The police and issues in the fight against corruption
Ovchinnikov N.A. (2011). Administrative and legal regulation of the conflict of interests and compliance with the
requirements of the on-duty ethics as a means of lawfulness control in the activities of the employees and
civil officers of MOIA of Russia. Police activity, 2, 7–11.
the article describes legal and structural gaps which are taking place in conflict of interests settling
during performance of their official activities by the officers of Internal Affairs and civil officers in the system of MOIA
of Russia. The article contains a research of the essence of the work of different committees which deal with conflict
of interest settlings; as well as offers some improvements of their effectiveness on this issue.
lawfulness, law and order, conduct, ethics, conflict, safety, interest, publicity, police officer, committee, service, regime
History of the Russian police force
Tseluiko A.V. (2011). On policing of the main traffic arteries in the Russian Empire. Police activity, 2, 12–14.
the article gives an account of peculiarities of establishment, development and functioning of the law
enforcement bodies which secured policing on transport while the Russian Empire.
Ministry of Internal Affairs, crime combat and control on transport, railway stations guard, gendarme, Ministry of Railway Communication, policing on transport, police, transport security, police officer
Administrative activity of the police
Boreiko Y.A. (2011). Development of the recording and reporting system of administrative offences in road traffic. Police activity, 2, 15–18.
the article gives a study of legal and structural issues of assurance of recording and reporting system of
administrative offences in the sphere of traffic collision. The article suggests that this recording of road accidents is of
actual importance as one of the main conditions of law enforcement in the work of the State Automobile Inspectorate.
offense, recording and reporting, order, offender, traffic, system, vehicle, effectiveness, motor vehicle accident, crash, impairment, injure, collision
Administrative activity of the police
Kuzina S.V., Kashkina E.V. (2011). The administrative activity of the authorized neighborhood police inspector
aimed at crime prevention (by the example of Leningradskaya Oblast’). Police activity, 2, 19–23.
the article suggests a study of legal and structural principles in prevention of offences within the
boundaries of the servicing administrative area; an analysis of forms and methods in the work of the neighborhood
police inspector within their administrative area of their service. Based on the research suggestions are made on
how to improve the performance of the neighborhood police inspector.
a neighborhood police inspector, area of service, preventive means to eliminate the offences, activity, prevention, administrative district, residential area, check, conversation as a preventive measure, patrol zone
Administrative activity of the police
Sizov I.Y. (2011). Administrative and legal cooperation in the Interior Ministry bodies in provision of legal status
to the alien citizens. Police activity, 2, 24–30.
the article suggests a study of legal and structural issues of cooperation in the Internal Affairs
bodies concerning the procedure of provision of aliens and persons lacking citizenship with the legal status
under Administrative Law; an analysis of the principles of such cooperation as well as the priority trends in it
are defined.
alien, people without citizenship, cooperation, status, situation, assurance, coordination, bodies of Internal Affairs, migration authorities, effectiveness, forces, means, information exchange
Police administration
Eliseev A.V., Salnikov M.M. (2011). Integrated automated information-analysis system management (KAIAS)
«Safe City» in the work of the bodies of Internal Affairs. Police activity, 2, 31–38.
the article suggests a research of legal and structural issues of security measures in big cities
and other types of built-up areas and settlements; the article explains the organizational structure of the system
functioning “Safe city”; the article puts forward proposals how to use the management of security measures in a
more effective way.
«Safe city», prevention of offences, regional programs aiming at prevention of offences, integration of police in the sphere of public safety, policing, assurance of traffic safety, built-up area, safety
Police enforcement
Gafarov S.V. (2011). Business activity of detectives and safeguarding establishments — as a unit of safety
measures of entrepreneurial activity. Police activity, 2, 39–41.
the article describes legal and structural issues of security measures in business activity of the subjects
of detective and safeguarding establishments; the article suggests a point that the entities providing detective and
safeguarding services in the territory of the Russian Federation remarkably give way to the same organizations
functioning in foreign countries.
safety, entrepreneur, subject, guard, defense, approvals, license, methods, types of investigation, regulation
Forms of police activity
Tregubova E.V. (2011). Administrative prohibition in police activity. Police activity, 2, 42–48.
the article explains the notion and the essence of administrative prohibition due to realization in
police activity in the sphere of government management. The article suggests a study of a variety of administrative
prohibitions related to the police service.
method, prohibition, approval (authorization), police, police officer, guard, activity, authority, execution, safety
International police cooperation
Damirchiyev E.I. (2011). Main trends in practice of European Law Enforcement Organization or European Police
Office (Europol) in crime combat. Police activity, 2, 49–59.
the article views the issues concerning the liaison of European Police Office (Europol) in the sphere of
crime combat in the territory of European Union. Special attention is drawn to the legal principles of establishment
and activity of Europol, practical sides of this cooperation, and to the issues of organization and coordination of this
kind of cooperation with other law enforcement agencies and establishments in EU.
European Police Office (Europol), Judicial cooperation body (Eurojust), Interpol, European Union, the Schengen Information System (SIS), integration, harmonization, crime, criminal procedure
Foreign police forces
Solomatina E.A. (2011). Legal and administrative principles of police in Germany. Police activity, 2, 60–64.
the article describes legal and structural issues in the work of German police; based upon the above
mentioned issues, suggestions are made concerning the improvement of administrative activity of the Russian
police, Germany, service, arrest, system, compulsion, investigation, turnover, law enforcement agency, defense, border guard
Supervision of the police
Vasilyev R.I. (2011). Government control as means of administration. Police activity, 2, 65–71.
the article suggests a study of legal and structural principles in government control, the notion of
the latter, essence, its role and place in the government management activity. The article suggests an analysis of
theoretical and legal sources, and that of the present day mechanisms in the system of government management
of the Russian Federation.
administration, control, society, state, law, lawfulness, law and order, assurance, method, tool, function, part, process, principle, offence, responsibility