Komarov A.A..
Measuring the latency of crimes committed with the help of information and communication technologies according to the matrix of A.A. Konev's punishability indices
// Security Issues.
2024. № 4.
P. 31-48.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7543.2024.4.72451 EDN: DNARAJ URL:
The subject of the study in this paper is the real state of computer crime. At the moment, this type of crime is one of the most urgent problems of national security. Its qualitative and quantitative indicators indicate the need to reorient the activities of law enforcement agencies to combat this threat. However, in our opinion, such a reorientation should correspond to a balanced analysis and understanding of the true state of affairs not only in the accounting and registration discipline of law enforcement agencies engaged in countering such socially dangerous encroachments, but also in the actual state of its latent part. The main difficulty in such an analysis is that the completeness of criminal statistics on the issue of computer crime is provided for a fairly short period of time. Therefore, within the framework of our work, special attention is paid to the applied mathematical and statistical aspects of the accounting and registration discipline of law enforcement entities, as a necessary condition for its objective knowledge, in order to plan law enforcement activities more effectively. To solve the tasks assigned to us, we resorted to the use of the documentary method in our research. After that, the data was statistically processed by summarizing and grouping. Then the hypotheses of the study were verified by mathematical calculations of the indices of punishability, the intensity of the manifestation of public danger and the severity coefficients of computer crime according to the original methodology of A.A. Konev. The main conclusions of this study are the statements that there has been no qualitative change in the degree of latency of computer crime, despite its multiple increase in volumes. At the same time, it is obvious that the latency of certain types of computer crimes is not uniform and varies in different ways, depending on the structure. The actual state of computer crime depends on many mediating factors. But the calculation model indicates the need for two indispensable conditions: an increase in the severity of acts and a multiplicity of volume growth rates over a relatively short period of time, as a necessary component of reducing the latent part of crime. Such conditions in the framework of computer crime are observed only in two cases: Internet drug crime related to the retail sale of prohibited substances and mercenary computer crimes are primarily frauds.
intensity of public danger, punishability index, crime rate, criminal statistics, national security, latency, fraud, drug crime, computer crime, Anatoly Alekseevich Konev
Ivanov A.A..
Soviet patriotism in the context of technological security of the USSR
// Security Issues.
2024. № 3.
P. 62-72.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7543.2024.3.72181 EDN: GWTNDP URL:
The article examines the history of socialist building in the Soviet Union through the prism of the political leaders’ search for a solution to the problem of designing a new innovation mechanism. The object of the study is the technological security of the USSR, and the subject of the study is the system of motivation for inventions in the situation of a transitional society. The author focuses on the role of various hybrid constructs – for example, «socialist patriotism» – in the formation of such mechanism. Particular attention is paid to the ideological aspects of technological security, namely, the attempts of the country's leaders to combine the doctrins of Marxism with practical steps to create a socialist mechanism for ensuring scientific and technological sovereignty. In the article, the author explains the reason for the Bolshevik leadership’s rejection of the ideas of internationalism by the need to use elements of “patriotic” motivation to intensify technological progress. In the study, the author used an institutional analysis of the development of the Soviet scientific and technological sector in the context of explaining the connections of science with other elements of the social mechanism of the USSR. The novelty of the study lies in identifying the ideological aspects of the state technological security system. The author’s special contribution to the study is in revealing the paradox between the internal structure of the Soviet innovation mechanism and the conflictual coexistence of the socialist and capitalist systems. The main conclusions of the study are the author’s statements about the inconsistency of the policy of the USSR leaders in the field of innovation management and the forced usage of state coercion instruments within the framework of prison-type scientific organizations to overcome the paradoxes of the development of the scientific sector.
exploitation, motivation, socialism, Marxism, secutity, science, Patriotism, inventions, innovations, common labor
Tikhanychev O.V., Tikhanycheva E.O..
Overview of the history of the development of camouflage uniforms and its influence on the current state of camouflage
// Security Issues.
2024. № 3.
