Question at hand
Khokhlov E.E. (2015). A soldier on a narcofront: preventive look and criminological aspect. Police activity, 1, 5–15.
The Subject of the article contains the legal and organizational problems of activity
of Armed Forces of the Russian Federation aimed at prevention of offences in the sphere of
illegal drugs and psychotropic substances trafficking. The object of the article is a range of
public relations in the sphere of offenses connected with the prevention of illegal drugs and
psychotropic substances trafficking. The author of article pays special attention to the forms
and methods of activity of commanders and chiefs of all extents of military formations and divisions,
junior commanders, foremen of divisions, and most importantly – ordinary soldiers of
the Russian Armed Forces. Special attention is paid to the theory of a narcoperspective. The
methodological basis of article contains the modern achievements of the theory of knowledge
of antisocial phenomenon in all spheres of activity. The author used the general philosophical,
theoretical, statistical methods (dialectics, the system method, analysis, synthesis, analogy,
deduction, supervision, comparison), the traditional legal methods, and also the methods used
in concrete and sociological researches and supervision were applied. The main conclusions
concern the improvement of the existing anti-narcotic legislation. The novelty of the article
lies in the complex assessment of “The military anti-narcotic concept” fulfillment from various
viewpoints. The author proves the necessity of the system method application in the sphere
of prevention of crimes and administrative offences against public health and morality. The
special contribution of the article is that it analyzes and structures the legislative aspects of
fundamental activities in the sphere of illegal drugs trafficking prevention and combating. The
author concludes that the achievement of noticeable result in providing law and order, suppression
of drug addiction in the army environment, and prevention of drugs and psychotropic
substances consumption by defenders of the Fatherland is possible in a result of a conscious
approach when performing preventive actions individually and in interrelation with chiefs and
Army environment, serviceman, Armed Forces of the RF, anti-narcotic legislation, military anti-narcotic concept, Drug addiction, bravery, heroism, love, Homeland
Forms of police activity
Kabanov P.A. (2015). Victimological dimension of criminal traumatism in modern Russia. Police activity, 1, 16–23.
The subject of the research is criminal traumatism as a negative social phenomenon
caused by criminality in modern Russian society. The research is aimed at the revelation of
tendencies of changes of criminal traumatism in modern Russian society. The tasks of the
research: a) to define the state, structure and dynamics of criminal traumatism in modern
Russia; b) to evaluate the condition of criminal traumatism of socially vulnerable groups of
the Russian population with a high level of victimity – women and children. The chronology of
the research covers the period of 2009 – 2013. The methodology of the research is based on
dialectical materialism and the methods of analysis, synthesis, and comparison. The scientific originality lies in the fact that for the first time in Russian scientific literature the author carried
out the victimological analysis of criminal traumatism as a negative result of Russial criminality
on the base of official statistical data. The author revealed the tendencies of criminal traumatism
and carried out its structural analysis. In future it can give the opportunity to study this
phenomenon on another level.
Criminality, traumatism, criminal traumatism, criminality consequences, criminal traumatism of children, criminal traumatism of women, road traumatism, bodily harm, grievous bodily harm, victimity
Preventative work of the police
Kurakin A.V., Kostennikov M.V., Myshlyaev N.P. (2015). Legal regulation of the activities of the police
in crime prevention in foreign countries. Police activity, 1, 24–34.
The subject of the article contains the legal and organizational problems of the police
activities on crime prevention in foreign countries. The object of the article is the circle
of social relations connected with the prevention of administrative offences. The authors pay
special attention to the forms and methods of activity of the police in prevention of administrative
offences in foreign countries. Special attention is paid to the theoretical aspects of this
problem. The methodology of the article is based on the modern achievements of epistemology.
The authors used the general philosophical, theoretical methods (dialectics, the system
method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation), the traditional legal methods,
and the methods used in the concrete sociological research. The main conclusions touch upon
the improvement of the legislation on administrative offences. The novelty of this paper lies
in the fact that it carried out a comprehensive assessment of the activities of the police in the
prevention of various offenses and justified the system approach which is appropriate to use
in combating crimes and administrative offences. The specific contribution of the article is that
it’s made the conclusion that a significant result in ensuring the rule of law and the protection
of citizens’ rights from various illegal encroachments can be achieved only on the basis of an
integrated approach to crime prevention.
Delictology, law, offence, state, preventive measures, police, delict, right, law and order, prevention
Financial and economical functions of Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs authorities and institutions
Kurakin A.V., Badal’yants A.N. (2015). Problems of administrative-legal regulation of the police’s
activity in the area of fi nances. Police activity, 1, 35–46.
The Subject of the article includes the legal and organizational problems of the police
activity in the area of finances. The object of this article includes public relations, connected
with the implementation of administrative and regulatory activities of the police in the field of
finances. The authors detail the problems of financial control carried out in the sphere of internal
affairs. Special attention is paid to the role of financial and economic departments of the
MIA of Russia in the sphere of control in the field of finances. On the basis of the conducted
research the author proposed the measures for improvement of financial control in the sphere
of internal Affairs. The authors used the general philosophical, theoretical, empirical methods
(dialectics, the system method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling),
the traditional legal methods (formal-logical, comparative law), the methods used in the
concrete sociological research (statistics, expert opinions, and others).The authors identified
the important issues related to the implementation of financial control in the sphere of Internal
Affairs. The specific contribution of the authors is that they revealed the forms and methods of financial control, as well as the prospects of its development in the sphere of Internal Affairs.
The novelty of this paper lies in the fact that it made the conclusion about the need for a more
effective financial discipline in the sphere of Internal Affairs, as well as for an improvement of
the forms and methods of state financial activity implemented in the sphere of Internal Affairs.
Audit, verification, Ministry of interior, police, finances, controle, inventory, bill, invoice, money
Police staffing
Afon’kin G.P., Kuz’min A.V. (2015). On the issue of the role of the head of the body of Internal
Affairs in the organization of effective management of police officers’ education. Police activity, 1, 47–52.
The subject of the article is the problem of effective management of education of
the Internal Affairs bodies’ of the Russian Federation personnel. The object of this article includes
public relations, which relate to the implementation of the educational process in the
bodies of Internal Affairs. The authors detail the problem of disciplinary practices. Special
attention is paid to the role of the head of the ATS in this process, who should build on the
positive experience of the use of techniques, methods and ways of educating subordinates.
Considerable attention is paid to the issues of raising the level of educational culture and the
head of the MIA.The authors used the general philosophical, theoretical, empirical methods
(dialectics, system, method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling),
the traditional legal methods (formal-logical, comparative law), the methods used in the concrete
sociological research (statistics, expert opinions, and other).The authors identified the
important issues related to the educational process carried out in the sphere of Internal Affairs.
The specific contribution of the authors is that they revealed the problem of formation of
professional and competent, culturally, psychologically stable employee of the Internal Affairs
bodies. The novelty of this paper lies in the fact that it made the conclusion about the need for
more effective management of the process of educating police officers, the head of the body
of internal Affairs.
Rise, composition, efficiency, Ministry of interior, police, management, education, pedagogy, morality, system