Technologies and methodology of security systems
Mitin, A.Y. (2019). Armed Confrontation Modeling. Experience of the Foreign States. Security Issues, 2, 1–9.
The article is devoted to the development of the simulation modeling of military actions based on the USA army experience. In his research Mitin has discovered that various kinds of modeling have been used to gain practical experience in managing military subdivisions since ancient times. With the developing mathematics and computers, simulation and modeling have reached a new level. The researcher demonstrates that at the present time simulation is actively used by the USA as part of their armed military training. The USA uses standartized solutions which ensures compatibility of all systems at all levels of management. In his article Minin discovers the problem from the point of view of systems evolutionary approach by studying and generalising accumulated experience in the use of simulation systems by the USA army. The experience analyzed can be used to develop Russian information technologies to support the management of military forces during armed confrontation including that to defeat attack of critically important facilities and to substantiate relevant solutions.
Automation, War game, Simulation systems, Model of the battle, The virtual battlefield, Armed confrontation, simulation modeling, Information technology, Combat action, Security
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Shumov, V.V., Malitsky, K.T. (2019). Evaluating the Levels of Security and Socio-Political Tension in Russia's Regions. Security Issues, 2, 10–23.
Today there is a growing threat to Russia's national security both from the side of certain states and blocks (sanctions, trade wars, NATO placing their forces close to Russian borders, etc.) and traditional threats such as illegal migraton from other countries, cross-border crime, etc.). Slow pace of economic growth, social stratification and other factors have a negative influence on the society and make it necessary to study the levels of security and socio-political tension in Russia's regions. Thus, the object of the research is the social, ethnic and economic processes in different regions that influence the security and socio-political tension therein. The subject of the research is the model of security and index of socio-political tension in regions. To analyze security processes, the researchers have used systems approach, complex approach, historical approach, regional statistics and social research methods (rating and indexes) as well as mathematical methods to evaluate parameters of the model. The modeling results complete views of specialists in the theory and practice of security. The researchers also compare the results to research data in related areas (mathematical models of tension in regions, life quality rating, human development index). It is recommended to apply the research results in the sphere of management and government to create scenarios of socio-political development, to timely discover threats to national security and substantiate measures aimed at ensuring national, state, social and other kinds of security.
indicator, level of socio-economic development, socio-political tensions, region of Russia, situation, security, mathematical model, national security, the index of the region, statistics
External threats and countermeasures
Tikhanychev, O.V. (2019). Cyber Intelligence as a Threat of Information Era. Security Issues, 2, 24–33.
The object of the research is the process of collection information about important events and phenomena through indirect methods. The subject of the research is the methods of collecting information about objects in cyber space. In his review article Tikhanychev states that ensurance of secrecy has always been an important principle of military. However, while earlier secrecy was maintained mostly in physical space, later it was transferred to radioelectronic and other spheres. With the beginning of post-industrial era and network-centered wars, new methods of collecting information on the Internet were created which made intelligence agencies to develop relevant countermeasures. To describe such measures the author of the article has used the method of technology analysis used by intelligence Internet communities to collect information. Based on the analysis, the researcher offers countermeasures. The main conclusion of the research is that post-industrial era has brought more opportunities for government and non-government structures to collect information through open sources such as social networks, based on indirect signs of electronic devices' functioning, and others. According to the researcher, in order to counter these methods, it is necessary to switch from passive measures of data protection, processing and exchange to active principles of information protection. The researcher offers a number of short-term and long-term organizational and technical measures to ensure this principle.
technical measures, organizational measures, Countermeasures, methods of collecting information, intelligence Internet communities, information space, information and technical resistance, cyber intelligence, secrecy, cyber-confrontation
Confrontation and defense potentialities
Kovalev, A.A. (2019). Prospects for Creating the Unified Army in the European Union Outside NATO . Security Issues, 2, 34–41.
The subject of the research is the process of legislative provision for creation of sub-divisions that ensure security of European Union states. Providing that security of all EU countries is part of their foreign relations, military units act as such sub-divisions. In his article Kovalev demonstrates that this solution ensures participation of foreign expeditionary forces. He analyzes legislative initiatives and their potential implementation depending on the degree of participation of each member state in global peacekeeping operations. The research method used by the author is the comparative characteristic of the use of national military forces in each EU country as well as forecasting method that defines potential participation of a EU country in international expeditionary activities. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that for the first time in the academic literature the author analyzes opportunity for legislative provision of building a military block based on European initiative. The researcher describes ways for implementation of the aforesaid agreement, relevant support measures and sets goals for the use of the EU countries initiative in terms of global security. The author uses direct comparison of NATO block as a centralised model built according to the sample and targets of global security based on the USA initiative and de-centralized model of European states unitiative.
global security, NATO, peacekeeping operation, international security, European Union, centralized model, peaceful regions, military bloc, European initiative, security
Person and citizen within security systems
Tikhanychev, O.V. (2019). Regarding the Applied Use of Risk Models. Security Issues, 2, 42–51.
The object of the research is the process of inter-state confrontation based on the soft power methods. The subject of the research is the methods of modelling personal risks of socio-political process participants and forecasting consequences of the use of social technologies that destabilize society as well as relevant counter measures. This is a review article that is devoted to the analysis of destructive technologies used in the process of inter-state confrontation within the soft power methods. Tikhanychev analyzes the main factors and risks considered by each individual during decision making process including those within social processes. For quantitative substantiation of these methods, the author offers to use geometric interpretaiton of probability cost estimation risk model that is practically used in technology and economics as well as by each individual in his or her decision making process subconsciously. The author analyzes behavioral patterns of models as well as possibility to influence individual's behavior through modification of these patterns. The researcher concludes that such influence is possible and describes some variants thereof. At the end of the article the researcher sets a target to develop a risk assessment model that would evaluate methods of soft power technology counteraction.
risk model, hidden identification, risk assessment, mathematical modeling, social engineering methods, soft power, indirect confrontation methods, inter-state confrontation, quantitative expression of risk, application of risk theory