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«Police activity» (18+)

¹ 1, 2016
Published since
2013 year
Once every two months

Legal status of police officers
P. 5 - 10
Police enforcement
P. 11 - 25
P. 26 - 32
Administrative activity of the police
P. 33 - 43
Forensic activities and police work
P. 44 - 53
P. 54 - 67
Operative investigation in police work
P. 68 - 75
Preventative work of the police
P. 76 - 88
Financial and economical functions of Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs authorities and institutions
P. 89 - 104
The police and issues in the fight against corruption
P. 105 - 112
Informational support of the police
P. 113 - 120
P. 121 - 149
Supervision of the police
P. 150 - 159
Contents details