The police and protection of human rights
Panshin, D.L. (2014). Legal and organizational bases for the seizure of the vehicle and prohibition of its exploitation
by the Road Police Inspection. Police activity, 2, 113–125.
Seizure of the transportation vehicle and prohibition of its exploitations are the key
guarantees in the administrative offence cases, these measures are applied by the road police
officers in order to stop the offence. The definition of seizure of the transportation vehicle as
an exclusion of the transportation vehicle from the road traffic appeared in the Administrative
Offences Code of the Russian Federation rather recently. Accordingly, there is need to define
bases and causes for application of such measures, and the moment of termination of its legal
force. In the process of law-enforcement activities of the road police inspectors, they apply
prohibition of exploitation of the transportation vehicle by taking away license plates from the
car, thus, cancelling the access of a transportation vehicle to the road traffic in the territory of
the Russian Federation, as regulated by the Federal Law “On Road Traffic Security”. What are
the problems of law-enforcement practice and their possible solutions? The article contains
analysis and comparison of the administrative legislation and the procedure for the seizure
of the transportation vehicle and prohibition of its exploitation according to the Order of the
Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of March 2, 2009 N. 185. The author
evaluates the causes for seizure and prohibition of exploitation of a transportation vehicle and
the problems in the law-enforcement practice. The author studies the issue of the violation of
rules for driving and exploitation of a transportation vehicle as a cause of seizure of a vehicle.
Accordingly termination of causes ends the effect of seizure. Also, the author studies the
problems concerning the fact that deprivation from driving a transportation vehicle is a condition
on which seizure of transportation vehicle is not possible. The author provides a definition
of prohibition of exploitation of a transportation vehicle, since it is not legislatively provided,
also referring to the causes for prohibition of exploitation of a vehicle and taking away of the
license plates. License plates are given when the vehicle is registered and provided access to
road traffic. Thus, prohibition of exploitation of a vehicle should concern registration activities.
prohibition of exploitation, use, cause, seizure of a transportation vehicle, transportation vehicle, driving, rules, grounds, license plate, use.
The police and protection of human rights
Astishina, T.V. (2014). Key determining factors for the crimes against public morality. Police activity, 2, 126–133.
The article concerns the key determining factors for the crimes against the public
morality (involvement of a person into prostitution, organization of prostitution activities). The
author analyzes social, economic, legal, moral and spiritual determining factors for the crimes
against public morality, as well as negative consequences of migration, defects in the family
sphere, activities of criminal groups, defects in the work of internal affairs bodies fighting this
category of crime. It is noted in the article that among the social and economic determining
factors for the crimes against public morality one should point out the unsatisfactory economic situation in some social groups (poor financial situation in some social groups, unemployment,
especially among the women, etc.). The methodological basis for the scientific article was
formed by the current achievements of the theory of cognition. In the process of studies the
author used general philosophical, theoretical and empiric methods (dialectics, systemic method,
analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), traditional legal methods
( formal logic method), and methods typical for specific sociological studies (statistical, expert
evaluation, etc.). In most cases it is impossible to clearly distinguish between the initiating and
facilitating factors for the criminal acts. The author agrees with the opinion that evaluation of
some matters as causes and other matters as conditions is rather relative. A specific matter
may be a cause in one situation, and a condition in another. That is why it is reasonable to use
the term “criminogenic factor”, which may include both events causing crimes against public
morality and the matters facilitating their spread or growth of their public danger. In spite of a
large amount of scientifically founded classifications of factors in crime and its types, the modern
research practice clearly provides support for bringing together the groups of causes and
conditions of crime, which are similar by their nature, into the factor (causal) complexes based
upon the criterion of a separate sphere of social life, which may mostly include the following
factors: economic, legal, spiritual and moral, social and psychological, organizational, etc.
prostitution, violence, children, fight, counteraction, determinant, police, officer, exploitation, slavery.
Legal status of police officers
Makarov, A.A. (2014). Legal position and organizational formation of the legal divisions (legal service) in the Ministry
of Internal Affairs of Russia. Police activity, 2, 134–154.
The role of legal divisions is significant for achieving the goals of the MIA of Russia
on guaranteeing lawfulness in the activities of the internal affairs bodies and internal armed
forces, considering their significant role in the improvement of the Russian legislation on the
activities of the MIA. The article concerns the legal service in the MIA and its structure, contract
department of the MIA, its main functions and goals, legal divisions in the departments
and regional divisions of the MIA. The legal work in the territorial bodies of the MIA of Russia
at the regional level is done by the senior legal consultants (legal consultants). The article
discusses rights and obligations of a legal consultant, his interactions with other services in
the MIA. The article involves dialectic method, systemic approach towards the object of studies,
comparative analysis, synthesis, generalization, content-analysis of normative legal acts.
