Transformation of national security systems
Zinnurov, R.T., Fedorenko, A.A. (2017). International terrorism in the XXI century: instrument of proxy warfare or independent actor. National Security, 6, 1–10.
This article examines the place and role of international terrorism at the present stage, its impact upon the socioeconomic and political process at the Near and Middle East, Europe, and Russia. The authors attempt to determine the level of independence of the international terrorist structures in planning, organization, and implementation of their activity. International terrorism as a factor that affects the global politics, has established in the late XX century. The most influential modern terrorist organizations Al-Qaeda, Islamic Stat (banned in the Russian Federation) have been established in the countries of Near and Middle East. The article analyzes the Russian and foreign literature, as well as applies the method of comparative analysis, problem-chronological and system approach. In the early XXI century, international terrorism raised a claim for their independent role as well as began involving significant number of the politically active population, including from Europe and Russia, to join their ranks. Over the recent 25 years, terrorist acts had been organized by the Islamist extremist groups practically all over the world, and claimed thousands of lives. The emergence of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria had to become the core of the “new caliphate”. The reasons of such activeness carry not as much political or economic character, but are much deeper. Today, the world faces the era of the new global crisis, associated with searching for ways of social development, formation of life prospects, and new meanings of human existence.
proxy wars, USA, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, international terrorism, Islamism, foreign policy, Boko Haram, caliphate, modern society
Internal aspects of national security
Krasova, E.V., Cao, L., Xu, Q. (2017). Job market issues in the conditions of intense labor migration as a threat to China’s domestic stability . National Security, 6, 11–20.
The subject of this research is the job market issues associated with the internal labor migration that has taken unprecedented scale in China, as well as viewed in the context of domestic threats to national security of the country. The object of this research is the Chinese labor market, transforming under the influence of the development of internal migration. In the course of its economic development and restructuring, modern China faces the acute social problems caused by the differentiation of personal income, poverty, exploitation of workers, and in turn, provoking social strain. The goal of the work consists in determination of the key problems of China’s job market in the conditions of heavy labor migration that represents a threat to the domestic stability of the country. Methodological foundation of the research contains the positions of modern theory of market economy, particularly the job market; migration systems theory; concept of national security; system approach and statistical analysis. The article substantiates the relevance of examining the job market in terms of active internal migration for modern China, highlights the basic trends in development of job market, identifies and studies the key job market issues alongside their correlation with the threat to domestic security of the country, introduces the main directions for solving the indicated issues. Among such problems, the author underline the extremely long duration of the working day, lack of full-fledged social security of the workers and especially migrants, discrimination in employment sector, lack of professional education, work-related diseases and problems with upbringing and education of children.
situation with Chinese migrants, unemployment in China, China’s social problems, China’s domestic stability, labor migration in China, internal labor migration, job market issues, China’s job market, discrimination of Chinese migrants, children of migrants
Administration and maintenance of security systems
Korneiko, O.V., Dubovik, O.E. (2017). Food security of Russia in the context of fish farming. National Security, 6, 21–33.
The object of this research is the fish farming of the Russian Federation as a basic source of resource provision of its food market. The subject is the combination of socioeconomic relations of the actors of fish farming activity and society in the area of ensuring food security. The authors meticulously examine the impact of the Russian fish farming upon the national food security within the framework of system, multicomponent approach leaning on the fish farming inventory indexes (production volume, bioresource potential, anthropogenic threats), availability of fish products and its consumption (quality and safety). The information base of this research contains the official conceptual documents and normative legal acts of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Russian Federal Agency for Fishery, expert evaluations and calculations of the Russian and foreign scholars published in the scientific literature. The article demonstrates the high level self-sufficiency of the country with regards to fish products and independence of the food supply from imports. The treats to food security are hidden in the three aspects: quantitative (export orientation of the Russian fish product manufacturers; decline in production volume of some types of fish products; low fish farming harvest); socioeconomic (deterioration of the conditions of economic affordability of food due to the price increase and drop in people’s income with simultaneous formation of the new consumer habits in our society); and quality-certification (infiltration of market by products of questionable quality and authenticity). The author suggests the measures on ensuring food security of the Russian Federation pertinent to fish and seafood products.
resources, consumption, threats to food security, affordability of fish products, fish value, fish farming, Food security, Russian, consumer habits, safety standards
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Tsezar, D.A. (2017). The methodology of substantiation of the required effort and funding for prevention and control of forceful action in the maritime space. National Security, 6, 34–41.
The object of this research is the activity of law enforcement structures on the struggle against forceful action in the maritime space; while the subject is the methodology of substantiation of the required effort and funding for prevention and control of forceful action. The author applies the probabilistic conflict model based on the principles of combat (hard management, combination if fire and maneuver, control over the situation using observation and reconnaissance). For evaluation of parameters of the model and its verification, the author has examined the descriptions of the actions committed by pirates and terrorists in successful or unsuccessful attempts of causing damage to people and tangibles in the maritime space. The article carries out a comparative analysis of capabilities of the law enforcement structures and pirates (terrorists). A number of examples demonstrates the possible application of mathematical methods of justifying decisions to implement one or another type of means of fighting against unlawful actions in the maritime space. The prevention of forceful actions is based on achieving by the military and police watercrafts of the high chance of neutralization of the pirates and terrorists. The application of the presented methodology by the law enforcement structures provides quantitative grounds for increasing the efficiency of their actions.
Maritime space, Military strategy, Combat simulation model, Methodology, Control of forceful action, National security, Watercraft, Maritime piracy, Maritime terrorism, Forceful action
Transformation of national security systems
Zabirov, D.V. (2017). History of establishment of national security in the Republic of Tajikistan within the framework of the system of regional security. National Security, 6, 42–46.
The object of this research is the question of establishment of national security in the Republic of Tajikistan within the framework of the system of regional security. The subject of this research is the vectors, forms, and peculiarities of ensuring national security of Tajikistan, as well as the key stages of establishment of national security within the framework of regional organizations. Main attention is given to the combination of factors that affected the establishment of the system of national security of independent Tajikistan: its domestic processes that took place at the moment of acquiring independence – civil war, proximity to the volatile Afghanistan, terrorist threats, overall situation in CIS after the collapse of USSR, relations with Russia ads the key ally, processes influenced the object of research as part of new CIS. The main conclusion lies in the thesis that any forms of national security of Tajikistan within the framework of the system of regional security and historical retrospective, as well as at the present stage, are “inseparably” tied to Russia, which must guarantee the security of state borders, and serve as a military and financial donor.
cooperation, region, Tajikistan, Russia, threat to security, former Soviet Republics, stage, regional security, Collective Security Treaty Organization, Collective Security Treaty