The police and protection of human rights
Kashtanova M.S. (2011). Essence of rights defence and legitimate interests of the victim of offence. Police activity, 4, 5–8.
the focus of the article is made on the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the victims
of offence by the criminal investigator in the course of the criminal procedure. The article describes the
issues of the essence of such notions as «defence» and «ensuring» of the rights and legitimate interests of
the victims of offence.
investigator, victim, rights, legitimate interest, ensuring, investigation, essence, defence, guard.
The police and protection of human rights
Savostin A.A. (2011). Criminal law challenges in kidnapping combat. Police activity, 4, 9–11.
the article contains a review of legal and structural issues in kidnapping counteraction. The author
observes that the combat with kidnapping has a complex and system character, which is why it requires
implementation of various branches of the law with the central place in this mechanism belonging to the regulations
of the Criminal Law.
kidnapping, false imprisonment or confinement without legal authority, crime against the liberty of the person and without their consent, crime growth, forms of organized crime.
The police and protection of human rights
Trunov I.L. (2011). Legal issues in witness protection. Police activity, 4, 11–17.
the article contains a review of legal and structural issues in witness protection in the Russian
criminal procedure, forms and methods of witness protection are disclosed, experience of foreign countries
in the sphere of witness protection is studied, and certain aspects of the latter can be successfully applied in
practice in the Russian Federation.
witness, protection, guard, truth, justice, procedure, victim, information, chasing, resettlement, fact, questioning.
Reforming and upgrading the police
Belchenko M.A., Maslak O.N., Shutko G.V. (2011). On the issue of law improvement «About police» and
«Provision about the service at the bodies of Internal Affairs». Police activity, 4, 18–20.
medical workers, psychologists, officers of the personnel offices of the subdivisions of the bodies
of internal affairs have to deal with uncertain (as authors think) formulating of some of the statements related
to the questions of hiring people in practice when the Federal Law of the Russian Federation «About Police»
and the last edition «the Statement about service at the bodies of Internal Afffairs» are used.
sampling, alcoholization, drug-addiction, addiction, testing, police, law, service, officer.
Reforming and upgrading the police
Nafikova G.A. (2011). Performance evaluation of police activity — yesterday, and of police — tomorrow. Police activity, 4, 21–26.
the main idea of the article is in the factors which make the reform of the Department of Internal
Affairs necessary. Militia in its yesterday’s meaning does not answer the needs and interests of the modern
society. Low authority of the bodies of Internal Affairs as it was «yesterday» makes its activity inefficient, there
is no direct connection between the people and the law-enforcement agencies which are qualified to protect
and secure the interests of the citizens. The author analyses efficiency of the activity of the officers of the
reformed police.
militia, police, reform, modernization, corruption, bribe, efficiency, expertise, reasoning.
Police administration
Tseluiko A.V. (2011). On the issue of Moscow Metro infrastructure development and law-enforcement bodies
maintaining its security. Police activity, 4, 27–30.
Moscow Metro, Metro Police Service, Integrated campaign aimed at people’s safety ensuring
on public transport, security service in the Metro, terrorism counteraction, infrastructure development
of Moscow Metro, police officer, Metro security unit.
the article suggests a review of the evolving of the law-enforcement bodies maintaining security of
Administrative activity of the police
Sizov I.Y. (2011). Administrative liability for violation of the law about banks and banking operations. Police activity, 4, 31–35.
the article studies issues of realization of the means of administrative liability for violation of the
law about banks and banking operations; it also discloses crime components of the relative types of offence,
and besides this, means of optimization of administrative legal regulation of the relations within the banking
liability, bank, depository institution, loan, lending, delinquency, assets, penalty, structure
Administrative activity of the police
Savchishkin D.B. (2011). Administrative liability in cyber law. Police activity, 4, 36–40.
the article contains a review of legal and structural issues in realization of administrative liability
in the sphere of cyber law. Based on the review, suggestions are made how to improve the mechanism of
administrative penalty realization in the sphere of information.
liability, law, information, regulation, penalty, punishment, structure, jeopardy, information support, guard, protection.
