The police and issues in the fight against corruption
Budai S.N. (2011). Issues of building cooperation between the federal executive authorities and the lawenforcement
bodies in the sphere of corruption combat. Police activity, 5, 5–10.
the article gives an insight into the acute issues concerning the organization of cooperation
between the federal executive authorities and the law-enforcement bodies in the sphere of corruption
combat. The author extrapolates on the essence of such cooperation in this sphere; outlines its
goals and tasks; specifies its principles, and based on the analysis of the hands-on practice stresses
upon the most efficient forms of cooperation, defining the means of improving the organization of this
management, anti-corruption, cooperation, coordination, building cooperation, mutual goal, public prosecutor’s office, executive authorities, law-enforcement bodies, efficiency.
The police and issues in the fight against corruption
Kazachenkova O.V. (2011). Administrative and legal aspects of the conflict of interests in the sphere of
state and municipal administration. Police activity, 5, 10–15.
the author of the reviewed article looks at the institute of conflict of interests at government and
municipal service as at one of the factors of corruption counteraction, which hinders the efficient and effective
development of the state, exposes the reasons and conditions of the origin of the problem, analyses the
means of its regulation.
conflict, prevention, public, municipal, officer, interest, counteraction, corruption, regulation.
Administrative activity of the police
Kupreev S.S. (2011). On some notions (categories) of contemporary Administrative Law. Police activity, 5, 16–24.
the article suggests a recent understanding of some of the fundamental notions of contemporary
Administrative Law, such as “state administration”, “forms of state administration”. Based on the analysis
of these notions, conclusions are put forward about the weight of these notions in the contemporary
administrative law and their relation to some other notions.
fundamental, key, notions, state, administration, administrative, law, executive, power, category
Administrative activity of the police
Kashkina E.V. (2011). Administrative supervision by the bodies of Internal Affairs after the individuals
who have been released from the place of detention. Police activity, 5, 25–29.
the article contains a review of legal and organizational issues of establishment and realization
of the administrative supervision, analyses statements of the Law about Police, describes restrictions and
prohibition due to the establishment of administrative supervision.
supervision, control, offence, supervised, police, law, restriction, prohibition, freedom, execution, liability.
Administrative activity of the police
Kareeva-Popelkovskaya K.A. (2011). About the means of administrative compulsion in the police
activity. Police activity, 5, 30–43.
the article gives a research of the legal and organizational issues of the realization of the
means of administrative compulsion in the police activity; it specifies the variety of such means, as well as
their role in provision of law and order and security.
compulsion, prevention, order, provision, penalty, management, system, liability, power, administration, form.
Police enforcement
Arestov A. I., Kobets P.N. (2011). History and issues of sexual offence prevention. Police activity, 5, 44–48.
the article describes the issues in prevention of sexual offence, indicates a huge public danger
of such acts, in relation to what it suggests means how to prevent this type of a crime.
offence, liability, guilt, rape, sex, violence, penalty, preventative measures.
Police enforcement
Alikhadzhieva I.S. (2011). Criminal and administrative regulation of the combat with the offenses that are
encouraging prostitution. Police activity, 5, 49–58.
the article is focused on the research of the present day model of the combat with offences
encouraging prostitution with the help of criminal deterrence and administrative means (“Engagement
in prostitution” (Art. 6.11. Administrative Code RF) and “Getting profit from engagement in prostitution”
(Art. 6.12. Administrative Code RF)). The work suggests a concept how to counteract prostitution as a social
phenomenon, crimes encouraging prostitution or committed in the sphere of sex service as well as a range
of legislative means in the sphere of administrative and criminal elimination of the negative consequences
of prostitution. The work suggests definite formulas of the new administrative instructions from the perspective
of legalization of prostitution with the help of summarizing of the law making, judicial and investigative
experience in offences and crimes encouraging prostitution.
administrative responsibility, the legalization of prostitution, prostitution, receiving the proceeds of prostitution, prostitution and commercial sexual work, involvement in prostitution, the organization of prostitution, the judicial practice
Forensic activities and police work
Pichyugin S.A. (2011). Contemporary challenges of multifaceted research of the person’s physical appearance
in forensic work. Police activity, 5, 59–61.
one of the topical directions in the development of the theory of the forensic science and legal
expertise is a research of the complex approach to the person as an object of forensic knowledge including
all his characteristics and displays which are important for the person’s identification as well as to make a
universal methodological approach to the study of the man based on the investigation experience and crime
physical appearance of the person, subjective description, identification of a person by physical appearance of a person, appearance study.
Forms of police activity
Ukraintseva A.I. (2011). Evolving and tendencies in the development of the legal regulation of the tax
control. Police activity, 5, 62–66.
the article suggests a study of the development challenges of the institute of the tax control,
reveals the evolving of the forms and methods of tax control, based on what, the author puts forward suggestions
how to improve tax control today.
the article suggests a study of the development challenges of the institute of the tax control, reveals the evolving of the forms and methods of tax control, based on what, the author puts forward suggestions how to improve tax control today.
Legal commentary
Trunov I.L., Aivar L.K. (2011). Decision on the case about the road traffic accident in Leninsky Prospekt,
city of Moscow guarantees judicial remedy to the deceased suspects. Police activity, 5, 67–73.
based on the decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation the article describes
the issue in protection of the rights of the victims of the road traffic accident. The article studies the
guarantees of the rights protection of the victims and a number of suggestions are made how to improve
the law-enforcement experience in the sphere of the protection of the rights of the family members of the
accident, victim, death, suspect, protection, family-member, deceased, lightbar, signal, examination, right.