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«National Security» (18+)

¹ 2, 2016
Published since
2013 year
Once every two months

Administration and maintenance of security systems
P. 169 - 175
Technologies and methodology of security systems
P. 176 - 182
Globalization and national security
P. 183 - 190
P. 191 - 211
Legal support of national security
P. 212 - 220
P. 221 - 227
Informational support of national security
P. 228 - 235
External aspects of national security
P. 236 - 244
P. 245 - 252
External threats and countermeasures
P. 253 - 258
P. 259 - 265
Economical support of national security
P. 266 - 275
P. 276 - 285
Humanitarian support of national security
P. 286 - 293
Person and citizen within security systems
P. 294 - 299
Contents details