Forms of police activity
Bakhtin R.V. (2011). Topical issues of expert examination in the work of customs agencies in Russia and
ways of their resolving. Police activity, 4, 41–44.
the goal of the article is to highlight the issues of the performance of expert examination which
customs bodies of Russia deal with and possible ways of their resolving.
customs expertise, performance of expert examination, appraisal activity.
The police and criminal procedure
Terekhov A.Y. (2011). On the issue about the grounding of choice selection of evidence collection during
the pre-trial procedure on a criminal case. Police activity, 4, 45–50.
the work represents a review of the issues related to the fundamentals of investigation procedure
and of other actions during the preliminary procedure on a criminal case.
criminal procedure, investigation activities, preliminary investigation, means of evidence collection, evidence, inquiry.
The police and criminal procedure
Terekhov M.Y. (2011). Securing classified information by the bodies of preliminary investigation under
protection of the Federal Law «About Classified Information» in cooperation with Mass Media. Police activity, 4, 51–55.
cooperation of the journalists with the bodies of preliminary investigation in securing classified
information protected by state or otherwise is one of the main aspects worth attention. This work represents
an analysis of the issue about the protection of data of confidential character which is used by the bodies of
preliminary investigation in cooperation with mass media. The author summarizes that the journalist who has been informed about some facts protected by the law must specify which information and in which volume they
can disclose without threatening the interests of the investigation.
classified information, mass media, criminal procedure, interaction, investigator, bodies of preliminary investigation, securing, protected by Law classified information.
Police enforcement
Kobets P.N. (2011). About crime prevention – as a complicated, multi-faceted and sustainable process. Police activity, 4, 56–60.
the article suggests a review of legal and structural issues of crime prevention. Based on this the
author summarizes that crime prevention is quite a multi-faceted process, but quite sustainable which can help
to increase efficiency of the law-enforcement activity if the latter characteristic taken in regard.
delinquency, preventative means, prevention, combat, liability, penalty, crime, offender, goal.
Police enforcement
Rubtsov A.G. (2011). On the issue of introduction of the Institute of private bailiffs in the Russian Federation. Police activity, 4, 60–62.
the article contains an assumption of introduction of the Institute of private bailiffs in Russia. Systems
of enforcement in foreign countries are compared in the article. The author suggests introducing private
system of execution as an experiment.
management, adjudication, private bailiff, collection agency, civil service, compulsory execution, bailiff, recoverers, enforcement proceeding, market economy.
Informational support of the police
Staschenko S.P. (2011). Legal regulation of how provision of information services is executed by the agencies
of Internal Affairs to the citizens. Police activity, 4, 63–67.
the article is focused on the issues of information powers of the federal agencies of executive
brunch. The author suggests a classification of information powers of the federal agencies of the executive
brunch. Besides this, the article describes a problem of realization of the rights of the citizens to obtain data
which is available about them in the records of the Department of Internal Affairs.
information services, information privilege, intersystem privilege, external privilege, circulation of documents, records management, personal data, requests, information.
Foreign police forces
Nasanzhargalyn Ganbadral (2011). Application challenges of the means of administrative compulsion by
police in Mongolia. Police activity, 4, 68–71.
Legislation of Mongolia which regulates firearms and special equipment employment does not
contain legal instructions which establish the limits of lawful application or use of firearms, special equipment.
Hereupon the general and the particular remains outstanding within the regulation framework in the context of
each case of special means of administrative constraint. Imperfection of legal provisions regulating the activity
of the subjects who are authorized to use firearms and special equipment is related to the insufficient legal
reasoning of usage of special equipment in administrative and police science of Mongolia.
police, Mongolia, weapon, usage, compulsion, special means, application, regulation, academy, prevention.