Legal support of national security
Pligin, V.N. (2024). Current issues of administrative responsibility: security aspects. Security Issues, 4, 1–12.
The object of the study is the administrative responsibility, considered from the point of view of ensuring security. The author identifies the levels of scientific study of administrative responsibility in the context of security, which include: the administrative responsibility for violations of the requirements of certain types of security; the administrative responsibility in the field of security, its individual types; the administrative responsibility in the structure of the mechanism of legal influence, as one of the elements of the regulatory mechanism; the administrative responsibility as a means of ensuring security; the administrative responsibility as a guarantee of ensuring and maintaining the necessary level of security in a certain area of regulation. Special attention is paid to topical issues of administrative responsibility from the point of view of ensuring security. The administrative responsibility is justified from the standpoint of its place in the system of legal responsibility in general and in the structure of public legal responsibility, in particular. When working on the topic, the following research methods were used: methods of systematic and comparative analysis, methods of legal formalization, structuring and classification. The main conclusions of the author are the provisions related to the identification and legal justification of several levels of scientific positioning of administrative responsibility in the context of security. The author highlights several key issues in the research of administrative responsibility in the context of security. Among them: contradictory trends in the direction of strengthening punishments and expanding the scope of relations protected by administrative law and at the same time liberalizing administrative responsibility on the part of the law enforcement officer; issues of delineation of administrative and criminal responsibility, problems of independence of administrative responsibility in the structure of public legal responsibility; issues of the effectiveness of the institution of administrative responsibility from the point of view of ensuring security as a legally protected value. All these issues are considered in the context of reforming the legislation on administrative responsibility and the upcoming "third" codification. A special contribution of the author is the construction of a theoretical model of the relationship between the institution of administrative responsibility and the concept of security.
individualization of punishment, disciplinary responsibility, administrative prejudice, administrative violation, public legal liability, Security strategy, legal responsibility, administrative punishment, administrative responsibility, safety
Monitoring and civil control of security systems
Pankov, V.Y., Galkin, A.F. (2024). Assessment of the radiation hazard of the use of burnt rocks in road construction. Security Issues, 4, 13–30.
The subject of research is burnt rocks, sometimes called "goreliki" or "gliezhi" – an abbreviation of "naturally burnt clays", which are widely used in the construction industry in the main regions where coal and shale deposits are located. Usually, clay deposits are used as binders and fillers of concrete for various purposes, in the manufacture of building blocks and panels, in decorative coatings and jewelry, as well as for fillings in the formation of road surfaces. Usually, in road construction, burnt rocks are used to arrange the underlying layers and foundations of roads. A distinctive characteristic of gorelik is their potential radiation, which should be taken into account when usied in the construction industry. The purpose of the presented research is to analyze the objectivity of the environmental safety of the use of burnt rocks in road construction from the point of view of their radioactivity and to assess the compliance of existing regulatory documents with practical realities. The main production radiation hazards may occur for workers and the public when using deposits as a building material for highways are analyzed. The elements of the discrepancy between the requirements of the current "Radiation Safety Standards (NRB-99/2009)" in the process of assessing the radioactive safety of workers and the public when using burnt rocks in the construction industry are considered. The studies carried out have made it possible to establish that the existing radiation safety standards do not fully reflect the specifics of assessing radioactively hazardous building materials, in particular burnt rocks, in terms of their safe use in the construction industry. The main indicator of the possible negative impact on the health of workers and the population when using deposits is the activity of the element potassium forty, which is practically not considered by the regulation. It is shown that the traditional assessment of the hazard of materials by gamma activity is not entirely objective, since in the case of burnt rocks it reflects only a small part of the actual radiation dose received by the employee. The difficulties of a laboratory study of the radiological danger of burnt rocks by industrial SES are also noted. In this regard, before using the burnt rocks of a particular deposit, it is advisable for construction organizations to use the services of special scientific laboratories with appropriate methodological support and modern equipment for an objective assessment of radiation safety.
burnt rock, the accuracy of the definition, a radioactive element, objectivity, analysis, safety standards, construction, road, radioactivity, safety
Scientific and engineering support of national security
Komarov, A.A. (2024). Measuring the latency of crimes committed with the help of information and communication technologies according to the matrix of A.A. Konev's punishability indices. Security Issues, 4, 31–48.