P. 73-94.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7543.2024.3.40022 EDN: GXSAXR URL:
In the early stages of combat operations, the multi-colored coloring of the uniform served, along with other elements of visualization of the situation, to visually distinguish friendly troops from enemy troops, to separate troops by type and purpose, and not to ensure the secrecy of troops. The issue of camouflage of military equipment and structures, at this stage, has not yet been raised. With the increase in the range and accuracy of weapons, with the advent of automatic weapons, the field military uniform gradually lost the function of identification and acquired the function of camouflage. At first it was a monochromatic khaki coloring, which provides an imitation camouflage function, then a camouflage coloring that adds deforming properties to it. With the advent of military equipment on the battlefield, it had to be painted as well. And later, with the advent of reconnaissance and combat aviation, and other types of long-range weapons, it was necessary to ensure the secrecy of not only the objects of the battlefield, but also the objects of the rear. The article considers the history of the development of methods for increasing the secrecy of personnel through the use of protective coloring of uniforms and equipment. Other aspects of the application of methods for increasing stealth in the optical and other ranges, as well as their development in recent history, are also briefly touched upon.
imitation camouflage function, commercial camouflage, camouflage is in fashion, history of disguise, army camouflage, protective coloration, ensuring secrecy, camouflage, deforming camouflage function, military style
Degterev A.K., Kucherik G.V..
Assessment of the danger of the release of deep hydrogen sulfide from the Black Sea to the surface
// Security Issues.
2024. № 2.
P. 1-8.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7543.2024.2.70585 EDN: QOCOAV URL:
The relevance of this study is due to the fact that the Black Sea is the largest body of water with a hydrogen sulfide zone. The proven reserves of hydrogen sulfide in the water column of the Black Sea amount to five billion tons. In terms of volume, this corresponds to 3.5 trillion cubic meters. At the same time, a mixture of hydrogen sulfide with air is explosive starting with a concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the air of 50 g/ m3. In addition, hydrogen sulfide is toxic, since it is a nerve gas, deadly already at 1 g/ m3. It is of interest to assess the possibility of the release of hydrogen sulfide waters of the sea to the surface with their subsequent degassing, as well as the consequences of increasing the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in surface waters and in the air for coastal areas. The distribution of hydrogen sulfide in the Black Sea is well studied. Especially a lot of measurement data was obtained for the top layer at a depth of 1000 m. Data on the concentration of hydrogen sulfide at depths from 1000 m to 2000 m is significantly less for technical reasons. The maximum concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the sea is reached at depths above 1500 m. A numerical assessment of the consequences of the release of deep waters to the surface has been obtained. It is shown that the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the air will not exceed 1 g/m3, which is almost two orders of magnitude less than the explosive concentration. The balance estimates of oxygen and hydrogen sulfide fluxes in the Black Sea are considered in connection with forecasts of a rise in the boundary of the hydrogen sulfide zone. It is shown that the rise of the boundary is a consequence of the imbalance of these flows, however, the amount of net hydrogen sulfide production cannot be estimated accurately enough. With an accuracy of estimates of the fluxes themselves of 20–30%, the resulting increase in the amount of hydrogen sulfide per year is a statistically insignificant amount. The release of hydrogen sulfide to the surface in the foreseeable future is possible if the stratification of waters is disrupted by mechanical intervention.
anaerobic zone, marine ecology, oxygen, balance of hydrogen sulfide and oxygen flows, hydrogen sulfide concentration in air, hydrogen sulfide concentration in water, hydrogen sylfide zone, hydrogen sylfide, Black Sea, water stratification
Tikhanychev O.V., Tikhanycheva E.O..
Ensuring the secrecy of objects in the conduct of armed conflicts of varying intensity, as an important aspect of their protection: history, status, development of the process
// Security Issues.
2023. № 4.
