Scientific and engineering support of national security
Degterev, A.K., Kucherik, G.V. (2024). Assessment of the danger of the release of deep hydrogen sulfide from the Black Sea to the surface. Security Issues, 2, 1–8.
The relevance of this study is due to the fact that the Black Sea is the largest body of water with a hydrogen sulfide zone. The proven reserves of hydrogen sulfide in the water column of the Black Sea amount to five billion tons. In terms of volume, this corresponds to 3.5 trillion cubic meters. At the same time, a mixture of hydrogen sulfide with air is explosive starting with a concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the air of 50 g/ m3. In addition, hydrogen sulfide is toxic, since it is a nerve gas, deadly already at 1 g/ m3. It is of interest to assess the possibility of the release of hydrogen sulfide waters of the sea to the surface with their subsequent degassing, as well as the consequences of increasing the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in surface waters and in the air for coastal areas. The distribution of hydrogen sulfide in the Black Sea is well studied. Especially a lot of measurement data was obtained for the top layer at a depth of 1000 m. Data on the concentration of hydrogen sulfide at depths from 1000 m to 2000 m is significantly less for technical reasons. The maximum concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the sea is reached at depths above 1500 m. A numerical assessment of the consequences of the release of deep waters to the surface has been obtained. It is shown that the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the air will not exceed 1 g/m3, which is almost two orders of magnitude less than the explosive concentration. The balance estimates of oxygen and hydrogen sulfide fluxes in the Black Sea are considered in connection with forecasts of a rise in the boundary of the hydrogen sulfide zone. It is shown that the rise of the boundary is a consequence of the imbalance of these flows, however, the amount of net hydrogen sulfide production cannot be estimated accurately enough. With an accuracy of estimates of the fluxes themselves of 20–30%, the resulting increase in the amount of hydrogen sulfide per year is a statistically insignificant amount. The release of hydrogen sulfide to the surface in the foreseeable future is possible if the stratification of waters is disrupted by mechanical intervention.
anaerobic zone, marine ecology, oxygen, balance of hydrogen sulfide and oxygen flows, hydrogen sulfide concentration in air, hydrogen sulfide concentration in water, hydrogen sylfide zone, hydrogen sylfide, Black Sea, water stratification
Person and citizen within security systems
Kostyuchenko, K., Mukhachev, S. (2024). Assessment of students' awareness in the field of information technology and information security. Security Issues, 2, 9–17.
The article is devoted to the results of studying the state of students' awareness in the field of information technology. The subject of the study is the main elements of information technology and information security. The aspects related to the use of information technologies, the use of information protection methods, and the understanding of the nature of information threats by students in educational institutions of higher education were studied. The object of the study is various educational institutions, including law enforcement. The results of a survey of students for several years are presented. The data obtained on the possession of computer technologies, as well as the negative information impact, are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the comparison with similar data given in other publications. The main conclusions of the conducted research are that the respondents actively use information technologies in educational work, entertainment, communication, however, at the same time, they are rather poorly aware of information security issues. The younger generation does not fully understand the degree of danger in relation to the information being processed, their own mental and physical health, financial well-being, and in some cases, life. Less than half of the respondents are aware of the requirements of regulatory legal acts in the information sphere, which is why even the most common means of information protection are not used. It follows from the results of the analysis that the level of awareness changes little over time.
reliability of information, questionnaire, information impact, Internet, computer security, cybersecurity, information security, information technologies, competencies, information warfare
Administration and maintenance of security systems
Skobelina, N.A. (2024). Interprofile practices: ensuring safety in the long-term care system (on the example of the Volgograd region). Security Issues, 2, 18–29.
