Economical support of national security
Ogloblina, E.V. (2024). Current issues of industrial and technological cooperation in the EAEU countries. National Security, 5, 1–8.
The subject of the study is the integration of production processes and technology exchange between Russia and the EAEU countries. The purpose of the work is to analyse the organizational and economic mechanisms of industrial and technological cooperation in the EAEU countries and to determine the conditions for increasing their effectiveness in the context of sanctions policy aimed at restricting the access of the Russian economy to foreign markets. The methodological basis of the research is a systematic approach, methods of induction, deduction, analysis and synthesis. The article considers examples of successful activities of joint ventures – one of the leading forms of industrial and technological cooperation between Russia and the EAEU countries, common in the automotive industry, aircraft manufacturing, energy and petrochemistry. Their creation stimulates economic growth, promotes industrial diversification and strengthens the international positioning of the region. The analysis revealed the following positive results from the organization of joint ventures between Russia and the EAEU countries: expansion of markets and increased production volumes, technology exchange and high innovation potential, employment generation and competence development. The problems that reduce the positive effect were also identified, in particular, the lack of harmonized standards, financial risks, managerial and cultural differences. Solving these problems requires combining the efforts of business and government agencies. The results of the study demonstrate the importance of creating and improving the efficiency of joint ventures in the EAEU countries, they can be used to adapt Russia’s economic strategy to new geopolitical conditions.
technological exchange, industrial modernization, innovation, export potential, integration, international competitiveness, sanctions, multipolar world, industrial and technological cooperation, EAEU
Internal threats and countermeasures
Apal'kova, T.G., Levchenko, K.G., Lipagina, L.V. (2024). Regional features of the manifestation of demographic threats in terms of characteristics of marriage, motherhood and childhood. National Security, 5, 9–24.
The subject of the research is the regional characteristics of demographic indicators of marriage, motherhood and childhood, their relationship with the indicator of natural growth. At the same time, the natural decline of the population is considered as one of the key threats to the demographic and, consequently, national security of the population of the Russian Federation, since it entails a number of economic and geopolitical risks. The variability of indicators of marriage, motherhood and childhood is considered in the study as a possible source of variability in natural growth. Therefore, the regional peculiarities of the numerical characteristics of each of these features are analyzed in detail. Special attention is paid to regions showing abnormal values. In addition, the nature of the influence of individual indicators of marriage, motherhood and childhood on the natural growth rate has been studied in order to identify key factors determining the variability of the latter. The paper uses methods of exploratory data analysis: elements of descriptive statistics and diagrams to demonstrate trends . The closeness of the relationship between the indicators of the natural growth coefficient and the indicators of marriage, motherhood and childhood is also determined and a model of linear regression of the natural growth coefficient on the total fertility rate is constructed. The authors' contribution to the development of the topic is that, despite the simplicity of the stated methods, the study allowed us to identify regions with specific features in one or more indicators of marriage, motherhood, childhood, as well as natural growth. Further study of the features of regional demographic policy, the state of health, and cultural characteristics of the selected regions will allow us to borrow positive experience and correct negative trends, which should lead to a decrease in the factors determining the depopulation of the Russian population in terms of marriage, motherhood and childhood. The regression model allowed us to conclude that measures are needed to increase the total fertility rate, since, among the factors considered, the natural growth rate turned out to be the most sensitive to this trait, which simultaneously characterizes the propensity of women to motherhood and the intensity of fertility
regional variability in demographic indicators, total fertility rate, depopulation, problems of motherhood, regression analysis, correlation analysis, regional demographic features, statistical analysis, natural population decline, demographic threats
Scientific and engineering support of national security
Ageev, V. (2024). On the issue of the strategy of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation. National Security, 5, 25–38.