P. 126-151.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7543.2023.4.39371 EDN: JXXGOA URL:
The object of the study is to ensure the security of objects during the conduct of military conflicts of varying intensity. The subject of the study is to increase security by increasing secrecy. Historical analysis shows that secrecy is provided mainly due to the coloring of military uniforms and objects. At the early stages of combat operations, the colors of uniforms served, along with other elements of visual visualization of the situation, to visually distinguish their troops from enemy troops, the separation of troops by gender and purpose, and the issue of masking combat and rear facilities was not relevant. With the increase in the range, accuracy and rate of fire of weapons, the field military uniform gradually lost the function of identification and acquired the function of disguise. At first it was a one-color "khaki" color, then a camouflage coloring. With the appearance of military equipment on the battlefield, it also had to be painted, masking turned from a poorly formalized process into one of the forms of ensuring combat operations – engineering. Subsequently, with the advent of reconnaissance and combat aircraft, and other types of long-range weapons, it was necessary to ensure the secrecy of not only the objects of the battlefield, but also the objects of the rear. Separate sections of masking – reducing the optical visibility of objects in the air and at sea. The article examines the history of the development of methods for increasing the secrecy of personnel, weapons and objects through the use of protective coloring of uniforms, equipment and military equipment. Other aspects of the application of methods of increasing stealth in optical and other ranges, their development in recent history are briefly touched upon.
optical stealth of objects, masking ranges, army camouflage, ways of disguise, protective coloration, disguise, camouflage pattern, ensuring secrecy, object protection, distortion of the contours of objects
Strizhkov V.A..
Application of machine learning methods to counter insider threat to information security
// Security Issues.
2023. № 4.
P. 152-165.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7543.2023.4.68856 EDN: JZMHXQ URL:
The subject of the study is the problem of internal threats to information security in organizations in the face of malicious insiders, as well as negligent employees. The object of the study is machine learning algorithms in terms of their applicability for detecting abnormal behavior of employees. The author delves into the problems of insider threat, and also considers various approaches to detecting malicious user actions, adapting these concepts to the most suitable machine learning algorithms in terms of functionality, implemented further in the framework of the experiment. The emphasis is on the insufficiency of existing generally accepted security measures and policies and the need to improve them through new technological solutions. The main result of the conducted research is an experimental demonstration of how controlled machine learning and data mining can be effectively used to identify internal threats. During the experiment, a realistic set of input data is used, compiled on the basis of real cases of insider activity, which makes it possible to evaluate the operation of machine learning algorithms in conditions close to combat. When comparing the results obtained, the most efficient algorithm is determined, which is preferable for future studies with a larger data set. A special contribution of the author is a fresh look at the understanding of the insider threat and an experimentally substantiated argument in favor of a new approach to countering this threat, combining a complex of diverse measures. Thus, the work involves both mathematical methods on which the logic of machine-learning algorithms is based: classification, regression, adaptive enhancement, etc., and linguistic methods used for preprocessing the input data set, such as stemming, vectorization and tokenization.
information security, vectorization, logistic regression, classification algorithms, adaptive boosting, anomalous behavior, supervised learning algorithms, machine learning, internal intruder, insider threat
Degterev A.K..
Assesment of the risk of degazation of the Black Sea: type of limnological disaster on lake Nyos reconsidered
// Security Issues.
2023. № 4.
P. 69-77.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7543.2023.4.69339 EDN: GVCACD URL:
The possibility of a repetition of the limnological catastrophe in the Black Sea is considered. It is shown that, in contrast to the volcanic lakes of Africa Nyos and Manun, where limnological catastrophes occurred in the 1980s, the concentration of dissolved gases in deep waters is significantly less than the saturation value. This eliminates the mechanism of so called “eruption” of carbon dioxide such as gas lift. However, on a smaller scale, significant methane releases are possible during strong eruptions of underwater mud volcanoes. The mechanism for the release of carbon dioxide from the lake into the atmosphere is so similar to a volcanic eruption that mathematical models developed for ordinary volcanoes are used to describe it. In both cases, the rise of erupted masses occurs due to an increase in the buoyancy of the gas-liquid mixture, which carries with it particles of the environment. The formation and growth of gas bubbles at intermediate depths occurs provided that the total partial pressure of all gases inside the bubble exceeds the hydrostatic pressure at a given depth. The article shows that the concentration of dissolved methane in the Black Sea is much less than the saturation level. Due to the relatively low solubility of methane in water, methane bubbles are able to overcome a significant depth range. And as additional components of the gas mixture, together with methane, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide can thus enter the atmosphere. It was concluded that as the water temperature in the Black Sea increases due to climate change, the reserves of methane gas hydrate at the bottom of the sea will begin to decompose, which will also be accompanied by jet gas release. At the same time, methane can escape to the surface from depths of no more than 900 m.