The Contract Law Departments of the MIA and legal divisions in the Departments and Offices
of the MIA of Russia at the regional level – the legal groups or legal branches, consisting of
legal consultants. This selective approach allows to discuss the competence of the chief division
of the MIA of Russia in the sphere of legal work and competence of a legal consultant as
the key officer of the legal service. The competence of the legal consultant of the territorial
body of the MIA of Russia at the regional level are various. Considering the amount of annual
publications of new normative legal acts of the MIA of Russia and the large-scale amendments
into the current legal acts, the role of legal consultant and the amount of their work shall be
growing, while the status (general, special, individual) shall be supported. The combined data
on the staff quantity of the legal divisions within the MIA system in 2007 – first half of the 2013
at the district level (up to July 1, 2013) is provided, as well as information on the claims for the
compensation of moral damage brought against the bodies and divisions of the MIA of Russia
in the period from 2007 to the first half of the 2013.
legal service, legal consultant, contractual legal department, the MIA of Russia, the legal divisions, goals, functions, competence, legal position, claim, staff quantity, legal work.
Police enforcement
Kareeva-Popelkovskaya, K.A. (2014). Legal regulation of the act of application of suppressive measures in police activities. Police activity, 2, 155–171.
Implementation of executive competence and guaranteeing the public order can be achieved
by certain means and methods of strategic infl uence on minds and behavior of people. Two mutually
complementing methods: convincing and coercion are used to achieve this purpose at the current
stage of social development. Their social purpose and effi ciency is due to the following. Firstly, these
methods are determined by the general social and economic patterns of the society development.
Secondly, they should be inalienable and interrelated. Thirdly, they depend on how adequately and
correctly the refl ect the economic and political needs of the society and the current challenges. The
methodological basis for the scientifi c article was formed by the current achievements of the theory
of cognition. In the process of studies the author used general philosophical, theoretical and empiric
methods (dialectics, systemic method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling),
traditional legal methods ( formal logic method), and methods typical for specifi c sociological
studies (statistical, expert evaluation, etc.). Application of law in some cases is related to public coercion,
and this is a purely public sphere. The above-mentioned features are typical of both executive
and administrative activities –as specifi c types of state activities. It is performed in various forms of
which the most traditional ones according to the administrative legal literature are legal and non-legal
ones. The non-legal forms of activity include material technical operations and organizational work.
In the process of their implementations the legal administrative acts are not issued. Application of
law is within the very core of executive-administrative activity, it is its main and defi ning manifestation.
Practically speaking, it includes publication of the law-enforcement acts and administrative activities.
At the same time implementation of legal acts of practical character by the bodies (offi cials)
is a foremost important form of administration.
act, application, process, regulation, infl uence, coercion, interception, police, offi cer, hit.
Police administration
Panshin, D.L., Dresvyannikova, E.A. (2014). Problems of confl ict management in the divisions of the Road Police Inspection of Russia. Police activity, 2, 172–178.
The object of studies includes the current situation regarding violation of lawfulness among
the Road Police Inspection offi cers in Russia. Causes and conditions facilitating appearance of the
confl ict situations among the employees of the divisions of the Road Police Inspection, which in their
combination cause professional burn-out of the staff. The professional personality deformation of an
offi cers, distortion of his motivation for the lawful behavior causes confl icts among the staff, as well
as the confl icts between heads of divisions and the staff. The authors studied and proposed the main
directions for the activities of the heads of the Road police divisions on confl ict management, as well
as their prophylactics. The goals and procedure for the formation of a professional staff in the Road
police are discussed. The method of study was polling among the heads of the divisions of the Road
Police and the staff regarding anxiety and confl ict-generating factors. Later via comparative and dialectic
methods the authors analyzed the result s of polling and they made conclusions. The authors
discuss the main directions for the activities of the leaders of the Road Police on confl ict management
and prophylactics. Firstly, every head of the department or division should have individual educational
work with his staff, study and understand specifi c features of the character of his employees.
In addition to consideration of characters of individual employees, the due attention should be paid to
the general qualities within a certain group of staff. Secondly, formation of an optimum atmosphere in a group depends on the good-faith implementation of obligations by the staff, and for this purpose
the heads of divisions should professionally distribute functional obligations among the staff. Thirdly,
every head of a division should learn to analyze a confl ict situation in his collective, since analysis of
the experience will allow the head of the division to evaluate behaviors of the opposing parties, as
well as his own activities, and then optimize the algorithm for the confl ict regulation among the staff.
staff, Road Police Inspection, professional, collective, confl ict, deformation, head, favorable, prophylactics, prevention
Administrative activity of the police
Kurakin, A.V., Kostennikov, M.V., Obydenov, V.V. (2014). On the issue of correlation between the terms “administrative process” and “administrative
jurisdiction” in the police activities. Police activity, 2, 179–190.
