Lopatin, A.V. (2019). Technogenic disasters and their impact on society, state, and the individual: problems and prospects. Security Issues, 5, 1–8.
The subject of this research is the technogenic disasters occurred due to various factors and producing destructive influence on the state and society. The object of this research is the relations associated with solution of the questions pertaining to technogenic disasters. The author explores the peculiarities of technogenic disasters and problems related to their prevention and elimination of consequences. Special attention is paid to the stages and factors of the development of technogenic disasters, prerequisites for the emergence of situations leading to destructive consequences. Based on the analysis of the most complex events of technogenic type, the author concludes on the causality between the even occurrence and different factors, including human. The scientific novelty consists in comprehensive analysis of the topic, taking into account the existing empirical and theoretical material. The author conducted meticulous work on finding correlation between the prerequisites of technogenic disasters and the factors contributing to their occurrence. The conclusion is made on the need for revitalization of work on key directions in countering technogenic disasters, from legislative regulation and to practical aspects in the area of safety.
information, society, personality, prospects, Problems, control, power, technology, catastrophe, liquidation
Informational support of national security
Ovchinskii, A.S., Shmonin, A.V., Toropov, B.A., Vasil'ev, F.P. (2019). Criminal environment of digital world as a threat to cybersecurity. Security Issues, 5, 9–15.
This article attempts to broaden the modern representations on criminal environment existing in the conditions of globalization and digitalization of virtually all spheres of human and social life. Special attention is paid to the reference frame of current criminal activities. The authors examine the conditions and factors associated with extensive development and proliferation of information technologies and accompanying the emergence, advancement and self-organization of criminality. Positive foreign experience in the area of counteracting cyber threats and criminalization of cyberspace is reviewed. The authors lean on the achievements of Soviet criminology and scientific representations of the criminal environment. Systematization and generalization of the traditional criminological perceptions on criminal activities in light of the current trends in the area of total informatization of the society allow describing and getting deeper understanding of the essence and structure of modern criminality on the new methodological level. This in turn, creates theoretical and methodological platform for the development of measures on counteracting criminal cyber threats.
information technologies, technological innovation, criminal world, cyber threats, criminal environment, data-driven world, cybersecurity, Internet, hacking, cyberspace
Informational support of national security
Yablochkin, A.S., Koshkin, A.P. (2019). Peculiarities of the national policy of information security in the conditions of globalization. Security Issues, 5, 16–31.
Currently, there is certain tension between the concept of transparency of state administration and the need for protection of socially important information. The article examines which types of information are protected by the government for the reasons of national security, as well as which arguments are used in this regard. As a results of studying national strategies in the area of information security, it becomes clear that the governments seek to restrict the information flows due to various reason, which at times do no align with the type of political regime in the country. Content analysis of the Russian and foreign legislative acts is provided. The research results testify to the fact that the democracies alongside authoritarian countries may restricts same types of information problems. The policy and political decision depend on multiple actors, as well who has most influence at the moment, which most often leads to gradual changes in the state information policy and mechanisms of its implementation.
political strategy, national policy, democracy, autocracy, globalization, national security, political decision, information security, policy, public administration
Internal threats and countermeasures
Shumitskaya, E.V. (2019). Threats to domestic security of Bulgaria and Romania. Security Issues, 5, 32–40.
The subject of this research is the main security concerns of Bulgaria and Romania. The author believes that the biggest threat for these countries presents the challenges of domestic security, turning particular attention to corruption and out-migration of population. The article examines the European policy called to improve the situation in Bulgaria and Romania, methods of counteracting the aforementioned issues on the national level, as well as analyzes the causes of failure of anticorruption policy in both countries. The authors lean not only on the reports of political institutions, but also analyzes the statistical data. The conclusion is made that the rapid implementation of laws alongside procedures and institutions of the European Union did not give rise to the establishment of an effective legal and institutional framework in the countries in question. Measures of pressuring and incentivizing used by the European Union also have not yielded significant results. In the area of security and justice, the European integration of both countries had a greater impact on the rates rather than the quality of transformation.
transformation, migration, corruption, European Union, Romania, Bulgaria, threats, security, European integration, judicial system
Humanitarian support of national security
Saltykova, M.V., Kolesnikov, A.V. (2019). Formation of "natural" patriotism within student corporate culture in the context of implementation of the objectives of Russia's National Security Strategy . Security Issues, 5, 41–53.
This article analyzes the relevant requirements of national security in the field of culture, education and protection of personal information stated in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. The paradigm shift of national security has occurred. Russia conducts the new government policy of recognition of the primary role of culture, religious and ethical values, and realization of functions of the Russian language as the means of ensuring integrity of the country. The authors determine the promising trend of formation of “natural” patriotism in corporate culture. The variants of methodical and diagnostic developments for the formation of patriotism among students as a way of protection of personal information are proposed. The results of questionnaire-based survey of students of the Academy of EMERCOM of Russia are provided. The article claims that the phenomenon of patriotism, carrying a poly-paradigmatic character, should become an interdisciplinary subject of research. It necessities the advanced training of faculty members, namely in the military educational institutions, on cultivating “national” patriotism, which cannot be formed only from “above”. Modern political technologies of destruction of states are aimed at shifting aggression from military-geographical to information-network space. The battlefield in the consensual war becomes the mental sphere, self-consciousness of the people, national and cultural identity. Thus, there is a need for the development of new conceptual approaches in upbringing of younger generation, one of which is presented by the authors.
methods of upbringing, Russian language, diagnostics, identification, mentality, corporate culture, natural patriotism, national security, consensual war, values