Informational support of national security
Abazov, K.M. (2018). Using Modern Information and Communication Technology by International Terrorist Organizations. Security Issues, 3, 1–9.
The subject of the research is information and communication technology that can be used by today's international terrorist organizations for their purposes. The author of the article focuses on the main means that are used by today's terrorist organizations on the Internet: propaganda (including radicalization, recruiting and terrorist instigation), financing (crowdfunding and others) and computer attacks. The authors also analyze the main documents (conventions and resolutions) of the Council of Europe and United Nations Security Council. To analyze the problem, the author has used the systems approach and comparative methods as well as analysis of international law documents. To make conclusions, the author has used the method of synthesis. The scientifiñ novelty of the research is caused by the importance of fight against international terrorist organizations for many states and countries. This problem cannot be solved by each country individually, without cooperation and mutual efforts. To solve the problem, the author suggests to create legal mechanisms and sign an international treaty that would contribute to fighting against terrorist organizations in the cyber space.
confrontation, cyberterrorism, Internet, ISIS, Al-Qaida, International terrorist organizations, terrorism, financing, crowdfunding, propaganda
Staffing of national security
Kuznetsova, N.V. (2018). Personnel Vulnerabilities of Organization Security. Security Issues, 3, 10–21.
The problems of discovering and evaluating vulnerabilities of organization security provoke great interest of both Russian and foreign researchers. This is caused by the fact that market economy conditions create a great number of risks and threats, both for and from personnel, which predetermines high demands for morals and ethics of employee's personality, his or her professional and psychological dependability. In her article Kuznetsova analyzes approaches to evaluation and identification of personnel vulnerabilities of organization security and describes their kinds, personnel vulnerabilities and professionally important qualities of personnel as well as personnel vulnerability before external environment. The main research method used by the author of the article is the expert survey (questionnaires given to human resources departments and security departments of Irkutsk organisations). To evaluate personnel vulnerabilities of organization security, the author has suggested to use a safe employee profile which is an empirically constructed combination of qualitative features (the most important qualities, personality traits and behavioral patterns) that are typical for employees whose activity do not create threats for organization security. Using this method, the author has described requirements for employees in terms of secure business and has assessed their intensity. The author has also evaluated opportunities of using the aforesaid profile in managing personnel security officials and underlines that the profile can be used in practical management of human resources, in particular, at the stages of hiring employees and their promotion and career development.
threats to personnel security, threats, personnel, organization, personnel vulnerabilities, security, secure employee profile, assessment of vulnerabilities, vulnerabilities, organization personnel security
Damm, I.A. (2018). Corruption Counteraction: Issues of Conceptual and Categorical Framework. Security Issues, 3, 22–33.
The subject of this research is the researches of Russian scientists, statutory regulations of the Russian Federation law on corruption counteraction and other legal acts. Damm analyzes the issues of conceptual and categorical framework of corruption counteraction. There is a common belief that the criminal science does not have an agreement regarding the terms that describe the combination of measures and responses to crime. However, there is a certain consistency in such legal definitions as 'counteraction', 'prevention', and 'fight against', at the same time the correlation between terms 'prevention' and 'preventive measures' is rather unclear. In his research Damm has applied the dialectical method, structured system and formal law research methods. Based on the analysis of approaches to the definition and correlation of aforesaid terms in criminology and legislation, the author concludes that criminology mostly uses the term 'prevention' as the general term. Criminology uses both terms, prevention and counteraction, to describe corruption, while legal researches mostly use the term 'counteraction'. In its turn, the use of the term 'corruption counteraction' as a general term, as well as its definition, are good findings of the law.
anti-corruption policy, offense, crime, combating, prophylaxy, counteraction, prevention, corruption, conceptual framework, terminological convention
System and interaction
Finogeev, A.G., Vasin, S.M., Gamidullaeva, L.A., Finogeev, A.A. (2018). The Use of the Blockchain-Based Smart Contracts Technology for Minimization of Transaction Costs in Regional Innovation Systems. Security Issues, 3, 34–55.