deep waters, mud volcanoes, gas bubbles, carbon dioxide poisoning, dissolved gases, Black Sea, Lake Nyos, limnological disaster, disaster forecasting, natural disasters
Duben A.K..
Technological sovereignty as the basis of the national security of the Russian Federation
// Security Issues.
2023. № 4.
P. 166-172.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7543.2023.4.69347 EDN: JZMTQE URL:
The subject of the study forms a set of legal acts of the Russian Federation, international treaties (agreements) regulating public relations in the field of of technological sovereignty, law enforcement practice, as well as the provisions of theoretical interdisciplinary research in this area. The research is devoted to an urgent topic in legal science. Technological sovereignty is a concept that assumes the ability of a state to control its technology, data, and digital infrastructure. This issue is of concern in an era of globalization and increasing dependence on technology, as the State seeks to maintain its technological independence and protect its interests in the digital sphere. The article examines the concept of technological sovereignty and its importance in the modern world, with an emphasis on the need to control data. The methodological basis of this work is a system of modern general scientific and private law methods. The study of the formation, development, place and role of technological sovereignty was carried out using the following general scientific methods: analysis and synthesis, abstraction and modeling, observation, generalization, description, classification, etc. The work used special private law methods of cognition of comparative law, formal law. To achieve the goals and objectives of this study, the author provides a brief analysis of existing methodological approaches to technological sovereignty as a concept in the general knowledge system, and also formulates the author's definition of this category. The author concludes that ensuring technological sovereignty will guarantee the national security of the Russian Federation, thereby creating conditions for countering new challenges, threats and risks: internal and external information threats when using digital technologies; developing destructive processes aimed at the information space of the Russian Federation, violation of the rights and freedoms of citizens, public safety and the state, as well as the tasks of ensuring the socio-economic development of the country and domestic digital technologies, the technological sovereignty of the Russian Federation.
competition, National security, security, data protection, law and order, independence, information, technological sovereignty, data security, the concept
Tikhanychev O.V..
On the legal and ethical aspects of autonomous use of mobile robots in the sphere of military operations
// Security Issues.
2019. № 3.
P. 33-42.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7543.2019.3.28960 URL:
The subject of this research is the application of autonomous robots of various designation. The object of this research is the occurring legal and moral-ethical aspects. The work is conducted on the example of the use of robotics in military sphere. Analysis of peculiarities of the modern military actions demonstrated that one of the revolutionary aspects in military sphere lies in implementation of robotics in the battlefield. However, the implementation of this trend generates certain problems in the legal and humanitarian sphere. As with any weapon, use of battlefield robots can results in critical errors, divided by the experts in the errors of first and second type. In robotics, the primary cause of such errors consists in functionality of software of robotic systems. If for conventional armament the consequences of these errors are predictable and responsibility is established, then in the case of using battlefield robots, the situation requires a solution. Based on the general review of the legal and moral-ethical problems of using mobile robots, possible consequences and causes of occurrence of errors of first and second type, the article synthesizes articulation of the scientific task of solving the problem of allocation of responsibility between developers and users of such systems.
autonomous combat robots, law and robotics, use of combat robots, use of weapons, legal problems of robotics, moral and ethical problems of robotics, robotization of the battlefield, wrong decisions, type II errors, division of responsibility
Eliseeva L.G., Makhotina I.A., Kalachev S.L..
Increasing Plant Product Safety By Reducing the Concentraiton of Phytates
// Security Issues.
2019. № 1.
