Professional training of police officers
Egorova N N, N.N., Egoshin, I.V. (2018). Using self-presentation and self-monitoring tactics by police officers involved in inspection and perquisition procedures during mass sports events
. Police activity, 6, 1–10.
The research subject is the theoretical analysis of the essence of the phenomena of self-presentation and self-monitoring and the analysis of the results of testing and experimental comparing of the preferred self-presentation strategies and tactics used by police officers with different lengths of service. According to the authors’ opinions, the acquired results are of both theoretical and practical importance for the optimisation of the process of holistic professional training of police officers with account of the length of their service, and of the students of educational institutions within the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation involved in perquisition procedures aimed at public safety ensuring during international sports events. The authors use analysis and synthesis of the current scientific approaches to the essence of self-presentation and self-monitoring; testing, as a psycho-diagnostic method; and the Student’s T-test, as a method of mathematical and statistical analysis. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the fact that it broadens the range of ideas about the peculiarities of manifestations of self-presentation and self-monitoring of police officers as the representatives of a definite professional group. The empirically revealed presentation tactics preferred by police officers help define the directions of psychological and educational work aimed at preventing destructive tendencies in their self-presentation, thus promoting the formation of a positive professional image of police officers among the Russian citizens and the foreign guests of mass sports events.
professional training, image of police officers, self-presentation tactics, self-presentation strategy, self-monitoring, self-presentation, inspection procedures, inspection, safety of citizens, public safety
Question at hand
Egoshin, I.V., Simakova, L.V. (2018). Problems of organizing the interaction between the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the territorial bodies of the Federal National Guard Troops Service at joint operations. Police activity, 6, 11–20.
The research subject is the process of organisation of joint operative actions by territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the structures of the National Guard Troops as the important public institutions. The research object is the organizational issues of interaction between the police officers and the National Guard Troops. The authors study such aspects of the problem as the necessity to create the structures of the National Guard Troops aimed at preventing the internal and external threats on the territory of Russia. Special attention is given to the prevention of the key threats to Russia’s national safety - terrorism and extremism. The research is based on comparative analysis, theoretical consideration and generalization of scientific works and statistical analysis. The authors also use the general scientific dialectical method of cognition implying the study of legal notions and phenomena in their development and interdependence. The authors justify the necessity to create a new security agency - the National Guard Troops Service and organize its interaction with law enforcement bodies of Russia in order to protect the vital interests of the society and the state from criminal infringements. The research novelty consists in the fact that the authors describe the topical aspects of interaction between the National Guard Troops and the bodies of the MIA and the peculiarities of organizing their joint actions aimed at preventing extremist and terrorist activities, coordinating actions at emergency situations, counterterrorism operations and territorial defence with clear distribution of responsibilities of each service and every active officer.
operational and service tasks, to ensure public order, interaction, Regardie, terrorism, enforcement authorities, police, the bodies of internal Affairs, public safety, extremism
The police and issues of the fight against terror and extremism
Shaposhnikov, A.A. (2018). Controversial issues of improving criminal legislation regulating responsibility for terrorism offences. Police activity, 6, 21–25.
The research object is particular problems connected with normative legal regulation of counterterrorism activity. The author notes that a range of federal laws and other legal acts have been adopted to regulate counterterrorism activity. In its turn, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation establishes responsibility for terrorism offences. However, despite a sound legal basis, some problems still exist in this sphere of legal regulation. The methodological base of the research includes system analysis of the current legislation and other legal acts, comparison, classification, and theoretical and legal prognostication. The author concludes that it is necessary to consider the formalization in the Criminal Code of an exact and full list of compositions of especially grave crimes which can infringe on public safety. The conceptual framework of the Criminal Code related to counterterrorism doctrine and other especially grave crimes against the national security, should be brought in line with the terminology and the tendencies of development of criminal responsibility for these crimes formalized in international legal acts.
criminal responsibility, criminal law, legal regulation, criminal law of Russia, responsibility, extremism, legal regulation, counter extremism, counterterrorism, Terrorism
Professional training of police officers
Kiryushin, I.I., Rychkova, N.V. (2018). The experience of using the electronic learning environment for studying Legal Statistics in Barnaul juridical institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
. Police activity, 6, 26–32.
