Serving in the police
Kashkina E. V. (2013). Legal status of freelance police officers. Police activity, 1, 5–7.
the article suggests analysis of normative documents regulating legal status of the freelance
police officer. You will find description of principles of activity of freelance police officers and requirements to
the applicants for this position. Situations ensuring more efficient cooperation of freelance employees with the
officers of the bodies of Internal Affairs are described here as well.
freelance police officers, police officer, instruction, efficiency assessment, cooperation, authorities, activity principles, assistance, aiding.
Serving in the police
Kostennikov M. V., Nesmelov P. V., Mikhailyuk P. A. (2013). About the principles of realization of social
policy in the system of MOIA of Russia. Police activity, 1, 7–11.
the article suggests a research of legal and organizational issues in realization of social policy
in the system of MOIA of Russia, it also analyses legislation in the sphere of social guarantees provided for
police officers. All this allows the authors to outline certain suggestions aimed at improving of social policy in
the department.
police, state, police officer, protection, guard, guarantees, compensation, life, health, insurance, privilege, right, department, ministry.
Professional training of police officers
Dikarev V. G., Grigoryev V. N. (2013). Contemporary methods in tuition organization in the system of
advanced training in the framework of professional retraining of the officers of law enforcement
bodies. Police activity, 1, 12–17.
the article gives a description of tuition in the framework of professional retraining and advanced
learning of the officers of the Internal Affairs in compliance with the module and block model (innovative) and
introduction into the teaching process of an active form of tuition. The advanced learning is defined in the
system of additional education of MOIA of Russia as an optional education after graduation for those who are
doing official service in the sphere of ensuring of public order, main goals of this education are described.
Necessity of profound studies and perfection of professional knowledge and skills are required to fulfill your
work in accordance with the contemporary legislation and the best experience in the law enforcement agencies
of Russia and foreign countries in the sphere of crime combat.
tuition, training, retraining, unit, module, logic, innovation, variation, education.
Professional training of police officers
Trebenok A. A., Handogina A. V. (2013). About International cooperation in the sphere of staff training in
the law enforcement bodies. Police activity, 1, 17–20.
the article reviews history and present day situation of international cooperation in the
sphere of staff training of law enforcement agencies, major types and directions in this work are outlined,
including the work which is being carried out by educational establishments of MOIA of Russia. Longterm
productive and positive cooperation of All-Russia Institute of Professional Retraining of the officers
of MOIA of Russia, Management Academy of the MOIA of Russia, Moscow University of MOIA of Russia
serves as a significant example of international cooperation. Over several decades these educational
establishments of MOIA of Russia realize agreement about cooperation in this sphere with foreign police
educational centers.
international cooperation, staff, law enforcement agencies, universal level, agreement, organization of collective security treaty organization (CSTO), law and order, crime.
Police enforcement
Kupreev S. S. (2013). Forced labor as a means of punishment. Police activity, 1, 21–25.
the article describes a new type of administrative punishment — forced labor. Being included
into legislation this type of punishment drew a wide public response. The author analyses legitimacy of forced
labor and whether this means of punishment is in compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation
and international legal documents. A significant positive meaning of this type of punishment as a preventative
means of infringement of the law is specified.
forced, labor, administrative, punishment, infringement of the law, court, decree, code, constitution.
The police and issues in the fight against corruption
Afonkin G. P., Dodonov O. E. (2013). Informal payments for health care: gratitude or corruption. Police activity, 1, 26–32.
Corruption has been pursuing the mankind in all its forms along all stages of its development.
The urgency of this problem explains psychophysiological characteristic features of the man’s nature. These
characteristic features motivate satisfaction of the man’s needs, even if it can be achieved by means of corruption.
They say that corruption is an integrate part of the man’s nature and it is almost impossible to eliminate
it. The problem of corruption in the healthcare system is topical for all countries in the world and it takes various
forms — from insignificant fraud, briery between the doctor and patient to misuse of policy of healthcare
development and financing of this sphere at the state level.
healthcare, corruption, crime, gift, gratitude, payment, form, control, person, health, doctor, hospital.
Administrative activity of the police
Mikhelkevich A. V. (2013). Administrative procedural code — to be or not to be?. Police activity, 1, 33–35.
the present day state of the administrative procedural legislation of Russia justifies our need in
administrative procedural code of the Russian Federation. Administrative procedural activity is not reduced
to institution of administrative proceedings against someone and cases of administrative offence. Spreading
of democracy in the early 90s of the 20th century caused appearance of a new type of public relations. These
new public relations are close to administrative process thanks to their nature, essence and contents — these
are cases, which come out from administrative and public offences in the court.
administrative procedural legislation, administrative procedural relationship, administrative process, procedure, stage, period, participant.
Administrative activity of the police
Korzun S. Y. (2013). About building of the system of tax administration. Police activity, 1, 36–39.
In compliance with the goals and objectives, which were determined by the President of the
Russian Federation, the tax policy must be aimed not only at providing of the necessary minimum level of
income in the budget system, but it should also take into account other priorities of the development of Russia.
In present day situation the level of responsibility of business is growing when paying the taxes and requirements
to prevent refusal to pay taxes.
tax, duty, control, administration, system, issue, Federal Customs Service, management, building, origin.
The police and issues of the fight against terror and extremism
Proletenkova S. E. (2013). Legal organizational foundation of counteraction to extremism in foreign countries. Police activity, 1, 40–43.
the article describes legal and organizational issues in the counteraction to political extremism in
European states and in the USA. It is mentioned in the article that International society denies extremism and
terrorism as a means to achieve political goals. The highest level of priority is attributed by the United Nations
to the combat with these phenomena and the United Nations calls it one of the most important goals of their
work. Major directions in which the efforts are taken to counteract these threats are: building of international
and national legal base, creation of strong anticorruption center and involving of armed forces to combat extremism
and improvement of social economic situation.
political extremism, foreign countries, law, counteraction, internal safety.
Foreign police forces
Zubach A. A. (2013). Legal regulation of ethics of a customs officer in foreign countries. Police activity, 1, 44–53.
the term “ethics” comes from the Greek word “ethos”, which means character. The science
of Ethics is known for more than twenty centuries. Aristotle gave attribute “ethical” to a number of mankind
virtues and determined a new noun “ethics” to speak about science, which studies virtues. Today ethics is a
science, which studies moral, its essence and structure and its development. Among the categories of “ethics”
we can mention good and evil, justice, duty, conscience, responsibility, dignity and honor. All these may be
attributed to the professional ethics of the customs officer.
ethics, service, customs, customs officer, corruption, standard, science, profession, control, law, liability, conflict.
Foreign police forces
Kikot-Gluhodedova T. V. (2013). Functioning of the system of internal security in the state mechanism of USA. Police activity, 1, 53–56.
the article presents legal and structural foundations of functioning of the system of internal safety
ensuring in the state mechanism of USA. It is shown in the article that the characteristic feature of the
American system of ensuring of internal safety of the state is the traditional implementation of the units and
formations of armed forces (mainly National Guards, and ground forces and marine corps) to suppress civil
riots. (Art. 4, Part 4 of the Constitution of the USA, which guarantees every state federal support to stop any
domestic or invasion violence)
safety, police, USA, threat, risk, sovereignty, system, control, politics, state.