Strategy of national security
Sarkisov, V. (2022). Effective implementation of measures to ensure environmental safety is one of the main components of Russia's stable development in modern conditions. National Security, 3, 1–6.
Ensuring environmental safety is an integral component of the stable development of each country, and every year there is an increase in the amount of funding for environmental protection. In Russia, the implementation of measures to improve the environmental situation is one of the key tasks, since the annual damage to the economy, according to experts, is up to 4% of GDP. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the implementation of the national project “Ecology” and analyze the effectiveness of the formed measures to stimulate the enterprise to switch to green technologies within the framework of the federal “Introduction of the best available technologies". Dialectical, comparative, and static research methods were used to identify key results. In recent years, the level of emissions in relation to the capacity for their disposal has been growing, which in turn reflects high environmental risks. The key industries that have a negative impact on the environment are coal and iron ore mining. There is an increase in waste from these industries, which is a significant threat. In the course of the study, it was revealed that the proposed measures do not fully allow companies to dynamically switch to green technologies, which in turn will not significantly change the environmental situation in the country until 2024.
federal projects, environmental safety, fixed assets, the best available technologies, ecology, National projects, business support measures, green bonds, subsidies, coal mining industry
Rapid response and tactics
Grigor'eva, K.V. (2022). Improving the methodology for analyzing the financial stability of the bank in order to increase economic security. National Security, 3, 7–13.
Annotation. The subject of this article is the existing methods, both abroad and in the Russian Federation, in terms of analyzing the financial stability of banks as one of the factors affecting economic security in general. The modern legislation of the Russian Federation is analyzed in detail in terms of the methods used to analyze the financial stability of banks by the Bank of Russia. Attention is also paid to other existing methods: popular foreign methods, as well as the methodology created by the rating agency of Expert RA JSC. The most important theses on each of the considered methods are revealed, as well as shortcomings that require attention and improvement are revealed. The formal-logical method is used as the basis for the analysis of existing methods for the analysis of financial stability and systematization of the main provisions. A comparative method was also used in order to identify trends and shortcomings in the methods used. The article presents the author's reasoned position on the problem of analyzing the financial stability of a bank as a private factor affecting the overall financial stability of the system, as one of the factors of economic security. The scientific novelty of the article consists in the proposal to improve the methodology of the analysis of the financial stability of the bank in order to early prevent the occurrence of risk factors for the loss of financial stability by the bank, the importance of including the bank's business model in the analysis of accounting is determined. Based on the analysis, it is concluded that the existing methods in the Russian Federation require clarification and refinement, especially in terms of accounting for the analysis of the financial stability of banks of their business models. Taking into account this indicator will make it possible to identify inefficient banks from the point of view of their banking activities, and also raises the question of further development of such banks from a strategic point of view.
systemically significant banks, financial stability analysis, economic situation, economic security, rating agencies, financial reliability, Bank of Russia, creditworthiness, business model, bank
Transformation of national security systems
Vakarev, A.A., Vinogradov, V.V., Ievleva, N.V., Vinnichenko, A.S., Kotel'nikova, D.V. (2022). Russia as part of the Eurasian Economy in the modern era of transformation of the world market: economic security. National Security, 3, 14–27.
The subject of the study is the system of relations related to ensuring the economic security of Russia as part of the Eurasian economy in the conditions of the current global crisis, and the choice of the main directions of its development in the presence of Western and Eurasian models of positioning in the world economy.The object of the study is the state of the world market in modern conditions in its dialectical dualism of the presence of Western and Eurasian models of positioning of national economies. The authors consider in detail such aspects of the topic as the problem of the presence in the modern global economy of two main concepts as part of the development of the modern world market: financial and industrial. Particular attention is paid to which groups of countries are developing within the framework of these concepts, and Russia's position in relation to them is determined from the standpoint of ensuring its economic security. The main conclusions of the study are the following: - there are two main models in the modern market: the Western one, which is based on the priority development of the financial market; and the Eurasian one, which is based on the development of real production; - Russia in recent decades has sought to develop according to the Western model, but has a high degree of adaptation to the Eurasian one, especially due to the development of extractive industries; - the way out of the current crisis is likely to involve a shift in global emphasis from the financial concept of development to the production one. In these conditions, it makes special sense for Russia to develop and implement a comprehensive program for closer integration into the Eurasian economy. It is this integration that will give economic security a qualitatively new level. A special contribution of the authors is to identify the main directions of Russian economic and managerial activities to ensure the repositioning of the country's economy according to the Eurasian model after the end of the current crisis. The novelty of the study lies in the statistical substantiation of the parameters of the difference between the Western and Eurasian models.
