Prokhorova, E. (2017). Modern Security Threats Faced by Exclave Territories as an Object of State Legal Analysis (the Case Study of the Kaliningrad Region). Security Issues, 6, 1–7.
The article is devoted to activity of law-enforcement agencies under modern conditions that bring new contents to their tasks, functions and methods of procedure. The subject of the research is the security threats for the Russian Federation that may arise in the process of state construction. The object of the research is exclave territories of our country. The author underlines that these territories have been experiencing provocations from the Western states lately. In this regard, the Kaliningrad Region is one of the most vulnerable territories in Russia. In her research Prokhorova analyzes the state of security of 'exclave territories' of the Russian Federation that are the regions of special strategic, economic and political importance. The author uses the statistical method for her research. As a result of her research, Prokhorova concludes in our times it is very crucial to take into account current threats and challenges for the law-enforcement system of Russia. Russia's law-enforcement system should become more 'police-like' and protective in order to deal with the challenges produced by the foreign states. The author's special contribution to the topic is her conclusion that in order to ensure a timely solution of tasks and efficient interaction, it is necessary to integrate all actions of law-enforcement agencies and their main goal should be to increase efficiency of law-enforcement agencies and guarantee their cooperation in the struggle against corruption, bribery, abuse of office, international terrorism, etc.
police and protective character, integration activities, Kaliningrad region, power unit, law enforcement authorities, security, eksklavny territories, law-enforcement system, state construction, the fight against terrorism
Comparative analysis of security systems
Yarkov, S.A. (2017). Criterion Approach to the Study of Non-Military Means for Neutralizing Military Threats. Security Issues, 6, 8–18.
The subject of the research is non-military means for neutralizing military threats. The object of the research is the provision of the national security of the Russian Federation. The author examines such aspects of the topic as expert analysis of non-military means of ensuring military security, a list of which was formulated on the basis of legislation regulating relations in the field of national defense and military doctrinal documents. Particular attention is paid to determining the significance of the use of non-military means to prevent and neutralize a wide range of military threats on the basis of the results of the survey that involved representatives of the expert group. The research methodology is based on the systems approach and integrates the methods of military strategy, political science, conflict resolution, source, collection and processing of expert information. The main conclusions of the research are political, diplomatic, economic, legal and information non-military means of neutralizing military threats selected on the basis of the classification produced. The special contribution of the author to the research topic is that the author emphasizes the need to extend the list of non-military means of ensuring military security by addressing social and spiritual (socio-cultural) resources.
military doctrinal documents, national defense, expert analysis, non-military means, neutralization of military threats, military threat, military security, national security, list of military threats, defenses
Informational support of national security
Gritsan, A.V. (2017). Media Culture Transformation Threats Against the Rapid Growth of Information Volumes and Global Spread of Information and Communication Technologies. Security Issues, 6, 19–29.
The present article is devoted to global transformations of media culture as a result of the growing media space and standartization of cultural images. The author of the article deines actual threats to national security that result from ongoing changes. The author pays special attention to the process of diversification of information flows and prevailing role of western goods on the world information market. Gritsan describes specific features of such tendencies and changes in modern Russia. The aim of the research is to define prerequisites, causes and particularities of the media culture crisis as well as associated threats. The methodological basis of the research involves the value analysis method, anthropological and structural functional analysis, and general research methods. The results of the research prove the concern regarding global transformation of media culture that promote consumer style of life. The author of the article summarizes opinions on current changes in the media culture, gives an evaluation of the modern period of information space development and focuses on the relevant position of Russia on the matter. This article presents an interdisciplinary research that has important practical results. The results of the research can be used by state authorities to develop efficient media policy.
diversification, domination, media culture, mass culture, information market, information and communication technologies, media, information flows, transformation, impact
Informational support of national security
Baranov, V.V. (2017). Regarding the Question about Improving Information and Methodological Support of the Department of Internal Affairs' Activity in the Process of Psycho-Linguistic Examination of Texts Related to Extremism Countering on the Global Computer Network. Security Issues, 6, 30–35.
In his article Baranov focuses on the main problems that may arise in the process of psycho-linguistic examination (or primary expert evaluation) of texts related to extremism countering on the global computer network and offers his own solutions of these problems. In addition, the author also reveals the main aspects of improving information and methodological support of the Department of Internal Affairs' activity in the process of aforesaid examinations. The author offers measures and ways of improving the methodological basis of all kinds of judicial expertises which will allow to raise the quality of professional activity of linguistic experts and considerably reduce the number of extremism cases the Department of Internal Affairs is now burdened with.
investigation, countering, global computer network, Internet, extremism, Department of Iternal Affairs, psycho-linguistic examination, legal regulation, Interdepartmental Commission, Internet service provider
External aspects of national security
Girnik, E.S. (2017). Development of Cross-Border Statistics in the European Union and USA. Security Issues, 6, 36–56.
The object of the research is the cross-border policy and cross-border activity of the European Union and USA. The subject of the research is cross-border statistics. Each state (or union of states) develops and puts into practice different approaches, techniques and technologies to ensure cross-border security. This experience is reflected in cross-border statistics and needs to be reviewed to select the best practical methods and technologies that can be useful for CIS and Eurasian Economic Union member states. The main methods used by the author to write the article include description, comparison, analysis, generalisation and synthesis. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher classifies cross-border statistics of the foreign states. The author focuses on fundamental principles of official statistics in the foreign states, describes different approaches to statistics organisation that allow to raise trust of the society towards state authorities and their activity in the cross-border and domestic security fields. The author also describes conceptual and practical approaches to technologies and methods of keeping cross-border statistics records when planning domestic and cross-border security by the foreign states. Based on the analysis of the foreign states' experience, the author offers a conceptual model of cross-border security for the CIS and Eurasian Economic Union member states. The author also suggests to use a mathematical calculation method to assess the level of protectoin of state borders when latent flows come through.
cross-border security, domestic security, state border, statistical data records, defence, protection, cross-border statistics, states, technologies, methods
Person and citizen within security systems
Senichenkov, P.D. (2017). Developing Opinions on Cross-Border Security by Print Media and Cinematography in 1923 - 1990. Security Issues, 6, 57–71.
The object of the research is the society's opinions on cross-border security. The subject of the research is the qualitative and quantitative analysis of social opinions on cross-border security during the period since 1923 till 1990 as well as particularities of their formation by the means of print media and culture. Within the framework of the research, society's opinions on cross-border security mean sensual images of cross-border realities developed through mass communication and culture. To evaluate these opinions, the author of the research has analyzed the number and quality of mass media publications as well as movies about cross-border officers. To analyze the society's opinion, the author of the article has applied historical statistical method, mathematical statistics methods and evaluation of the qualitative and quantitative influence of mass media on social groups and society in general. For the first time in the academic literature the author describes opinions and views of the society on cross-border security during a long period in history. Based on the semantic analysis of over 100 thousand publications in the Pravda Newspaper, the author describes tendencies of how cross-border security and cross-border activity were shown by the press. The results of the research demonstrate a significant dependence between society's opinions on cross-border security and security and protection of state borders. The results can be used to develop scientifically proved measures in the sphere of cross-border policy and cross-border preventive measures.
semantic analysis, Pravda Newspaper, Soviet press, Soviet cinematography, opinions, cross-border activity, cross-border sphere, myth, frontier, state border