The main barrier hindering efficient interaction of innovation activity actors is the high level of transaction costs of innovation activity. The growth of interaction between innovation system actors is the mechanism of the development of innovation activity at different stages of the innovation process, from the moment when the idea appears till the moment when innovation is commercialized. The subject of the research is the organisation of secure interaction between innovation activity actors in economic regional systems. The article also covers the issues of creating the mechanism of safe and reliable interaction of regional innovation system actors on the basis of smart contracts created in teh blockchain system. The research methods include scientific inquiry, axiomatization, analysis, blockchain, object-oriented approach, algorithmization, planning and construction of hypotheses. The technology developed by the authors allows to reduce the probability of deception from the side of dishonest participants as well as to eliminate the need in the third party by transferring functions of the third party to the smart contract. This is important for ensuring trustworthy and clear relationship between innovation project participants and concerned actors of socio-economic activity in the region. Smart contracts are created using the blockchain platform Ethereum. Based on that platform, the authors develop transaction components to be used during conclusion of treaties, creation and implementation of innovations, cession of intellectual property rights, use of rights and licences for innovation activity, etc. The main component of the system is the distributed registry of transactions with digital copies of innovation objects.
regional system, decentralized application, distributed registry, blockchain, smart contracts, syber-social system, results of intellectual activity, innovation, innovation system, transaction costs
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Shumov, V. (2018). Network Structures for the Integration and Disintegration of Political Actors (on the Example of EU Countries). Security Issues, 3, 56–77.
Insufficient economic growth rates, security problems, the expected exit of the UK from the EU prompt further research into the analysis of the processes of integration and disintegration of supra- and interstate entities. The paper presents a security model of the state, consisting of two components - development functions and conservation functions. The development function in the form of a three-factor power production function takes into account the population size of the country, its area, urbanization, gross domestic product per capita and natural population growth. The conservation function operates with variables such as: the share of the state-forming ethnos from the population of the country, the parameters of attraction and ethnic heterogeneity. The verification of the security model was carried out using the example of the EU countries. A model for the security of supra- and interstate political entities (unions) is developed, taking into account the degree of integration between individual countries (the share of state functions transferred to the Union). For the EU countries, an assessment of the heterogeneity parameter relative to the allied country, Germany, has been carried out. Shumov analyzes the network structure model that includes the geographic graph (combination of axes (states) and ridges (boundaries between states)) and sociopolitical graph (arcs are interpeted as the presence of sociopolitical connections). The author offers his definition of admissible coalitions and explains the rule of formation of socio-political network structures: political actors select coalition with the maximum security function. Shumov provides examples of formation of optimal coalitions. Using the network structure model, the author carries out an analysis of the processes of integration and disintegration in the European Union. As the European Union integration develops, disintegratoin processes are expected to reinforce in multinational states, or the states will have to leave the Union.
selection rule, coalition, socio-political graph, ethnic heterogeneity parameter, conservation function, development function, security model, integration, disintegration, national security
Globalization and national security
Melkumian, K.S. (2018). Financing of Terrorism: Trends of the 21st century with Syrian Accent. Security Issues, 3, 78–93.
The subject of the study is the system of financing of terrorism in its broad context, including sources, channels and funding entities. Recognizing the financing of terrorism as an independent subject area requiring special efforts of the international community, the author pays special attention to the key trends in the financing of terrorism of the 21st century in accordance with the characteristics of the modern financial system, the introduction of technologies into the financial system, and political instability, typical for both regions of increased risk of terrorism and the world political system as a whole. Considering the financing of terrorism in integrity, the author engages a systematic approach, comparative analysis and synthesis as the main methods of research. Using a retrospective view, the author comes to the conclusion that the spectrum of sources, channels and actors involved in the financing of terrorism has expanded. Modern technologies, including social networks and new payment systems, provided a broad platform for terrorist organizations to maneuver. The author emphasizes the problem of involving professionals to financial management of terrorist organizations both in terms of increasing the profitability of terrorist assets and handling terrorist operations through financial institutions in accordance with the specifics of the current AML/CFT regime. Within the framework of the article, the analysis of the terrorism financing system is presented for the first time in connection with the current Syrian crisis, the activities of ISIL, as well as the terrorist attacks taken place in the 21st century.
Syrian crisis, Al-Qaeda, ISIL, international standards, FATF, foreign terrorist fighters, terrorist financing, payment systems, NGO, Charley Ebdo