The object of the research of this article is the normative legal acts of strategic planning in the field of scientific and technological development of Russia. The subject of this study is the Strategy of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation in 2024. The importance of the research is determined by the fact that the experience of reforming various spheres of activity of the state and society has shown that the successful development and functioning of a particular sphere is impossible without planning, forecasting and program-oriented regulation. The author pays great attention to strategic planning issues, formulates the concept of strategy from the point of view of law, analyzes the main directions of state policy in the field of scientific and technological development of Russia; conducts a detailed comparative analysis of the Strategies of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation in 2016 and 2024, identifies novelties of the Strategy of 2024; develops recommendations and proposals. The methodology of the study was compiled by the normative legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as the works of Russian scientists. The article used both general scientific and special research methods. The novelty of the research lies in the insufficient number of studies on the problems of the article. As a result of the research, the author comes to the following conclusions: The Strategy of scientific and technological development of 2024 indicates that Russian science is the basis for the sovereign development of the state and ensuring the security of the country; one of the significant changes made to the Strategy of 2024 was the provision that the key factor of scientific and technological development is the creation and development of its own the implementation of the Strategy should be aimed at correcting previous mistakes in strategic planning in order to avoid the main mistake – insufficient provision of technological sovereignty; the provisions of the Strategy should be mandatory for all entities with tools to achieve their goals; it is necessary to continue improving legislation on strategic planning and management in order to make it real a mechanism for ensuring the technological sovereignty of the state.
technological sovereignty, scientific potential, high-tech technologies, innovations, big challenges, public policy, scientific and technological development, strategic planning, strategy, national security
External aspects of national security
Arzhaev, F.I. (2024). The new trends in the development of the former Yugoslavia countries: the fast development with EU or the Greek scenario. National Security, 5, 39–49.
After the Yugoslavia had collapsed, the Balkan region became one of the most complex and heterogeneous in Europe. Countries, earlier united by Yugoslavia ended up in wars. This caused both political and economic problems; their solution may lie in the accession to the European Union (EU). At the same time, the EU is also not an ideal tool to solve its member countries’ problems: Greece can be considered as an example. Within the article, the authors set the task to answer the question: what scenario for former Yugoslavian countries’ economies will be realized if these countries enter into the EU. The major challenge of this article is to assess the effectiveness of the EU mechanisms without being affected by the high social role of the EU integration, so the authors concentrated on the economic factors. The authors answer the posed question and classify the former Yugoslavia’s countries; the authors also prove the low efficiency of the EU mechanisms in solving the economic and political contradictions of the countries, situated in the Balkan Peninsula. The major contribution of the article is the assertion that Slovenia and Croatia, despite being less involved in the Yugoslavian conflict, can become triggers for the negative effects transfer to the EU. It should be noted that the situation in the region is fragile and support of the countries of the former Yugoslavia from such an economically powerful association as the EU will lead to a worsening of the situation and destabilization.
Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, contradictions, consequences of accession, European Union, economy, Countries of the former Yugoslavia, Albania, Greece
Economical support of national security
Ivanov, A.A. (2024). The Armed Forces and Establishment of Secondary Social Institutes. National Security, 5, 50–62.
In this article, the author examines in detail various aspects of transforming the armed forces into an instrument of socio-economic modernization. The object of research in this case is the army as a social institute, and the subject of the study is historical examples of hybrid institutional agreements with the participation of the army for the design of new institutional formations. Particular attention is paid to positive examples of the participation of armed forces in hybridization processes in the past, namely, knightly orders, martial arts, medieval military mercenaries, etc. At the same time, examples of unsuccessful hybrid agreements such as military settlements are also given. The aim of this study is the search for alternative methods of capitalizing the military potential of modern states in the changing conditions of a multipolar world based on historical experience. The research methodology is based on the achievements of the “new institutional economy” and involves identifying the place and role of the armed forces in the social mechanism through structural-functional and procedural-dynamic analysis. As a result of the study, it can be concluded that the task of capitalization of the country’s military potential and turning it into an instrument of socio-economic modernization can be solved if society is considered not only in the context of the diversity of content but in terms of the relationships between its constituent universal concepts. Cooperation and hybridization of institutes within the institutional matrix in this vein open up opportunities to overcome the factors hindering socio-economic development. The author's contribution to the solution of the research goal is the establishment of a connection between the “valence” of social institutions associated with the use of violence and the ability of society to find a balance between security and progress.
mafia, mestnichestvo, mercenaries, orders of chivalry, military enterprise, hybridization, universals, institutional matrix, institutes, military settlements