The police and protection of human rights
Serov, A.S. (2013). Administrative legal position of an advocate in the proceeding in administrative offence cases. Police activity, 5, 307–311.
The studies of administrative legal statuses of the participants in the proceedings on the administrative
offence cases remain quite topical. It is due to a number of factors, among which one may refer
to the fact that legal position of the legal subject is a key category for the basic legal institutions in various
legal disciplines. Additionally, development of the administrative offence legislation of Russia is not without
some diffi culties and contradictions. Due to the above-mentioned factors the study of administrative
procedural position of participants in the administrative offence cases may allow to uncover a number of
contradictions in the Administrative Offences Code of the Russia Federation, which form obstacles for the
achievement of goals of the proceedings on administrative offence cases. All of the above and a number
of other circumstances presuppose the need for the improvement of the administrative legal provisions
on the legal status of participants of proceedings in administrative offences cases.
advocate, defender, defense, status, position, guarantee, guarantees, law, obligation, liability.
Police enforcement
Afonkin, G.P. , Dodonov, O.E. (2013). On the issue of suspension of sentence to the drug addicts. Police activity, 5, 312–324.
The article concern s the topical issues regarding suspension of sentences to drug addicts.
Drug addiction is a serious public threat. It is socially and economically dangerous for the population.
The state comprehends its obligation to fi ght this evil and takes measures against drug addiction.
First of all, the state takes measures in order to preclude the turnover of narcotic and psychoactive
substances, which is in violation of the Russian legislation. Drug addiction is an illness caused by habitual
use of substances causing short-term subjectively positive psychological condition. Based on
the above-mentioned matters the article provides for the need to provide suspension of sentences
for drug addicts. Illegal turnover of drugs causes higher crime rate in the society in general, and higher
rate of drug-related crimes in particular. The crimes related to the illegal turnover of drugs have
the third position among the various crimes, and only theft and economic crimes rank above them.
One in every eight convicts serving sentence is convicted due to commission of drug-related crimes.
drug addict, drug addiction, punishment, serving, responsibility, law, narcotic, substance, problem, fight.
Forms of police activity
Obydenov, V.V. (2013). On the issue of types of normative legal acts of federal executive bodies. Police activity, 5, 325–330.
Efficiency of activities within the competence of federal executive bodies is directly
related to normative legal provisions on these activities. The multi-aspect character of functions of federal executive bodies presupposes the existence of various by-laws, regulating
administrative activities. Variety of administrative activities of federal executive bodies also requires
preparatory procedure for adoption and registration of their normative acts. Normative
legal acts of federal executive bodies have a central place within the mechanism of implementation
of requirements of federal laws, Decrees of the President and Government, etc. Due
to this fact the legal nature of normative legal acts of executive bodies have been attracting
attention of legal scholars and practitioners for many years. It should also be noted that goals,
aims, functions and methods of executive branch of government are implemented via various
normative legal administrative acts. Therefore, in order to have better understanding of their
legal specificities, it is important t to classify their administrative acts.
act, law, form, method, regulation, control, police, system, lawfulness, by-law.
Financial and economical functions of Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs authorities and institutions
Korzun, S.Y., Ukrantseva, A.I. (2013). The modern principles of financial control and role of police in their implementation. Police activity, 5, 331–342.
Financial control within the system of the MIA of Russia is aimed to guarantee efficient
implementation of functions of the MIA of Russia in the sphere of lawfulness and order.
In order for the MIA of Russia to meet its goals, the state provides the Ministry with necessary
material and financial resources, and ,additionally, the bodies and institutions within the
ministry are allowed to have non-budgetary activities and gain profits from them. It should be
noted that the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation controls a large amount of
material assets and property. The Ministry of Internal Affairs takes part in budgetary and
economic relations. Therefore, the institutional financial control within the MIA of Russia is of
foremost importance. The said control within the system of the MIA of the Russian Federation
is aimed to facilitate and support lawfulness and financial discipline in the sphere of internal
affairs, to prevent and stop inappropriate expenditures, theft of funds, etc.
control, finances, money, losses, the MIA, the police, system, principle, regulation, process.
The police and issues in the fight against corruption
Komakhin, B.N. (2013). Disciplinary responsibility of officials for corruption. Police activity, 5, 343–353.
The article contains analysis of nature, value and role of disciplinary activity of offi cials
as legal means for guaranteeing equality of all persons under law and in court. Accent is made
on the contents of administrative legal norms, providing for the responsibility for corruption. The
author points out the administrative legal bases for the development of anti-corruption activities
of state offi cials within the modernization framework. The author considers that in order to guarantee
equality of all persons under law and in court, it is necessary to strengthen control and
disciplinary responsibility of all subjects of state and municipal service. The population of the
Russian Federation, living at the time of mass corruption, is gravely concerned with the cases,
when state and municipal offi cials depart from the principle of equality of all persons under law and in court. The requirement of the Constitution of the Russian Federation to guarantee such
equality is of special importance for the judges, arbitrators and jurors, who implement judicial
functions and guarantee equal judicial protection of rights and freedoms to all.
corruption, service, responsibility, system, regulation, control, fighting, punishment, influence, sanction
Serving in the police
Mitrokhin, V.V. (2013). Performance evaluation within the mechanism of service in the internal affairs bodies. Police activity, 5, 354–360.
Analysis of the statistical data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation,
characterizing the cadre work, allows one to make a conclusion that currently the cadres
of the bodies and institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation are
not fully compliant with the goals of the Ministry. Some categories of the staff of internal affairs
bodies (operative and district police officers, investigators and inquirers) fail to meet the requirements
established for them. In current social and economic conditions the MIA staff serving
in the sphere of protection of public order, investigation and disclosure of crimes should be
competent in various spheres of Russian legislation, psychologically stable, well-disciplined
and responsible. The staff should be able to perform operative service assignments in regular
and extraordinary circumstances. Establishing the level of professional and personal development
of the staff is of foremost importance for meeting the goals of the MIA. This problem can
partially be solved via performance evaluation. Therefore, performance evaluation is one of
the most important administrative legal and organizational means, which allow to guarantee
high level of qualification and staff of the MIA.
performance valuation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, process, procedure, cadres, reserve, service, staff, responsibility.