Evaluation of the nature of the administrative process allows to formulate the following
conclusions and to make the propositions for the improvement of administrative legal regulation of
the procedural activities of the police. The studies have supported the thesis that according to the
scope of procedural relations administrative process is rather broad, and the procedural norms are
implemented by a large number of police offi cers, each of whom has his own competence within the
relevant sphere of activities. In this sense administrative process is no exception. The relevant type
of legal process has some specifi c features, in particular, administrative process infl uences a large
scope of social relations in the sphere of public administration by administrative procedural norms
via the implementation of positive legal norms within various branches of law. Administrative process
also provides the possibilities for the implementation of the administrative coercion measures. The
methodological basis for the scientifi c article was formed by the current achievements of the theory
of cognition. In the process of studies the author used general philosophical, theoretical and empiric
methods (dialectics, systemic method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling),
traditional legal methods ( formal logic method), and methods typical for specifi c sociological
studies (statistical, expert evaluation, etc.). For the purpose of the improvement of the mechanism
for the implementation of administrative procedural norms there is need for the methodological guarantees
for a specifi c sphere of activities of the Russian police. In this respect there is need to adopt
an order, by which it shall be defi ned which public services are provided by the MIA of Russia to the
natural persons and legal entities, the administrative procedures within the sphere of internal affairs
should also be listed. Such an approach would facilitate understanding of the nature of the administrative
procedural activities implemented by the police.
process, proceedings, police, jurisdiction, stage, participant, regulation, infl uence, correlation, coercion.
Administrative activity of the police
Kupreev, S.S. (2014). Contents, forms and methods of administrative police activities. Police activity, 2, 191–202.
The article is devoted to the studies of the contents, forms and methods of administrative
activities of the police. Based upon the general theoretical bases of the administrative activities of
the executive bodies and contents of the normative legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating
the police activities the author analyzes the place of administrative activities among other spheres of
police activities, as well as the structure of administrative police activities, then the author provides
a defi nition for the administrative activities of the police. Special attention is paid in the article to the
understanding of the administrative acts as a form of administrative activity, as well as to the methods
of administrative police activities. The study, which is presented in the article is based upon the
studies of the general theoretical bases of administrative legal science, as well as the provisions of the legal acts of the Russian Federation regulating police activities. In the process of preparing
the article the author used historical and comparative methods of studies. Scientifi c novelty of the
materials presented in the article is due to the defi ning the contents, structure and defi nition of administrative
activities of the police, correlation between administrative procedural and administrative
jurisdictional activities, clarifi cation of the contents of forms and methods of administrative police activities.
The article contains the author’s defi nition of the administrative activities of the police, which
includes all the main components and specifi c features of this type of activity.
police, administrative, administrative procedure, administrative jurisdiction, activity, administrative function, internal organizational, characteristics, forms, methods.
Administrative activity of the police
Prokofiev, K.G. (2014). Role of the police in implementation of administrative responsibility for the violation of the
legislation on gatherings, meetings, demonstrations, walks and picketing. Police activity, 2, 203–220.
Development of the democratic principles and the institution of the rule of the people takes
place in a complicated and contradictory situation. That is why the state needs to take maximum
efforts in order to guarantee legal order and protection of the rights of citizens when holding public
political events. In the conditions of political instability the separatist and extremism tendencies are
growing in Russia. That is why the formation of additional legal and organizational mechanisms for
minimizing the defects in the development of the Russian political system is very topical. The right
to organize, hold and participate in gatherings, meetings, demonstrations, walks and picketing presents
a universal democratic and constitutional value. It allows the citizens and their associations
to take part in the political life of the state, to inform government of their needs and to protect their
interests within the wide scope of social problems. The methodological basis for the scientifi c article
was formed by the current achievements of the theory of cognition. In the process of studies the
author used general philosophical, theoretical and empiric methods (dialectics, systemic method,
analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), traditional legal methods ( formal
logic method), and methods typical for specifi c sociological studies (statistical, expert evaluation,
etc.). The right to the free peaceful gatherings is a generally recognized democratic value, and it
needs special protection, since it allows to form and express opinions and needs of various political
forces and social groups forming the necessary prerequisites for the feedback from the people and
their associations to the institutions of public government. That is why even taking into consideration
the obvious risks involved in the implementation of this right, which become even more possible
when the organizers of the public event fail to fulfi ll their duties, and in spite of the preventive needs
the state should not introduce sanctions for the harm caused by the participants of the public event,
which would obviously make an organizer bear civil law responsibility for acts of other people no
matter whether his guilt were involved in causing harm.
meetings, walk, police, legal order, policeman, implementation, picketing, coercion, punishment, offence.