The long-term care system includes diverse specialists who organize long-term care activities and provide services to elderly and disabled people in need of care. Our focus is on interprofile practices that are created in the long-term care system in order to provide high-quality and safe services to the population. The purpose of the article is to identify the features of interprofile practices in the aspect of ensuring safety in long-term care. In the long-term care system, safety is understood as a way to protect the health and well-being of the elderly and disabled, creating conditions to improve the quality of life of citizens in need of care. It is relevant to create safe work for care professionals in order to prevent their professional burnout in long-term care. The article uses the analysis of scientific literature and the results of expert interviews with managers and employees of social service centers of the Volgograd region (N=27, Volgograd region, January – February 2022). The fundamental theory for the study of interprofile interactions of specialists as organized practices is the theory of structuration by E. Giddens. The features of interprofile practices that are reproduced by subjects of long-term care include: versatility, balance of social services and medical care, the technological basis for the interaction of specialists, ensuring safety in the process of long-term care. In the Volgograd region, a mechanism is being built to ensure the safety of elderly people and care professionals in need of care, technologies are being used that integrate the efforts of medical workers and specialists in the field of social services, the creation of which contributes to improving the quality of services for the elderly and disabled. However, not all social service centers in the Volgograd Region use the brigade method and establish cooperation practices between medical professionals and social service specialists, whose integration ensures the safety of both providers and recipients of services.
system, Volgograd region, multilevel, interview, technology, care, long-term, safety, practices, interprofile
Rapid response and tactics
Pinchuk, L.V. (2024). Tactical and forensic support of general inspection of the road traffic accident scene. Security Issues, 2, 30–41.
The subject of the study is the main approaches to the tactical and forensic support of the inspection of the scene of a traffic crime. The article deals with the problem of examining the scene of a traffic crime, which is faced by all, without exception, investigators of internal affairs agencies, whose jurisdiction includes the investigation of this category of criminal cases. The author substantiates the idea that the tactical and forensic support for the inspection of the scene of a traffic crime is very important for establishing most of the circumstances of the crime under investigation, while highlighting specific circumstances characterizing such significance, and also provides examples from judicial practice. The author identifies the elements of tactical and forensic support for the inspection and proposes a specific algorithm for the actions of the law enforcement officer during the general inspection of the accident site. The methodological basis of the study was made up of: the formal legal method, the method of critical analysis, as well as the method of legal modeling. The author summarizes new material on the topic under study: official statistics for 2022 and 2023, examples from judicial practice from 2017 to 2022, monographic studies by domestic authors from 2015 to 2021, studies by foreign authors, and also uses the author's experience in investigating traffic crimes as an investigator of law enforcement agencies internal affairs. The program of actions of the investigator during the general inspection of the scene of a traffic crime is proposed, which includes a number of successive actions, during which the situation of the scene does not change, consistent observation of all objects and traces at the scene of an accident is carried out, prerequisites for qualitative investigation of traces are created during the subsequent detailed inspection of the scene of a traffic crime.
road traffic offences, road traffic accidents, forensic tactics, forensic methodology, investigation of road traffic offences, investigator's action programme, inspection preparation, conducting the investigative inspection, accident scene, investigative inspection
Legal support of national security
Agamagomedova, S. (2024). Exhaustion of rights and parallel import: legal assessment from the point of view of security. Security Issues, 2, 42–50.
In the context of external challenges and threats, integration and digitalization of the economy, attention is growing to the issues of exhaustion of rights or parallel imports. The article considers the issues of exhaustion of exclusive rights to intellectual property objects from the point of view of ensuring security.The object of the study is the model of exhaustion of exclusive intellectual property rights in Russia, its features from the point of view of ensuring various types and levels of security. Based on the proposed periodization of the legal regulation of exhaustion of rights in Russia in the context of Eurasian economic integration, the author examines the formed model of exhaustion of intellectual property rights, highlights its features, identifies options for its scientific justification from the standpoint of ensuring national security in the context of internal and external threats.Methods of systemic, historical and institutional analysis, formal logical and comparative legal methods were used. The author proposes a periodization of the legal regulation of exhaustion of rights in Russia in the context of Eurasian economic integration, a classification of participants in legal relations directly or indirectly involved in the mechanisms of creation, use and turnover of intellectual property rights. Attention is drawn to three aspects of the mechanism of exhaustion of rights that has developed and is developing in Russia: the conceptual apparatus of the mechanism, the complexity and multilevel nature of the security provided by it and the mobile nature of the mechanism of exhaustion of rights. Conclusion are drawn that in modern Russia the established model of exhaustion of rights, combining elements of regional and international principles of exhaustion, can be considered as a way to counteract sanctions pressure, measures to protect domestic copyright holders, producers and consumers, measures to support the domestic economy, conditions for the formation and strengthening of technological sovereignty. It is proved that the established correlation of various models of exhaustion of rights in Russia reflects the dominance of aspects of national security protection, the strengthening of economic components of intellectual property rights protection.
economic integration, copyright holders, safety, sanctions, parallel import, intellectual property, exhaustion of rights, technological sovereignty, consumers, Economy
Legal support of national security
Tsvetkova, A.D. (2024). Certain problems in the appointment and production of unusual forensic examinations. Security Issues, 2, 51–66.