The article studies the issues of electronic learning systems developing, introducing and using in the educational process of a higher education institution. The authors consider the Legal Statistics subject to study their objectives, composition, work organization and usage experience. At present, in the context of the growing importance and usage of computers in many spheres of activity of the modern society, there’s a need for professionals adept at self-studying and self-development. These new abilities should be ingrained in all students. Under these circumstances, one of the priorities of education is the effective use of educational technologies including interactive electronic educational resources. An effective educational method is online teamwork. It can be organized with the help of Wiki pages. Active elements are used to encourage students to interact with each other and with an instructor. The use of electronic educational environment to study legal statistics in Barnaul juridical institute helps solve the tasks of self-education and self-improvement of the tobe professionals. It is an effective way of implementing educational programmes in an educational institution.
Moodle, state educational standard, Internet, legal statistics, EIOS, electronic information and educational environment, higher vocational education, self-development, self improvement, distance learning
Professional training of police officers
Struganov, S.M., Akhmatgatin, A.A., Tolstikhin, A.N. (2018). Intensification of forming the motion technique in training the combat maneuver “Roundhouse kick”. Police activity, 6, 33–38.
The research subject is the service of law enforcement bodies’ officers which is constantly connected with extreme situations which often require use of force including combat maneuvers. Therefore, training combat maneuvers in physical education lessons for the officers of law enforcement agencies is particularly important, since they form professional skills and abilities necessary for everyday professional service. The article considers one of the methods of training one of the most complicated motion techniques of the section “Combat maneuvers” of the topic “Thrusts and Defense”. The research subject is the technique of a roundhouse kick which is studied in order to rationalize and intensify the process of forming the motion technique for training the students of educational institutions of the MIA and the officers of law enforcement bodies. The author uses such research methods as pedagogical observation, interviewing, video analysis, which help define the sequence of phases of activating the parts of the body in the general kinematic chain. The author concludes that it is effective to train the roundhouse kick using the kinematic structure and the structural components of the constructive method. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the experimental testing of the methodological approach to training and consistency and specificity of involving the structural parts of the body while using the holistic constructive method of training the motion technique of a roundhouse kick at the middle of the body.
cadets and students, law enforcement officers, combat fighting techniques, kick, hand-to-hand combat, movement technique, physical training, technical training, skill formation, holistic constructive method
The issues of interaction between police and other law enforcement authorities and institutions
Vavilin, M.V. (2018). Methodology of prosecutor’s investigation of law enforcement in the area of patriotic education. Police activity, 6, 39–50.
The research subject covers the activities of prosecution authorities aimed at supervision over the enforcement of laws in the area of patriotic education of youth, and other legal acts regulating this sphere. Intensification of prosecutor’s supervision over the enforcement of legislation in the field of military and patriotic education of youth is an important instrument of implementing national safety policy. The research object is legal relationships forming in the process of organization and implementation of prosecutor’s supervision over law enforcement in the area of patriotic education. The research methodology is based on the set of general scientific and specific methods of cognition. The key one is the general scientific dialectical method. The author also uses analysis, synthesis, interviewing, generalization, comparison, as well as statistical, logical and formal juridical methods. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the fact that this study is one of the first scientific considerations of prosecutor’s supervision over law enforcement in the area of patriotic education, which develops scientific provisions of theoretical and practical importance. The article defines the peculiarities of organization of prosecutor’s supervision over law enforcement in the area of patriotic education which consist in the specificity of data being collected and processed by the prosecution authorities; in the specificity of analysis of the state of law enforcement in the area of patriotic education including the range of issues to be clarified during investigation; in the specificity of adoption of legal acts of prosecutor’s response.
education law, military duty, prosecutor’s office of the Russian Federation, prosecutor’s check, system of patriotic education, patriotic education, prosecutor’s supervision, program of Patriotic education, military service, youth policy