P. 9-17.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7543.2019.1.28874 URL:
The subject of the research is the opportunity to increase food safety by reducing the concentration of the anti-alimentary factor, phytic acid and its salts. The author salso touch upon the question about providing enough protein in food products consumed by the popularion as well as the current deficiency of food protein and the fact that the situation is most likely to get even worse in the future as a result of the population growth. In many developing countries the deficiency of protein refers not only to the overall problem of undernutrition but also unbalanced diet when the share of plant protein containing unhealthy anti-alimentary components prevails. The most commonly used anti-alimentary components are protease, alkoloids, oligasugar, and phytates. Phytates lower the bioavailability of micronutrients and thus increases the deficiency of these life-important elements in food. The scope of the research covers such issues as the provision of population with enough protein sources and possible influence of such anti-alimentary compositions as phytates on digestibility and bioavailability of food components. The author used the method of comparative anlaysis to evaluate the technology of reducing the concentration of phytates. To define the concentration of phytates, the author has applied the method of indirect qualitative analysis that is based on the spectophotometery and anion-exchange chromatography. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors have used the method of induced autolysis to decreate the concentration of anti-alimentary components in plant protein. The authors have suggested to use the modified method of indirect qualitative analysis of phytates in bean cultures. They have received the following conclusions: the processing method offered by the authors allow to decrease the concentration of phytates in the initial vegetable feed by over 25%. The method of indirect qualitative analysis has proved to be plain but valid.
induced autolysis, bioavailability of micronutrients, lupin seeds, leguminous crop, phytate, phytic acid, antinutritional components, plant sources of protein, food safety, deficiency of protein
Shurekov V.V., Samokhina S.S., Mukhunova Y.V., Aksenova M.Y..
Calculating the Chance of Aircraft Being Hit with Lightning During Flight in Thunderstorm Above the Territory of the Russian Federation
// Security Issues.
2019. № 1.
P. 51-58.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7543.2019.1.28952 URL:
The subject of the research is the calculation of the change of aircraft being hit with lightning during flight in thunderstorm above the territory of Russia. It has been discovered that short- and midrange aircrafts are less susceptible for thunderstorm attack while long-range aircrafts have more changes to be hit with lightnin. The most dangerous thunder clouds for aircraft are super-cellular clouds. The methodological basis of the research is the combination of theoretical and model (estimation) approaches. The initial data for calculations are flight characteristics of the most popular aircrafts and characteristics of thunder clouds. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the calculations obtained as a result of the research can be used to predict the change of aircraft being hit with lightning during flying under the conditions of increased electrical activity of the atmosphere. The authors also give recommendations for individuals who often use aircraft as part of their life activity regarding how to plan flights under the conditions of increased electrical activity of the atmosphere.
Russian Federation, life safety, passenger cabin, flight safety, electrical activity of the atmosphere, lightning, thundercloud, static electricity, aircraft, aviation
Kuzmenko A.N..
The Use of the Polymorphic Modification of Software Code for Increasing Reliability of the Software in Untrusted Environment
// Security Issues.
2018. № 4.
P. 64-77.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7543.2018.4.26611 URL:
Today's information environment when critical systems connect to the public data network including the Internet as the global network, and software is used in untrusted environments, creates the need in particular means that would prevent information threats as well as increase reliability of software. This need is growing especially important under the conditions of rapidly developing cyber weapon capable of malicious takeover or destruction of networks and industrial, social, military and financial infrastructure as well as highly automated industrial and manufacturing lines. In this study Kuzmenko analyzes the approach to increasing reliability of the software from the point of view of computer security and the use of the software in the untrusted environment using the polymorphic modification of software code. The results of the research can be used for protection of programming elements of crucially important infrastructures both from undeliberate impact of the software environment and deliberate impact of the malicious software.
confusing compiler, confusing transformations, code modification, interpreter, compiler, transpalier, obfuscation, compiler infrastructure, programming languages, software
Chirov D.S., Novak K.V..
Perspective Directions of Development of Military Robotic Systems
// Security Issues.
2018. № 2.