The aspects of determining the list of traditional and "non-traditional" expert examinations, normative fixation of the lists of forensic examinations, training of personnel with appropriate qualifications, familiarization of investigators, inquirers and judges with new expert areas are subjected to a detailed study. The author also focuses separately on the justification of the possibility of recognizing as a non-traditional research of keyboard handwriting expertise and its introduction into the practice of detection and investigation of computer crimes. The author concludes that it is necessary to comprehensively resolve all the problems discussed. It is proposed: to develop a unified approach to determining the criteria of non-traditional forensic investigations; to approve a unified list of traditional expert areas for all departments; to strengthen the scientific development of new potential genera and types of forensic examinations; to organize on the basis of state universities courses of additional education in new forensic areas; to educate the subjects of forensic activity in the part of non-traditional forensic experts. In contrast to previous works on this topic, the present study proposes criteria that can be used to distinguish between traditional and non-traditional forensic activities, as well as to distinguish them from parascientific knowledge; proposes a systemic algorithm for solving all the identified problems and project modeling of this algorithm on the phenomenon of keyboard handwriting, insufficiently researched in the legal sphere, the research of which can become an effective mechanism for increasing the efficiency of forensic activities; and proposes a systemic algorithm for solving all the identified problems and project modeling of this algorithm on the phenomenon of keystroke dynamics, the research of which can become an effective mechanism for increasing the efficiency of forensic activities.
polygraph, CrimLib Investigator's handbook, computer handwriting, forensic science, scientific validity, parascience, keystroke dynamics, traditional forensic examinations, unusual forensic examinations, criminalistics activity
Person and citizen within security systems
Kirlan, M. (2024). Professional moral deformation of lawyers as a threat to public safety: new challenges for the education system. Security Issues, 2, 67–80.
The subject of this study is the problems of professional moral deformation of lawyers, acting as a threat to public safety. The purpose of the study is to identify the main factors influencing the occurrence and development of this negative phenomenon, and ways to minimize them. In the course of the study, an analysis of points of view regarding the moral character of a lawyer was carried out, and the main positive qualities that he should possess were identified. The high social significance of the legal profession has been established, since in fact its implementation takes place according to the "man-man" model. The analysis of the influence of employers on the professional moral deformation of lawyers was carried out by studying the information field and vacancies of the well-known aggregator "Head Hunter" and revealed the significant impact of the labor market on the negative phenomenon under consideration. The methodology of the research consists in the application of methods of analysis and synthesis, systematization, formal legal, dialectical and other methods. Digital services such as Wordstat were used to implement these methods. The author also used such information sources as Yandex and Head Hunter. The study follows the principles of logic and structuring. The scientific novelty of this study is to highlight the actual problems of professional moral deformation of lawyers as a threat to public safety. Practical recommendations have been accumulated regarding the improvement of the legal education system. In particular, it is recommended that the university conduct mandatory career guidance for applicants, since it is extremely important to determine the motivation of an applicant to enroll in the Law School. It is necessary to introduce the discipline "Fundamentals of professional ethics of a lawyer" into the educational program for the training of lawyers. It was revealed that only 35% of the universities studied have such a discipline. It is also required to approve the professional standard "Lawyer". It seems necessary to improve the Draft Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation "On the approval of the professional standard "Lawyer" in terms of the moral and ethical component and psychological stability of lawyers. It is also recommended to introduce psychological trainings at the university level. Leading psychologists have developed various correctional and developmental programs that are aimed at reducing the level of aggression and contribute to the stability of the individual to professional deformations. This list of recommendations is not exhaustive.
graduate student, lawyer, education, Nihilism, formalism, morality, public safety, the labor market, deformation, safety