the Eurasian model, western model, concept, real production, public debt, Eurasia, development, Economy, financial model, production model
Transformation of national security systems
Kormishkina, L.A., Kormishkin, E.D. (2022). Environmental investment is a powerful "support" for the progressive and sustainable growth of the post-pandemic economy of Russia. National Security, 3, 28–44.
The objective need for environmental investment to overcome the reproduction of anti-sustainable environmental trends in the modern Russian economy and its post-pandemic recovery is substantiated. Environmental investments that meet the criteria of the global ESG agenda are positioned as responsible in their essence and transformative in their functional role. Original scientific judgments are presented on the impact of such investments on the dynamics and intensity of "green" innovations (new technologies, production processes, supply chains capable of solving issues of waste processing and industrial reproduction of raw materials from waste resources, as well as the use of alternative energy sources, etc.), which are able to generate long-term and sustainable growth of aggregate factor productivity (TFP) and ensure the radical transformations of the economic system associated with the formation of a "green" circular economy. Regressive models (growth curves) have been constructed for the current domestic economy, taking into account the volume of environmental investment, confirming the hypothesis of the "weakness" of this process in the Russian Federation, including due to the lack of significant changes in the state environmental policy. The minimum necessary economic tools of the state policy in the field of stimulating environmental investment in Russia have been formed in order to post-pandemic recovery of its economy and ensure long-term sustainable growth of TFP. The conducted research makes a certain contribution to the development of the theory of endogenous economic growth by taking into account the impact of environmental investment, which is initially focused on the effective use of natural capital, on the maximum involvement of waste resources in economic turnover, the replacement of traditional production technologies with environmentally friendly or low-carbon, the improvement of ecosystems, the production potential of the economy, the quality of the environment and social changes.
sustainable economic growth, circular economy, growth curves, cumulative factor productivity, deinvestments, green innovation, environmental investment, anti-sustainable environmental trends, pandemic economic recession, rental model of the economy
Person and citizen within security systems
Ermakova, E., Igonina, A.A. (2022). Index of multiple deprivations as a methodological basis for combating poverty in depressed regions (foreign experience). National Security, 3, 45–53.
The object of the study is the method of calculating the index of multiple deprivation of territories as a methodological component of overcoming multidimensional poverty. The subject of the study is the best practices of using the index of multiple deprivation in developed countries.The purpose of the study is the theoretical and methodological justification of the feasibility of calculating the index of multiple deprivations at the level of the subjects of the Russian Federation to identify the most acute manifestations of multidimensional poverty and its subsequent overcoming. The methodological basis of the research was made up of general scientific (the method of scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis, the unity of historical and logical) and special (statistical, index) methods. The information base of the study was the statistical data of the World Bank, methodological recommendations for calculating the index of multidimensional deprivation of territorial authorities of Great Britain, aggregated data of the information and analytical portal Knoema. According to the authors, the attention of regional authorities of the Russian Federation in terms of solving the problem of poverty should focus not only on monetary, but also, first of all, on multidimensional poverty in order to eliminate the problems of the regions in the sphere of living standards and ensure the inclusion of all citizens in the development processes. The calculation of the multidimensional deprivation index is expedient from the point of view of reducing disparities in territorial development and point-to-point solutions to the problems of specific territories (for example, residents of northern regions may experience deprivation in infrastructure, the population of central Russia and industrial zones suffers deprivation in relation to environmental living conditions, etc.)
depressive territories, territorial inequality, territorial development, deprivation, multidimensional poverty, monetary poverty, poverty, standard of living, index of multiple deprivations, foreign experience