Technologies and methodology of security systems
Kharitonov, V.V., Seregin, S.F. (2017). Ergonomic shortcomings of cabins as flight safety risk factors. Security Issues, 5, 1–11.
The research subject is the problem of ensuring optimal conditions of interaction of people and aviation equipment in the interests of safe exploitation. This problem has recently aggravated. The need to eliminate ergonomic shortcomings of cabins and scrutinous ergonomic engineering of cabins for the purpose of increasing the number of aircrew errors caused by ergonomic shortcomings of cabins, has determined the need to study ergonomic aspects of evolution of cabins of front-line aircrafts with a focus on the shortcomings of early stages of life limits of cabins of modern and advanced aircrafts. The research methodology combines the methods of system analysis, aviation ergonomics, aviation equipment testing and designing, historiography and source study. The authors conclude that with the complication of aviation equipment and the ways of using it, the information display system becomes more important for a pilot, and the variants of glass cockpits of advanced aviation equipment have unacceptably large number of shortcomings, determined by insufficient engineering of the concept of cabins arrangement at the early stages of the life limit of aviation equipment.
flight safety risk, pilot reliability , aviation accidence, aviation incidents, aviation accident, safe aircraft operation, pilot error , ergonomic aircraft engineering, flight safety, aircraft operation
Globalization and national security
Kovalev, A.A. (2017). The policy of double standards as a threat to the national security of the Russian Federation. Security Issues, 5, 12–24.
The research subject is the influence of the policy of double standards on the national security of the Russian Federation. The term “policy of double standards” is widely used in the modern political practice. The research purpose is the attempt to estimate the threat of the policy of double standards to the national security of Russia. The author formulates the following research tasks: 1) to ascertain the possibility of precise methodological definition of the “policy of double standards” concept; 2) to offer the author’s definition of the concept; 3) to estimate the role of the policy of double standards in civilizational confrontation; 4) to estimate the role of international law institutions in the implementation of such policy. The research methodology includes the dialectical, historical and logical and historical-comparative methods and the methods of political science (case study, event-analysis, expert assessment). The author finds out that the “double standards” concept can’t be precisely defined due to a wide range of assessments and subjective judgements attributed to this concept; 2) the author offers his own interpretation of the “policy of double standards” concept as an intentionally contradictory and exaggeratedly emotional estimation of one and the same phenomenon of objective reality. The practice of double standards is performed in the situations when the actions of some countries are supported and justified, and the actions of others are condemned and punished, while the essence of these actions is the same. Nowadays, the policy of double standards is the reality of the current civilizational confrontation between the Euro Atlantic and the Eurasian communities. It plays the role of an effective instrument of information, ideological and paradigmatic wars. In the modern epoch of civilizational confrontation, international legal assessment is deliberately subjective. International law becomes an instrument of the policy of double standards. The author concludes that the policy of double standards is an effective instrument of information war of the Western civilization against Russia as a stronghold of the Russian world. This policy is a real threat to Russia’s national security.
history of diplomacy, information war, international law, confrontation of civilizations, double standards, globalization, political science, national security, truth, gnoseology
Informational support of national security
Zaitsev, A.V. (2017). PR-management and dialogic communication management: from theory to practice. Security Issues, 5, 25–32.
The research subject is the problem of management of the dialogic model of public relations in the sphere of political communications between state and civil society. The author considers the main clusters of dialogue, which help passing from conflict types of discourse to more constructive types of communication. Special attention is given to the topicality of this problem from the position of the Public safety doctrine (2016). Dialogic communications help make Russia’s public policy mutually beneficial. The main research methods are the system approach, discourse-analysis and social risks management. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the need for targeted management of public relations on the basis of differentiation of dialogic interactions and establishment of trust relationships between all the participants of communication. This dialogic PR-technology will help increase the level of public safety and harmonize the sphere of public policy.
security, conflict, harmony, communication, dialogue, Public relations, discourse, interaction, power, society
External aspects of national security
Girnik, E.S. (2017). Reconstruction of frontier statistics of the Roman Empire. Security Issues, 5, 33–54.
The research object is military and frontier activity in the Roman Empire. The research subject is frontier statistics. The Roman Empire left us classic examples of valour and courage in countering threats on the Empire frontiers about 20 000 km long. The article presents qualitative and quantitative analysis of the results of this activity. The author is the first to calculate the density of troops (legions) per a kilometer of a border in frontier provinces of the Roman Empire; substantiates the principles of distribution of legions on the boundaries of the Empire. Using historical and system approaches, with regard to the frontier security theory, the author reconstructs the frontier statistics of the Roman Empire. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the fact that though foreign and Russian scholars are interested in the methods of states borders protection, the issues of frontier statistics and its influence on state defense haven’t been studied in detail yet.
border, legions , the Roman Empire , defence density , protection density , frontier provinces , recruiting , structure , frontier statistics, state security
Modern methods of prediction
Belozerov, V.V., Oleynikov, S.N. (2017). Retroforecast of fires and their consequences as a method of estimating the effectiveness of innovations in the sphere of fire safety. Security Issues, 5, 55–70.
The authors use the results of analysis of the current fire safety management system to detect the drawbacks of the methods and means of estimating fire safety, fires prevention and fire defense, which are typical for the sector, and not only are unable to ensure the state standard of fire safety of the population (0,999999), but also hamper launching some innovative solutions (models of operative and tactical and preventive activities, nitrogen power pumps, etc.). Such innovations would radically reduce the number of fires and their social and economic consequences. The authors offer a new method of retroforecasting the effectiveness of innovations in the sphere of fire safety, which allows focusing not on the future forecasting, but on the probabilistically-physical adequacy of elimination of causes and consequences of the fires, which had already happened. The novelty and the advantage of modeling the past consists in high veracity of the results. Virtual innovations are launched on the basis of long-term statistics of fires applying new Erlang distributions of deaths, injuries and damage to the same scope of fires taking into account the solutions offered.
statistical analysis, social and economic losses, fire safety, veracity, effectiveness, innovations, retroforecasting, modeling, probability of death, fire power tax