Legal support of national security
Gorian, E. (2021). Normative legal mechanism for ensuring cyberspace security of Thailand . Security Issues, 3, 1–20.
The object of this research is the legal relations that emerge in the context of implementation of measures for ensuring cybersecurity. Characteristic is given to the provisions of the normative legal acts of Thailand in the sphere of cybersecurity. The article author explores the peculiarities of such policy and regulatory documents as Thai National Cybersecurity Strategy for 2017–2021, Policy and Plan for National Security (2019–2022), Cyber Crime Act of 2007 (revised in 2017), Criminal Code of 1956 (revised in 2019), Personal Data Protection Act of 2017, and Cybersecurity Act of 2019. The author reveals the peculiarities of normative legal mechanism for ensuring cyberspace security in Thailand. In its policy documents, Thailand does not determine the major information threats in domestic and foreign spheres or the priorities in the development of cybersecurity system, but rather outlines the range of national interests and sets the tasks may propel it to the regional leadership. The laws are elaborated with consideration of the latest trends in the sphere of information technologies,, and include in the scope of regulation such questions as the protection of personal data, computer and information systems, and critical information infrastructure. The vertical framework of state administration and monitoring, as well as the range of powers of the competent bodies are established on the legislative level. In the sphere of protection of personal data, Thai legislation extensively duplicates the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union. A distinctive feature of the normative legal acts consists in legal substantiation of restriction of human rights and freedoms in the context of implementation of such provisions.
digital economy, Thailand, personal data, critical information infrastructure, data security, national strategy, information security, cybersecurity, e-commerce, national security
Legal support of national security
Chuklova, E.V. (2021). State legal mechanism for ensuring environmental and technogenic safety. Security Issues, 3, 21–43.
In the light of the ongoing state administration reform, it is relevant to examine the state legal mechanism for ensuring environmental and technogenic security as the types of national security. The subject of this research is the definition of the concept and structure of such mechanism, which is an essential condition for ensuring the protection of favorable environment; observance of the interests of citizens and legal entities, society and the state; prevention of threats of natural and technogenic emergency situations; and minimization of the consequences of such situations. On the institutional level, the state legal mechanism for ensuring environmental safety represents the system of governing institutions assigned with the implementation of the key directions and mechanisms for ensuring environmental and technogenic safety; as well as private and legal entities, whose legal status includes the rights and responsibilities in the sphere of ensuring environmental and technogenic safety. On the technological level, the state legal mechanism is characterized by the types of legal activity. On the instrumental level, it represent a set of means and methods at the disposal of the entities. The scientific novelty of this research lies in examination of the essential aspects of the state legal mechanism for ensuring certain types of national security, as well as in formulation of the concept of the state legal mechanism applicable to ensuring environmental and technogenic safety, the absence of which impedes the assessment of the effectiveness of such mechanism in relation to protection of identity, society, and the state from environmental and technogenic hazards, threats and conflicts. The conclusion is made that a range of problems arises in the context of formation of the state legal mechanism for ensuring environmental safety: the existing model of state regulation of greenhouse gas emissions, which is based on voluntary inventory, obstructs the acquisition of information on the volume of greenhouse gas emissions by the administrative authorities; the created information systems in the sphere of environmental security are not an effective mechanism for achieving the goals of the Strategy of Environmental Security; there is certain inconsistency in environmental surveillance regulation.
environmental monitoring, environmental audit, environmental expertise, environmental control, state-legal mechanism, environmental protection, technogenic safety, environmental safety, national security, state information systems
Iroshnikov, D.V. (2021). Reflection of the category “security” and derivative concepts in the Constitution of the Russian Federation (in the light of the amendments of 2020) . Security Issues, 3, 44–59.
This article examines security as the constitutional-legal category through the prism of its consolidation alongside the derivative concepts (national security, public security, environmental safety, and other) in the text of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Special attention is given to the evolution of the category of “security” in the Constitution of the Russian Federation in the context of amendments introduced in 2020, which also affected constitutional framework of ensuring security. However, the subject of research does not include the question on the need and feasibility of amending the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 2020, as well as implementation of such significant changes without its full revision. The author concludes that from the perspective of improving the constitutional framework of security, it is difficult to assess the constitutional amendments unambiguously. On the one hand, question od security was left out, and some of its aspects were reflected in the text of the Constitution, although the pivotal questions of ensuring security could have been regulated by the constitutional norms in more detail. The author notes that according to the Constitution, the major threat to the individual, society and the state regardless the introduced amendments, is the threat of military nature. In that context, the fundamentals of countering security threats of nonmilitary nature should be reflected in the Constitution more constructively.
The Security Council, security objects, amendments to the Constitution, public safety, state security, Constitution of the Russian Federation, national security, security, National Security Strategy, human rights
Reliability factor in security systems
Pastushenko, A.A., Antonova, E.Y. (2021). Criminal law protection of certain principles of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation . Security Issues, 3, 60–69.
The subject of this research is the criminal law guarantees for the implementation of the principles of appropriate and targeted spending of budgetary resources as an element of ensuring national security of the Russian Federation. The author conducts the assessment of normative and law-enforcement material that determines the legal essence of the indicated principles of budgetary system of the Russian Federation. The article explores case law of implementation of certain norms of criminal legislation of the Russian Federation associated with contravention of the principle of appropriate use of budgetary allocations. This article is first to juxtapose the measures of criminal law protection of the principles of appropriate and targeted spending of budgetary resources. Based on the acquired results, the current position on the absence of penalties for the inappropriate use of budgetary allocations is being disputed. The conducted comparative analysis of the measures of criminal responsibility reveals large disparity with regards to protection of the two key principles of budgetary system of the Russian Federation. The author also established the presence of criminal elements that carry out preclusive function, which narrows down the capabilities of criminal law of the Russian Federation. The article offers an optimal and effective method for eliminating this problem and improving protective capabilities of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, including the tasks of ensuring national security.
economic security, national security, principles of the budgetary system, financial system, budget, ineffective use, misappropriation, budget funds, abuse of office, budget system
Internal threats and countermeasures
Simavoryan, S.Z., Simonyan, A.R., Popov, G.A., Ulitina, E.I. (2021). Immune-like procedure for functionality of the system of information security in automated data processing systems in the context of countering internal threats. Security Issues, 3, 70–83.
The subject of this research is the system of creating mechanisms of information from internal threats in automated data processing systems similar to the mechanism of human immunity. The object of this research is the mechanism of human immunity and systems of ensuring information security in automated data processing systems. The goal of this work lies in the development of the universal scheme of functionality of the mechanism of human immunity against internal threats in form of the procedure, and develop on its basis the immune-like scheme for countering internal threats applicable to the systems of ensuring information security. Methodological research on the development of procedure for detecting internal threats in the mechanism of human immunity is carried out via the methods of systemic analysis in area of ensuring information security. Special attention is given to such aspects as consistency and adaptability of the mechanisms of human immunity applicable to the systems of ensuring information security. This article introduces the new solution to the task of adapting the universal scheme of functionality of the immune system in countering internal threats in the systems of ensuring information security based on the principle of demarcation of the elements to “known/alien” and implementation of the procedure to “destroy” threat, the so-called “Trogotcytosis” (“gnaw”). The developed procedures may serve as the basic schemes in further practical studies of the immune-like systems of ensuring informations security.
neural systems, intelligent systems, intrusions detection system, information protection, information security systems, human immune system, artificial immune systems, inborn immunity, adaptive mechanism, systems approach