P. 50-59.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7543.2018.2.22737 URL:
The article considers the questions regarding the status and improvement of military robotic systems on the basis of the analysis of the existing nomenclature of robotic systems in foreign countries. The authors of the article provide a brief overview of existing types of robotic systems for special purposes, and describe their characteristic features and major problems. They demonstrate that at the moment special purpose robotic systems solve a limited number of tactical tasks, however, not significantly affecting the forms and methods of armed struggle. At the same time, being formed over the past decade in fundamental and technological areas of science, these capacities allow to speak about readiness for transition to a fundamentally new level, robotization of the armed forces. The research involved statistical analysis of more than 700 samples of robotic systems designated for special purposes. The result of the research identified the main directions of research on the development of special purpose robotic systems: improving resource and intellectual autonomy; construction modularity and reconfiguration; design and technological standardization samples and their key functional components; noise immunity and secrecy of communication systems and management.
unmanned aerial vehicle, intelligent systems, directions of development, autonomy, military-technical level, robotics, weapons, unmanned underwater vehicle, unmanned boat, statistics
Baltaev R.K., Lunegov I.V..
The method of increase of the transmitted information secrecy using the minimal possible change of the image pixels with its maximal filling with information
// Security Issues.
2016. № 6.
P. 52-59.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7543.2016.6.21337 URL:
The research subject is the steganographic methods of data protection, able to hide not only the contents of the transmitted information, but also the very fact of transmission. The authors consider an important problem of creation of steganographic systems of information protection – the high secrecy of information transmission, which is the most important characteristic of such systems. The secrecy is understood not only as a visual or sound indistinguishability of a digital media file from the media file with embedded information, but also the statistical indistinguishability. The research methodology is based on the objective metric of image distortion, including the generally accepted figure – peak signal to noise ratio. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the proposed method of increase of the hidden transmission of information using the minimal possible image distortion with its maximal filling with embedded data. The authors analyze the most widely used steganographic systems of information protection. The authors ascertain that the most promising method of steganography is the method of direct spectrum broadening, since it has particular advantages compared with other methods. The problem of a high level of secrecy of information transmission, connected with the unacceptably high level of a container distortion upon the hidden data embedding is solved using this method. Based on the peak signal to noise ratio, the authors study the distortion of digital images with hidden information, embedded using different methods. The proposed method demonstrates the best results.
Kerckhoffs' principle, hidden information transmission, image distortion, digital images, method of information embedding, direct spectrum broadening, quality index method, LSB method, steganography, information protection
Loginova E.V., Dubovikova E.Y..
The analysis of innovative capacity of Russian science in the context of national security ensuring
// Security Issues.
2015. № 6.
P. 17-69.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7543.2015.6.17971 URL:
The research object comprises the factors determining the formation and realization of innovative capacity of the Russian science. The research subject is the set of economic connections and relations emerging in the process of implementation of innovative capacity of Russian science with the purpose of national security ensuring. The authors characterize the factors determining the resource component of the innovative capacity of Russian science. Special attention is paid to the analysis of rates characterizing the efficiency of scientific studies: the knowledge content of the GDP, the number of patent claims and grants, the number of created and applied advanced technologies, and the balance of technological trade with other countries, which help to define the level of realization of innovative capacity of Russian science. The authors work within the framework of the fundamental system-functional approach and apply the structural, historical-logical, complex, comparative, and monographical methods. The conclusions are based on the results of application of such specific analytical methods as classification, structuring, comparison, verification, ranging, indexing, and geographic extrapolation. The use of heuristic potential of these methods increases the validity of the authors’ assessments and the effectiveness of conclusions and recommendations. The authors conclude that scientific studies (and technologies based on these studies) define the innovative vector of the modern economy development, thus promotes the formation of conditions for national security ensuring in contemporary Russia. Such an approach allows interpreting scientific studies (in terms of their integration into the market relations system) as an active source of national security of Russia in a complicated geopolitical situation.
knowledge content of the GDP, scientific migration, staffing, scientific studies' effectiveness, resource factors, Russian science, innovative capacity, national security, patent activity, scientific studies financing