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«Police activity» (18+)

¹ 3, 2011
Published since
2013 year
Once every two months

The police and protection of human rights
P. 5 - 7
Serving in the police
P. 8 - 12
Administrative activity of the police
P. 13 - 19
P. 20 - 22
The police and criminal procedure
P. 23 - 29
The police and issues of the fight against terror and extremism
P. 30 - 35
Police enforcement
P. 36 - 40
P. 41 - 46
Forensic activities and police work
P. 47 - 51
Informational support of the police
P. 52 - 57
International police cooperation
P. 58 - 65
P. 66 - 71
Contents details