Informational support of the police
Grigoryev, V.N., Maximov, O. (2018). Some Issues Related to Using Electronic Media of Information During Criminal Investigation. Police activity, 1, 1–8.
The article is devoted to certain issues related to imperfect legal regulation of using information electronic media as proof in criminal investigation. The object of the research is the law enforcement activity undertaken by preliminary investigation bodies and court to use electronic information and electronic information media as proof. Whereby, the authors pay attention to investigative proceedings that result in seizure and analysis of aforesaid evidence. The subject of the research is a combination of criminally-remedial norms that regulate the procedure of seizure and analysis of electronic media of information, practical implementation thereof, and scientifically grounded positions of criminal procedure researchers on aforesaid matters. In the course of their research the authors have used general and special research methods, in particular, structured system analysis, comparison, generalisation and logical legal analysis. As a result of the research, the authors define a number of areas of concern associated with applying laws that regulate the place and role of electronic media of information in criminal law proof. The authors also make a conclusion about the need in a legal definition of electronic media of information, and legality rules applicable to aforesaid evidence. The authors also recommend measures to improve the criminal law and law enforcement practice in this sphere.
admissibility of evidence, inspection, seizure, search, evidence, electronic media of information, competitiveness, specialist, understood, criminal process
Question at hand
Yarovenko, V.V., Korchagin, A.G., Trushova, I.V. (2018). The Problems of the Legal Regulation of Crypto Currency in Russia. Police activity, 1, 9–21.
The subject of this research is the instable monetary and financial credit systems that create a threat for economic security of Russia. The authors of the article emphasize the need to develop the national system of payment cards and legally consolidate the list of contractual obligations of using them. The authors focus on the legal nature of electronic money that is often the matter of crime committed against material benefits of a special kind because these are the rights of claim that refer to another kind of material benefits in the acting system of civil law objects. The methodology of the research is based on the analysis of applicable laws and regulations, doctrines of property items and practical fraud actions. The authors pay special attention to the method of interpretation. Based on the results of their research, the authors come to the conclusion that electronic money cannot be considered as cashless monetary funds. Development of electronic banking and appearance of new kinds of crime committed with the use of the most recent information technologies creates the need to establish an adequate system of interaction including so called computer criminal science as a particular branch thereof.
fraud, theft, crypto currency, payment card, electronic money, payment system, economic security, subject, investigation, forensic
The police and the institutions of civil society
Zubenko, E.V., Kuklin, O.B. (2018). Prospects of Using Innovative Means of Legal Education of Road Users Aimed at Prevention of Road Traffic Accidents. Police activity, 1, 22–29.
The subject of this research is the innovative means of legal education of road users aimed at prevention of road traffic accidents. The aim of the research is to define prospects of developing and using applied innovative solutions of preventive nature presented in the form of digital applications and reference books, and video clips, to ensure the legal education of road users (drivers and pedestrians) as well as amateur participants of a criminal proceeding at the stage of preliminary investigation, in relation to road traffic crime cases (suspects/accused, victims, and witnesses). The research methodology involves the dialectical resaeerch method as well as the system of general and special research methods. The research is based on the analysis and generalization of research literature and judicial practice. The main conclusions of the research is that in spite of their practical importance today, practical preventive recommendations are made quite rarely. The authors underline that as a result of adopting the State Policy of the Russian Federation for developing legal literacy and sense of justice, forensics should now focus on the development of practical recommendations and guidelines for amateur participants of a criminal proceeding. Based on the results of their research, the authors conclude that development and use of electronic handouts and guidelines as the means of legal education offer great opportunities for criminalists and may become a priority for applied criminalistic researches that comrpise a pragmatic approach to forensics in the nearest future.
witness, accused, victim, investigator, electronic memos, road traffic crimes, legal education, road user, forensic prevention, informational resources
The police and criminal procedure
Zyryanova, E. (2018). Theoretical and Organization-Practical Problems of Contemporary Inquiry. Police activity, 1, 30–38.
The subject of the research is the inquiry as a form of preliminary investigation. In her research Zyrianova sets a goal to analyze theoretical and organization-practical issues that may arise in the process of comtemporary inquiry. The author focuses on the problems that are related to the activity performed by the head of the inquiry subdivision. Zyrianova describes several groups of problems. The author suggests that aforesaid problems should be solved by making changes and amendments to the criminal procedure laws. To prove her statement, the author provides a general description of the survey of public prosecution and statistical information officers. The author's point of view will be of interest to inquiry subdepartments officers. In her research the author has used such research methods as analysis, generalisation, comparision and statistical methods. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author proves the need to change the timeline for respondign to the message about a crime being committed, the form of the court decision and procedure for confirmation of the final decisions made by the investigation officer. Moreover, the author of the article makes particular recommendations regarding changes that should be made in the the Russian Federation Code of Criminal Procedure.
inquiry, control, functions, legality, chief of inquiry, preliminary investigation, pre-investigation, police, powers, the indictment ruling
Preventative work of the police
Egupov, V.A., Loginov, E.A. (2018). Some Aspects of Legal Measures to Prevent Substance Abuse of Minors. Police activity, 1, 39–45.
The subject of the research of the criminal law, administrative law and civil law provisions that serve as the legal measures to fight against drug abuse of the most vulnerable part of the society, the underaged. The object of the research is the social relations between law enforcement authorities, social organisations, minors and their legally authorized representatives that may arise in the field of prevention of drug and substance abuse of minors. The authors of the article underline the importance of not only legal measures of drug abuse prevention but also pedagogical measures that should be performed in combination with legal measures. Apart from coercive measures, such issues as persuasion measures and special training of officials are also growing important. The research methodology implies a combination of general and special research methods such as dialectical analysis, formal law, comparative law and content-analysis. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors have attempted to offer a number of rules for creating drug and substance abuse preventive programs for minors. In addition, the novelty of the research also lies in the authors' discussion about the need to apply all legal measures available, i.e. criminal law, administrative law and civil law measures. The authors prove that one should not focus on crimina law measures only and associated measures of official enforcement. The main conclusion of the research is that it is impossible to achieve the proper efficiency of drug abuse prevention, especially of minors, by using only legal enforcement and prohibitions.
police, drug trafficking, offense, substance abuse, addiction, note of warning, prevention, pedagogical measures, minors, legal measures