The subject of the study in this paper is the real state of computer crime. At the moment, this type of crime is one of the most urgent problems of national security. Its qualitative and quantitative indicators indicate the need to reorient the activities of law enforcement agencies to combat this threat. However, in our opinion, such a reorientation should correspond to a balanced analysis and understanding of the true state of affairs not only in the accounting and registration discipline of law enforcement agencies engaged in countering such socially dangerous encroachments, but also in the actual state of its latent part. The main difficulty in such an analysis is that the completeness of criminal statistics on the issue of computer crime is provided for a fairly short period of time. Therefore, within the framework of our work, special attention is paid to the applied mathematical and statistical aspects of the accounting and registration discipline of law enforcement entities, as a necessary condition for its objective knowledge, in order to plan law enforcement activities more effectively. To solve the tasks assigned to us, we resorted to the use of the documentary method in our research. After that, the data was statistically processed by summarizing and grouping. Then the hypotheses of the study were verified by mathematical calculations of the indices of punishability, the intensity of the manifestation of public danger and the severity coefficients of computer crime according to the original methodology of A.A. Konev. The main conclusions of this study are the statements that there has been no qualitative change in the degree of latency of computer crime, despite its multiple increase in volumes. At the same time, it is obvious that the latency of certain types of computer crimes is not uniform and varies in different ways, depending on the structure. The actual state of computer crime depends on many mediating factors. But the calculation model indicates the need for two indispensable conditions: an increase in the severity of acts and a multiplicity of volume growth rates over a relatively short period of time, as a necessary component of reducing the latent part of crime. Such conditions in the framework of computer crime are observed only in two cases: Internet drug crime related to the retail sale of prohibited substances and mercenary computer crimes are primarily frauds.
intensity of public danger, punishability index, crime rate, criminal statistics, national security, latency, fraud, drug crime, computer crime, Anatoly Alekseevich Konev
Massunov, S.L. (2024). Criticism of modern approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "threat": a detailed overview of the shortcomings of the author's ideas. Security Issues, 4, 49–66.
Such a new scientific field as the theory of security, which is currently being developed, is based on a number of original concepts, including threat, challenge, risk, danger, and safety. How-ever, their content in various publications is far from unambiguously determined. In the presented work, as a result of the analysis of a wide list of existing scientific papers, a number of significant disadvantages of the interpretations of one of the cornerstone concepts of security theory, threats, proposed by various authors, are shown. The shortcomings of existing approaches to the definition of the considered product were iden-tified on the basis of the application of several methodological provisions, including methods of comparative analysis, laws of logic and requirements of terminology. As a result of the analysis carried out in the work, it is shown that among the main misconcep-tions when interpreting a threat are: – identification with danger, – representation as a set of conditions and factors that create danger, – as well as definition as a some situation (state), phenomenon, process or factor that can cause negative changes anywhere. In contrast to the presented approaches, it is emphasized that everything that can cause possible negative consequences should be considered not the threat itself, but its source. Attention is drawn to the fact that the authors of only two works adhere to the most reliable interpretation of the threat as the possibility of harm as a result of the object's influence on someone/something. In addition, some articles provide incomplete formulations of the threat, taking into account only one of its components - real or potential, which from the point of view of methodological principles should also be considered unacceptable.
shortcomings, publications, criticism, analysis, interpretation, concept, threat, inaccuracy, error, unacceptable
Rapid response and tactics
Pinchuk, L.V. (2024). Checking the testimony on the on-site inspection during the investigation of traffic crimes. Security Issues, 4, 67–77.
The subject of the study is the patterns of collecting, researching, evaluating and using evidence during the on-site inspection testimony verification in the investigation of traffic crimes. To clarify these patterns, the author refers to literature sources on this issue. The author uses materials of judicial practice, criminal procedure legislation of the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). The author substantiates the importance of checking the testimony on-site in order to prove the circumstances of a traffic crime and, in particular, to obtain initial data on which a forensic automotive technical examination will be appointed. The article analyzes the legally fixed purpose of checking the testimony on-site and indicates the need to specify it. As additional purpose of this investigative action is proposed the verification of previously obtained testimony. The methodological basis of the study is the method of critical analysis, the method of legal modeling, the comparative legal method and the method of observation. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the author considers the goals of checking on-site testimony in the investigation of traffic crimes. New material on the topic under study is summarized: official statistics data for the first nine months of 2024, examples from judicial practice for 2024, and the author's experience in investigating traffic crimes as an investigator of internal affairs bodies is used. A comparative analysis of the criminal procedure legislation of the CIS member states on the issue of regulating the purposes of checking testimony on-site is carried out. The main conclusions of the scientific research are: firstly, the conclusion about the insufficiency of the legally fixed purpose of checking testimony on-site in Article 194 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation; secondly, the conclusion about the need for a separate purpose - checking previously obtained testimony; thirdly, the conclusion about the importance of highlighting the purpose - clarifying previously obtained testimony.
CPCs of the CIS states, testimonial purposes, forensic methodology, forensic tactics, test readings, investigation of road traffic offences, investigative actions, criminal investigation, road traffic offences, road traffic accidents