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«National Security» (18+)

¹ 1, 2015
Published since
2013 year
Once every two months

Question at hand
P. 5 - 14
Strategy of national security
P. 15 - 18
Rapid response and tactics
P. 19 - 31
Transformation of national security systems
P. 32 - 47
Reliability factor in security systems
P. 48 - 58
Legal support of national security
P. 59 - 66
External aspects of national security
P. 67 - 72
External threats and countermeasures
P. 73 - 87
Confrontation and defense potentialities
P. 88 - 100
Economical support of national security
P. 101 - 107
P. 108 - 115
Scientific and engineering support of national security
P. 116 - 122
Person and citizen within security systems
P. 123 - 145
Contents details