Administration and maintenance of security systems
Starovoitov, V.G. (2022). The role of municipalities in ensuring economic security of the Russian regions . Security Issues, 1, 1–8.
The subject of this research is the state of economic security of municipalities and their role in ensuring economic security of the Russian regions. The object of this research is provision of economic security of the Russian regions. The article employs the methods of qualitative, quantitative and multi-criteria analysis for ranking regions and municipalities, as well as the methods of systematization and generalization. The author substantiates the relevance of ensuring economic security on the regional and municipal levels due to the fact that the crucial socioeconomic processes associated with economic activity of an the individual and phenomena determining the quality of life take place namely in the regions and municipalities. The main conclusion consists in determination and application of the most significant scientific approaches and methodologies, as well as best organizational practice of ensuring economic security of the municipalities, which allows detecting the threats and threshold values of the indicators of economic security indicators, and improving the quality of assessment of their level of economic security. This enables the mobilization of municipalities in the activity of ensuring their economic security and socioeconomic development. Experience has proven that the level of economic activity and quality of life is growing in the regions, where municipalities successfully solve the issues of their economic security. The scientific novelty of this study consists in revealing and analyzing the currently most important results in the sphere of economic security of the regions and municipalities, as well as in outlining the promising directions of research and their use in solution of the issues of economic security and socioeconomic development of the Russian regions and municipalities.
monitoring, threshold values, indicator systems, indicators, threats, economic security, municipal formation, region, multi-criteria analysis, ranking of regions
Globalization and national security
Varakina, M.I., Trofimova, E.S., Levchenko, Y.A. (2022). Cybercrime and legal support of information security of China in the XX century. Security Issues, 1, 9–20.
The legal protection of computer and information systems, prevention and counteraction to cybercrimes becomes a relevant problem for society and the state. In one or another way, the computer-related crimes, infringement of the interests of users, and intentional distribution of false or harmful information, pose a serious threat to the information system security, as well as interests of the state, rights and freedoms of citizens. The dependence of people and society as a whole on computer and information systems is higher with each year. Generation Y cannot imagine their life without digital technologies. Cybercrime (intellectual crime) implies the unauthorized access to computer systems and databases, infliction of damage, and commission of criminal offense via computer. Such crimes are characterized by being difficult to detect, intellectualism, wide variety, duration and serious threat to the society. The scholars distinguish two types of cybercrimes: in the first instance, computer is viewed as the object of crime, while in the second — the instrument of crime. The first case suggest theft of the computer and its parts, hacker attacks and various types of sabotage, spread of computer viruses, etc.; the second case suggests the distribution of pornography and pirated software, Internet fraud for the purpose of embezzlement, as well as money laundering.
computer, intellectual crime, hacker attacks, information systems, computer technology, legal support, computer security, computer crime, theft by computer, theft of information
Administration and maintenance of security systems
Gorbaneva, O.I. (2022). Economic corruption in a static model of a combination of general and private interests. Security Issues, 1, 21–34.
The article is devoted to the study of corruption in the previously studied static model of the combination of general and private interests (SOCHI model) of several agents. In this article, special attention is paid to the study of economic corruption. To do this, an intermediate level is introduced into the previously considered two-level system between the Principal and the Agents - a supervisor who represents the interests of the Principal, but in exchange for a bribe can improve the position of the agent at the expense of the Principal. The latter sets for each agent, himself and the supervisor a share of participation in the total income. The supervisor can increase the agent's share in exchange for a bribe, reducing the Principal's share. This article examines a three-level hierarchical system in which the supervisor uses an economic corruption mechanism, in the study of which two approaches are used: descriptive and optimization. The descriptive approach assumes that the functions of bribery in question are known. The optimization approach involves the use of Hermeyer's theorem. The influence of economic corruption on systemic consistency in the SOCHI model is investigated: it is proved that economic corruption can theoretically increase consistency. But this requires the fulfillment of many conditions, the joint fulfillment of which is unlikely. It is proved that economic corruption is always beneficial for agents, and also for the supervisor. The only way to combat this kind of corruption has been found.
optimization approach, descriptive approach, economic corruption, agent, Supervisor, Principal, system consistency, corruption mechanism, SOCHI-models, the function of bribery
Comparative analysis of security systems
Belyaev, I.Y. (2022). The problem of control systems for illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances . Security Issues, 1, 35–47.
The subject of the study is problematic issues of control systems for illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. The author analyzes the control systems of the Russian Federation, as well as foreign states, analyzes the relationship of the control system for illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances with the national security system of the state. Particular attention is paid to the search and justification of common features and features of control systems for illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances in existing legal systems. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the classification of control systems, the principles of functioning of control systems and the extension of the tools of existing control systems to new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances. The novelty of the research lies in a comprehensive analysis of existing legal norms aimed at suppressing illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. The author introduces the term "control system for illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances", and classifies existing control systems. The main conclusions of the study are: 1) currently, there are individual, universal and mixed control systems for illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; 2) the Russian control system is individual; 3) the universal control system is most consistent with the goals of ensuring national security. The results of the study are applicable in law-making, law enforcement and research activities.
analogues of narcotic drugs, turnover of precursors, comparative studies, drug control system, designer drugs, drug trafficking, national security, drug addiction, international law and order, anti-drug legislation
Legal support of national security
Karimov, V.K., Kazantsev, D.A. (2022). Potential threats to the use of genetic technologies and legal ways to resolve them. Security Issues, 1, 48–63.
The object of the study is public relations in the field of the use of genetic technologies and their impact on human and civil rights and freedoms, ensuring the security of society and the state. The subject of the study is the provisions of international law, the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field under consideration, the norms of Russian and international law in the field of criminal law protection of relations that may be jeopardized by the use of genomic technologies. The authors draw attention to the fact that the existing legal system does not fully solve the tasks of ensuring the security of human and civil rights and freedoms, society, the state, environmental protection from dangerous encroachments using advances in the field of genetics. The results of the study are based on formal logical and general scientific methods of scientific cognition, a systematic approach. In addition, private scientific methods: formal legal, comparative legal method of legal interpretation. The main conclusions of the study are the following provisions. Potential threats that pose a danger to human life and health, ensuring the safety of society and the environment have been identified. Potential risks may arise in the field of human genetic research, genome editing technologies of various organisms, illegal collection and use of genetic information about a person, the threat of the development and use of genetic weapons as a type of biological weapon, in the field of regulating the activities of DNA laboratories, the use of genetic material for cloning and the use of human embryonic material. As a solution, it is proposed to use the positive foreign experience indicated in the work, the ideas of domestic authors and also the author's proposals for improving the legal regulation of the sphere in question. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that actual and potential risks are identified that pose a serious danger not only to individuals, but also to society as a whole. Legal solutions for their elimination are proposed.
genomic registration, genetically modified products, biobank, genetic weapons, DNA analysis, genetic testing, forensic genetic research, health protection, criminal law, biological weapons