristics and volitional powers. Such characteristics can be formed during professional and psychological training in the course of training, education, and official activities. Physical training lessons at an obstacle course can improve physical and mental strength of an officer and develop the necessary professional skills. The use of nonstandard elements of an obstacle course is aimed at the formation of mental strength of an officer in emergency situations. Therefore, the research objects are the elements of obstacle courses used in Russian and foreign law enforcement agencies, and nonstandard elements which can enhance obstacle courses and make them more realistic and resembling the real conditions of stalking a criminal in an urban environment. The nonstandard elements of obstacle courses and the peculiarities of their creation and overcoming, considered in the article, help to formulate the technique of development of psychological characteristics of police officers in the process of an obstacle course overcoming. The proposed nonstandard elements of an obstacle course can be used at physical training lessons in all main professional training programs for mid and senior command staff firstly employed at internal affairs agencies as operatives, as well as for private corps and junior command staff firstly employed as police officers.
prosecution of the offender, overcoming obstacles, professional training, service and applied exercises, psychological training, physical training, obstacle course, street obstacles, trainers, physical endurance
Professional training of police officers
Sinitsyn, E.I., Arkhipov, S.N. (2020). On the problem of training law enforcement officers with physiological peculiarities to shoot the Makarov pistol. Police activity, 4, 39–49.
The author considers the possibility to train law enforcement officers with physiological peculiarities to shoot the Makarov pistol. The author defines the main functional systems of law enforcement officers and studies the main anatomical and physiological peciliatities impacting the accuracy of shooting. The author uses theoretical research methods (analysis, analogy, the system approach, etc.) and develops practical recommendations for using individual corrections to firing techniques of officers with physiological peculiarities. The observance of these recommendations by firearms trainers will help improve technical skills of shooting and shooting accuracy of officers with physiological peculiarities. The author arrives at the following conclusions: When teaching officers with physiological peculiarities how to shoot the Makarov pistol, trainers should rely upon not only their knowledge and firearms skills, but also be competent in some sciences, such as anatomy and physiology. Extended knowledge of anatomy will promote faster achievement of the main goal: the improvement of technical skills of students and shooting accuracy. The author defines the main systems activated before and in the process of an aimed shot: the supporting-motor system, the nervous system, the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system, the visual system, and the sensorimotor system. These systems are interrelated and can impact the effectiveness of shooting. Based on the considered functional systems of law enforcement officers, activated in the process of shooting training, and the anatomical and physiological peculiarities of these systems, the author considers the possibility of training officers using individual corrections in shooting technique.
shooting technique, reaction time, anatomical and physiological features, functional system, physiological feature, shooting training, fire training, respiratory system, nervous system, visual system
Foreign police forces
Kornilova, K.A. (2020). Counterterrorism efforts of the Ministry of the Interior of Germany: unbundling processes of 2013-2018
. Police activity, 4, 50–62.
The object of research is counterterrorism policy of the Ministry of the Interior of Germany in the period of Merkel’s third term of office, when struggle against terrorism was topical in the country. The research subject is the structural peculiarities of the Ministry of the Interior formation, and departments responsible for counterterrorism policy implementation. The research methodology is based on structural-functional analysis focusing on studying social objects and systems and defining their roles in relation to each other, which, in the case of studying the German Ministry of the Interior, is an essential component of the research. The author uses general scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, and induction. The scientific novelty of the research is defined by the fact that the author has translated the titles of the departments of the Ministry of the Interior participating in the development and implementation of counterterrorism policy into Russian and introduced them into scientific discourse, and has found out which of the departments work closely to struggle against terrorism. The author has studied and translated into Russian the definitions of extremism and terrorism provided by the Ministry of the Interior of Germany. The author concludes that counterterrorism efforts are an important component of the work of structural departments of the Ministry of the Interior of Germany which unites the activities of several branches and departments. The materials of the research can be used in the educational process and for the further scientific studies.
departments, counterterrorism policy, Ministry of Internal Affairs, terrorism, security, state, FRG, structure, security policy, extremism