The police and issues in the fight against corruption
Ovchinnikov N.A. (2011). On lawfulness as on one of the trends in resistance to corruption in the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MOIA) of Russia. Police activity, 1, 5–9.
the article describes legal and structural gaps of law and discipline consolidation in performance of official work by officers of Internal Affairs, explains the essence of lawfulness and outlines the priority trends in reformation of the system of MOIA of Russia.
lawfulness, law and order, corruption, consolidation, safety, bodies of Internal Affairs, MOIA of Russia, mode and policy, means, resistance, discipline
The police and issues in the fight against corruption
Kostennikov M.V., Kurakin A.V. (2011). Administrative and legal anti-corruption means in the system of civil service and in the work of police officers of the Russian Federation and in foreign countries. Police activity, 1, 10–16.
the article describes administrative and structural issues of anti-corruption means in official work of police officers including officers of executive bodies of government authorities. The article suggests means aiming to minimize the corruption crime in the system of state administration.
corruption, Internal Affairs bodies, police, resistance, civil service, corruption risk, liability, executive body, administrative and legal means
The police and issues in the fight against corruption
Krivonosov A.N. (2011). Legal liability for corruption crime. Police activity, 1, 16–19.
the article describes problems related to the means of realization of criminal liability for corruption crime, explains the act of penal action related to bribery institution including the penal actions of corruption nature.
corruption, bribery, a bribe, bribetaking, indirect bribery (by a third party), large scale, infringement of the law, commercial bribery, abuse of power
Police staffing
Anokhin S.A. (2011). Gerasimova O.A. Personal legal liability (moral compass) of the officers of Internal Affairs (police). Police activity, 1, 20–25.
the article describes the characteristic features of legal liability of the officers of Internal Affairs bodies,
as well as responsibilities of these officers, certain fields and scope of their work. A study of the issue stated in the article is of practical importance as legal liability together with social attitude are inherent of human nature.
bodies of Internal Affairs, legal liability (moral compass), justice, honesty, discipline, infringement, investigation cabinet, task-force groups, personal values, staffing policy, testimonial on an officer, constitutional state
Administrative activity of the police
Agafonov S.I., Korobkin M.V. (2011). Administrative regulations and procedures in the system of MOIA of Russia. Police activity, 1, 26–35.
the article describes legal and structural issues of the development of administrative procedures and administrative regulations in the system of MOIA of Russia. The article points out various types of administrative
procedures and regulations in the work of the bodies of Internal Affairs.
regulation, procedure, process, production, interaction, licensing, registration, executive authority, administrative procedure and activity
Administrative activity of the police
Boskhamdzhieva N.A. (2011). On aviation security as an integral part of public security of the Russian Federation. Police activity, 1, 35–38.
the article describes legal and structural aspects of insuring of aviation security, in the system of transportation security, explains the essence of transportation security, as well as means of insuring of transportation
security are described.
security, means of insuring, transport, source of increased danger, threat, risk, objects of transport infrastructure, means of insuring security, safety concept of transport infrastructure
Administrative activity of the police
Vostroknutova O.Y. (2011). On improvement of administrative and law control of migration policy of the Russian
Federation. Police activity, 1, 38–41.
the article suggests an analysis of legal and structural gaps of regulation of migration processes, explains present structural gaps related to the realization of migration processes, offers means to improve the migration control.
migration, migration policy, migrant, immigration control, deportation, expulsion, concept, migration service
Forensic activities and police work
Rychkalova L.A. (2011). Resistance to crime detection and investigation. Police activity, 1, 42–49.
the article explains the issues in resistance to crime detection both of inner and outer nature, draws attention to the methods of resistance to crime detection, as well as suggestions are made in relation to how to cut expenses in resistance to crime detection and crime investigation.
crime, resistance, method, tactics, forensic means, felony, factors, trace, cover-up, investigation
Operative investigation in police work
Admiralova I.A., Grishin Y.N. (2011). Preparation and realization of a task-force case-study “apprehension” in people trafficking investigation. Police activity, 1, 50–53.
The article describes such an acute issue as people trafficking investigation – carrying out of a task-force case study “apprehension” and liberation of the hostage; the article suggests algorithms of actions performed by officers of a task-force group and investigators taking part in similar to the case study operations.
people trafficking, criminal-investigation operations, task-force case-study, apprehension, liberation of hostages
Operative investigation in police work
Gafarov S.W. (2011). On ensuring of business security. Police activity, 1, 53–55.
the article describes legal and structural problems of insuring of entrepreneurial or business security
by private security insuring entities. On the grounds of the research the following conclusion is made that there are many problems in this field, each of them requiring individual approach to their resolving.
security, entrepreneur, entrepreneurial activity, business, economic crime, risks, threats, ensuring, economics, loss
Police enforcement
Shemetov M.N. (2011). Issues related to realization of the means of criminal liability for smuggling. Police activity, 1, 56–57.
the article describes issues related to the means of realization of criminal liability for smuggling, draws attention to the issues of classification of deeds related to the external economic activity.
smuggling, liability, compulsion, undeclared, understatement of customs value, customs fees, transfer, customs border
Foreign police forces
Akulov V.I., Solomatina V.A. (2011). Police authorities of foreign countries. Police activity, 1, 58–63.
the article describes the legal and structural challenges in establishment of police forces in a number of industrially developed countries, points out that while establishing the police bodies a great number of issues arose which were caused by circumstances of objective and subjective nature. Nevertheless, many foreign countries succeeded in establishment of effectively working police force.
police, police authorities, foreign countries, police officer, police surveillance, police compulsion, police regulations, police work, evaluation criterion of the work performance of police, police force
Foreign police forces
Mantsurov A.Y. (2011). Human resources management in People’s Police of the Ministry of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China. Police activity, 1, 63–68.
the author of the present article describes specific structure of the staff’s service of the People’s
Police of the Ministry of Public Security of PRC, to be exact the normative legal foundation which regulates the order of service performing and professional training of the personnel in the People’s Police of MPS PRC.
human resources activity, People’s Police of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), The People’s Armed Police Force, table of ranks, public order, public safety, Peking University MPS (Ministry of Public Security) of PRC, the Ministry of Public Security of PRC, discipline
The police and criminal procedure
Esaulov S.V. (2011). International law principles of presumption of innocence in police work of criminal procedure. Police activity, 1, 69–71.
the article describes gap of the principle realization of presumption of innocence in criminal proceedings,
explains the essence of the above mentioned principle and its normative securing, points out the social significance of the principle of presumption of innocence in the mechanism of defense of the rights of the suspect or defendant.
presumption, police, defense, security, guiltlessness, procedure, International Law, person, declaration, law, guilt, legal proceedings, defendant, suspect