Operative investigation in police work
Kuzmin, M. (2020). Problems of investigation of crimes committed via cloud storages on the Internet. Police activity, 1, 1–5. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0692.2020.1.32413
The article considers the main problems connected with searching for digital traces on the Internet, particularly in cloud storages. The author describes such problems as physical distribution of the data, its cross-border character, and legal competence during the investigation. The author also analyzes the issues of interaction with providers and administrators of cloud storages which have a significant impact on the investigation process. The article contains the list of predominant means of acquiring and studying the information from cloud storages. The key research method is the dialectical method of analyzing the processes of the digital environment which is connected with the operation and internal organization of the Internet. The author also uses the comparative-legal and the formal-logical methods. The author defines the disunity and complexity level of transnational interaction between law-enforcement authorities of different countries and describes the modern ways of searching for and analyzing the information in cloud storages related to the act under investigation, and the possibilities of automation of investigation activities.
digital traces, computer information, cloud investigations, cloud storage, Internet, forensic, investigations, transboundary nature, crimes, distribution of data
Legal status of police officers
Sidorova, M.V. (2020). Some problem aspects of legal regulation and practical implementation of administrative legal status of a traffic police officer in modern conditions (Oryol region case study)
. Police activity, 1, 6–16. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0692.2020.1.32320
The research subject is the system of social and legal relations emerging in the process of implementation of an administrative legal status of a traffic police officer in modern conditions (Oryol region case study). The research object is social relations emerging in the process of implementation of an administrative legal status by a traffic police officer. The author studies the semantic elements of administrative legal status of a traffic police officer and the specificity of their implementation in Oryol region focusing on the problem aspects of legal and organizational nature, for the purpose of the development of proposals about its improvement. To achieve the goal, the author uses general scientific methods: dialectical method of cognition, systems analysis, comparison and analogy, as well as the formal logical method, generalization of practical experience and other methods. The specificity of studying the legal status of a traffic police officer is quite important due to the fact that it was changed during the latest departmental transformations. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the fact that the author, based on the analysis of the current legal regulations formalizing the contents of particular elements of administrative and legal status of a traffic police officer in Oryol region, analyzes the typical difficulties and problem areas of their implementation and formulates the variants of their optimal solving.
corruption manifestations, money allowance, social security, implementation mechanism, legal regulation, traffic police officer, administrative and legal status, housing, social protection, road safety
Administrative activity of the police
Zheltobryukh, A.V. (2020). On the necessity of existence of medical sobering stations in Russia
. Police activity, 1, 17–27. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0692.2020.1.32742
The research subject is social relations in the field of public order protection. The article focuses on the interaction between the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation represented by patrol and point duty officers and the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation represented by healthcare workers, in detecting people in the state of alcoholic intoxication, often unconscious or unable to walk, in public places. This category of citizens should be removed from public places and provided with medical aid. The author studies historical materials of the Soviet period, analyzes the current legislation issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Healthcare related to public order protection and its comparison with the practical activities of internal affairs bodies. Based on the analysis, the author suggests renewing the work of special medical sobering stations which will undoubtedly have a positive effect on the work of internal affairs officers, provide citizens in the state of alcoholic intoxication with professional medical assistance, and harmonize the actions of police officers and healthcare workers.
sobering, special institution, medical worker, forced deliver, police officer, emergency team, state of intoxication, Public order protection, the prevention of alcoholism, offence
Professional training of police officers
Sysoev, A.A., Konstantinov, V.N. (2020). Internal affairs officers training for emergency mitigation in air transport
. Police activity, 1, 28–35. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0692.2020.1.32490
The authors consider the peculiarities of internal affairs officers training for emergency mitigation in air transport. The problem of underpreparation of police officers for emergency and search and rescue operations in specific circumstances of emergency mitigation in air transport hasn’t been solved during a long time by now. The adoption of optimal forms and promising educational methods in the process of professional training of internal affairs officers is believed to be one of the ways to solve the problem. The article considers the possibilities of using the methodology of situational approach for the organization of training in the form of staff exercise, tactical and special training and tactical and special exercise. The authors suppose that the introduction of such educational forms into the educational practice will allow forming the necessary professional competencies. The use of staff exercise, tactical and special training and tactical and special exercise in the educational process not only helps develop the required skills, but also trains psychological resistance which helps perform operational tasks of this type fully and within the allotted time.
staff training, search and rescue, aircraft crash, security measures, special conditions, situational modelin, vocational training, tactical and s, psychological, method
Professional training of police officers
Sysoev, A.A., Karimov, A.A. (2020). Peculiarities of tactical training of internal affairs officers
. Police activity, 1, 36–44. https://doi.org/10.7256/2454-0692.2020.1.32547
The authors consider the peculiarities of professional education of internal affairs officers. The subject of research is the analysis and selection of tactical training techniques. At present, there’s a problem of incomplete knowledge and practical skills in the field of tactical actions of police units in special circumstances. One of the promising ways to solve this problem is to use the techniques giving the opportunity to optimize staff training in order to form competencies helping to accomplish operative tasks. The authors use the method of generalization of pedagogical experience, as well as the methods of deduction and induction. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the use of the proposed technique as a complex of methods and forms of staff training for actions in emergency situations. Such a technique helps develop skills and correct the contents of educational goals and tasks in accordance with new challenges and threats, and is supposed to be one of the most promising directions in raising the effectiveness of professional training of internal affairs officers.
tactical and special training, problem method, role play, service and combat tasks, shapes, methods, the police office, tactical training, tactical exercise, training