Police staffing
Kravchenko, O.A. (2020). A simulation game as a problem-based method of the Criminal Procedure discipline teaching
. Police activity, 2, 1–8. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0692.2020.2.33171
The research subject is the criminal procedure teaching technique. The peculiarities of studying this discipline cause particular difficulties typical for various procedural disciplines. Therefore, the process of teaching should promote its mastering. The educator has to create the conditions in which a student would be able not only to acquire the set of knowledge and skills, but also would become an active, self-motivated and independent participant of cognitive activity in which it is important not only to study the methods of solving the teacher’s task but also to acquire other knowledge on the Criminal Procedure discipline. In this context, a simulation game can be an effective educational solution. The author detects the effectiveness of using a simulation game for teaching the Criminal Procedure discipline as a comprehensive method of problem-based learning. From a practical perspective, the use of a simulation game should facilitate the acquisition of knowledge by the students of the Criminal Procedure discipline and promote their professional orientation. The author considers a simulation game as a comprehensive method of problem-based learning which includes the following methods: project making, discussion and searching in education, modelling, active studying, comprehension, professional orientation in education.
acquiring knowledge, vocational guidance, audition, active learning, modeling, finding solution, teaching method, business game, Criminal proceeding, creative thinking
The police and the institutions of civil society
Suponina, E.A., Gerasimova, E.V. (2020). Homelessness and neglect: on the nature of the phenomena and the correlation between legal terms
. Police activity, 2, 9–19. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0692.2020.2.32944
The authors of the article carry out the normative and doctrinal analysis of the terms “homelessness” and “neglect”, and identify the reasons and conditions of these antisocial phenomena in Russian society. The research object is the legal and pedagogical aspects of the process of prevention of neglect and homelessness of minors and the activities of public authorities both in Russia and abroad. The research subject is the terms “homelessness” and “neglect” as legal terms. Special attention is given to the reasons of homelessness and neglect of juveniles, in the first place, biological and social orphanage. The research is based on the dialectical, formal-logical (dogmatical), historical-legal, systems, linguistic and some other methods of scientific cognition. The priority methods were the sociological and formal-legal methods and the method of comparative jurisprudence. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the fact that based on the analysis of legal and essential roots of the two phenomena, the authors conclude that despite being formalized, they require fundamental review of the approaches to study and identification. It is necessary to transform the understanding of the model of juvenile behaviour which is connected with the recently changed basic scientific approaches in pedagogical psychology and social pedagogics. Taking into account the size of the problem of orphanage, the authors suggest aiming public social politics not only at the protection of rights of orphans and their adoption, but also at avoiding the cases of deprivation of parental care. The most active instrument in this context is the prevention of social orphanage by the child protection services which includes pedagogical, psychological, legal, social, educational and medical assistance to families with and without family disadvantages risk factors.
prevention of offences, juvenile delinquency, street children, social orphanhood, biological orphanhood, minor, child neglect, homelessness, family problems, repeated orphanhood
Administrative activity of the police
Novgorodov, D., Tarasov, A. (2020). The improvement of organizational and legal mechanisms of admission of novice drivers to traffic on roads
. Police activity, 2, 20–27. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0692.2020.2.33103
The research object is social relations connected with the admission of novice drivers to traffic on roads and the issue of driver’s licences. The research subject is the set of normative acts of the Russian Federation regulating the admission of drivers to traffic on roads, and the statistical data of the State Road Safety Unit on road accidents with novice drivers whose driving experience is up to 2 years. The authors analyse road accidents with novice drivers, identify the main reasons of accidents and offer the solutions to these problems. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the fact that the analysis of traffic accidents helped to outline the problems that should be solved within the shortest possible time in order to reduce the number of road accidents caused by novice drivers. In this context, the authors suggest introducing changes into the legislation of the Russian Federation which would allow for the declaration of driver’s licences issued in other states invalid, as well as the exchange of non-Russian driver’s licences for Russian ones only after adequate training and passing the exams. Besides, the authors suggest introducing the possibility for juveniles who passed the exams to drive a vehicle before they arrive the age of 18 with particular restrictions and accompanied by an experienced driver.
traffic accident, statistics, driver's license, Traffic police, experience, traffic, vehicle, young driver, road safety, driving school
Professional training of police officers
Konstantinov, V.N., Egoshin, I.V., Sysoev, A.A. (2020). Improving the skills of getting guns ready at firearms training lessons at educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
. Police activity, 2, 28–42. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0692.2020.2.32682
The subject of research is the firearms training technique of getting guns ready used at educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The purpose of the research is to scientifically substantiate and implement the technique of improving the skills of the students of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in getting guns ready promptly. The study revealed the problem of raising the level of firearms training which can be solved by means of using the technique of the improvement of physical coordination, extension of their sensor sharpness, i.e. the perception range. The special author’s contribution is the development and substantiation of means and techniques of training the students how to get guns ready quickly, as the currently used educational methods do not fully meet the real-life requirements of using guns. The research methods include: The analysis of scientific and procedural sources and generalization of information Questioning, surveying and interviewing Pedagogical testing Pedagogical observation and control Pedagogical experiment Mathematical and statistical processing of the results The scientific novelty of the research consists in the development of the educational technique aimed at the improvement of students’ skills of getting guns ready by means of the improvement of reactions and physical coordination, extension of the perception range of the organs of senses. The practical significance of the research consists in the fact that they help organize individual training of shooters aimed at the improvement of their skills of getting guns ready. The results of the research can be used for a training and educational process at firearms training at educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
learner, training exercises, fire preparedness, reaction, coordination of movements, training process, high-speed shooting, shooter, physical exercises, methodology
Professional training of police officers
Udilov, T.V. (2020). Training a safe response protocol of police officers in case of a threat of an attack with objects used as weapons
. Police activity, 2, 43–52. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0692.2020.2.33238
The research object is the course of action of a police officer in the face of an attack with objects used as weapons. The purpose of the research is the analysis of normative and educational materials and methodical literature describing the actions of a police officer in the face of an attack with objects used as weapons, meant to organize and consolidate into a single source the available data necessary for the study of actions of police officers in such situations. The research methods include the analysis of normative, educational and methodical literature, and the materials of mass media about the actions of police officers in the face of an attack with various objects used as weapons; the analysis and selection of the most appropriate tactical actions of police officers in the face of a threat of an attack with objects used as weapons. The author analyzes normative, educational and methodical literature, and the materials of mass media about the actions of police officers in the face of a threat of an attack with objects used as weapons. The author attempts to form a general idea of police officers training for actions involving the use of force, special equipment and firearms. The article considers the possible tactical actions of police officers in the face of a threat of an attack with objects used as weapons.
threat of attack, employee action algorithm, professional education, self defense, fighting techniques, use of physical force, physical training, police officer training, weapons threat, improvised threat