Question at hand
Zhuravleva, N.M. (2018). Ensuring the Right to Defence During Conduct of Abridged Inquiry. Police activity, 4, 1–9.
Analysing the issues that may arise in the process of ensuring the right to defence in Russian criminal procedure, the author focuses that besides introduction of a simplified preliminary investigation procedure set forth by Chapters 32.1 of the Russian Federation Code of the Criminal Procedure,in order to protect the rights and interests of persons suspected and accused of committing crimes, the legislator assigned additional rights to the actors of the criminal procedure that undergo a criminal trial including opportunity to contest avidence, expert conclusions, and their validity. Havig analyzed criminal procedure legislation that regulates the abridged inquiry process and practical implementation of the law, the author was able to answer the question about whether the aforesaid rights could be actually executed. The research results demonstrate that in the course of criminal procedure execution of the rights stipulated by Article 226.5 of the Russian Federation Code of the Criminial Procedure is doubtful. There are certain challenges that arise during execution the right to defence. As a result of the research, the author offers particular solutions.
preliminary hearing, in the general order, court, interrogation, defendant, suspect, right of defense, defence, rights and interests, the reduced inquiry
Question at hand
Klimova, M.V., Mikhaylova, N.V. (2018). The Relation Between Competence Approach and Acmeological Approach During Training of Military Students at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Universities. Police activity, 4, 10–15.
The evident need to constantly improve the quality of training internal affairs officials requires new approaches to the arrangement of the educational process at educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The object of the research is the vocational training of military students at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Universities. The subject of the research is the quality of vocational training of military students at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Universities. In this research the authors analyze the synergetic effect of the competent and acmeological approacheds to the educational process. The authors focus on the results of practical implementation of the aforesaid approaches during the educational process. To achieve the research targets, the authors have applied theoretical and experimental methods. Theoretical methods included analysis, synthesis, generalisation, comparison, systematization, specification, system and process modelling. Experimental methods included observation, educational experiment, extrapolation method, qualitative and quantitative analysis. The authors of the article analyze the influence of the acmeological approach on the development of competences in the course of vocational training of would-be military men. They also analyze the use of acmeological technologies in the process of education and describe particular cases when these technologies have beenused. The authors also describe the practical implementation of the self-education and self-development techniques and make conclusions about the results of the use of acmeological technologies.
formation of a specialist's personality, professional training, Acme, acmeological technologies, acmeological approach, competence approach, professional communication, moral values, self-development, self-education
Administrative activity of the police
Shaposhnikov, V.L., Nikolaenko, E.A., Tkachenko, V.V. (2018). Ensuring the Public Order by the Police During Epidemics and Epizootics. Police activity, 4, 16–25.
The article is devoted to the legal regulation of the activity of particular government agencies during epidemics and epizootics. The authorhs of the article declare the main provisions of the police activity aimed at enforcement of public order and public safety taking into account the legal status of particular official positions of empoloyees. The authors analyze legal acts and regulations that enforce particular areas of police activity during epidemics and epizootics and give recommendations on how to increase the police efficiency under such conditions. The methodological basis of the research consists of general and special research methods including systems approach, logical analysis, analytical method, ascention from the abstract to the concrete and from the general to the particular. The main conclusions of the research are the following. During epidemics and epizootics health care or veterinary service annot do without the forces and means of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The current system of training police officers for the aforesaid conditions has a number of serious disadvantages such as the police being unready to make immediate decisions and timely invade contaminated territories, and poor performance of quarantine measures by public order subdivisions. There is also a need to increase professional competence of police officers who are responsible for the maintenance of the public order in extreme situations. As a result of their research, the authors offer a number of measures aimed at increasing efficiency of police subdivisions during epidemics and epizootics.
dislocation, catastrophe, infection, administrative offense, quarantine, public safety, public order, police, epizootic, epidemic
The police and issues of the fight against terror and extremism
Alekhin, E.V. (2018). Types and Classification of Extremist Crimes. Police activity, 4, 26–31.
The aim of the article is to improve the law enforcement activity that fights against extremist crimes. The results of the analysis of the current legislation on the matter demonstrate contradictions in the interpretation and definition of extremist crime. This does not allow to define what elements of crime under the Criminal Code can be considered to be of extremist nature. Based on the research, in order to attribute this or that action to extremist crime it is necessary to take into account the extremist motive for their commitment that implies political, ideological, racist, national or religious hatred or enmity, or hatred or enmity towards a particular social group. In addition, the author pays attention to the relation between the concepts of 'extremism' and 'terrorism' which, despite certain similarity between these concepts allowing to view terrorism as an extreme example of extremism, are not identical concepts and cannot be synonymized. The methodological basis of the research implies general research methods (comparison and analysis) and empirical methods (analysis and review of research and special literature). The conclusions made by the author of the article allow to present a classification of extremist crimes depending on such criteria as objective and subjective attributes of crime. This provides a better insight into the nature of modern extremism and allows to increase efficiency of law enforcement activity aimed at discovery and qualification of crime of this kind.
qualification, criminal code, extremist activity, classification, extremist motive, extremist crimes, terrorism, extremism, hatred or enmity, criminal liability
Professional training of police officers
Kiryushin, I.I., Timofeev, V.V., Ivanov, I.P. (2018). Distance Training of Police Officers to Apply Technical Means of Control and Supervision During International Sports Events . Police activity, 4, 32–39.
The article is devoted to raising the proficiency level of police officers engaged in the process of maintenance of public security during 2018 the FIFA World Cup 2018 held in Russia. The authors analyze aspects of the statutory regulation of the aforesaid distance education process at educational organisations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The author summarizes the possitive experience of training police officers at Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia using the technical means of control and supervision during international sports events. Training of police officers at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia organisations is bsed on the experience in solving social security issues during public events. The authors make the following conclusions. When preparing for major public events, it is necessary to preliminary create a list of technical means of supervision the police officers plan to use to protect public order, to deliver samples of such teachnical means to educational organisations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and to train the staff. To achieve objectives of the educational process, it is necessary to more efficiently use electronic trainers and supervisory devides and to arrange for instruction of the staff on how to use the devices at particular public order enforcing agencies.
training of police officers, vocational training, distance learning, security, metal detectors, technical means, training of police, means of control, personnel training, EIOS