Strategy of national security
Bulavin, A.V., Anikin, V.I., Belyaev, I.I. (2017). Comparative analysis of strategic planning principles in the sphere of national security: expert and analytical tools. Security Issues, 2, 1–12.
The research object is strategic planning in the sphere of national security of the Russian Federation. The research subject is Russia’s national security threats in the long-term, specified with the help of the authors’ expert and analytical approach. The study lies within the scientific, research, and methodological tasks defined by the Provision of the scientific board under the Russian Federation Security Council. The authors describe the conditions of the results achievement, the criteria and the indexes of the comparative analysis’ results’ objectivity including the approaches to verification of the list of national security threats. The authors consider the peculiarities of development and the modern practice of strategic planning of foreign states; formulate the basic hypotheses of the choice of the scope of countries; describe the key provisions of expert and analytical tools for the comparative analysis of strategical planning documents in the sphere of national security. The tools, proposed by the authors, help build a model of the national security threats atlas of the Russian Federation for the long-term.
strategic analysis, international security, national security threat, Atlas of threats, Strategic planning, National security, structural element, geopolitics, polycentric system, Think-tanks
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Monakhova, M., Putintsev, G., Mazurok, D., Porfirev, A. (2017). Algorithm of localization of a corporate information and telecommunication network’s area with abnormal behavior. Security Issues, 2, 13–24.
The research object is an information and telecommunication network. The research subject is the algorithms of detection and identification of information safety incidents of information and telecommunication networks of modern companies. The purpose of the study is to develop algorithms of detection of information safety incidents in corporate information and telecommunication networks. The authors describe the method based on the comparison of the reference configurations of information and telecommunication networks with the factual ones. Unauthorized change of configurations and external interference in the work of a corporate information and telecommunication network cause the instability of work of its elements, and threaten information safety. The authors use the theory of graphs and the methods of discrete mathematics and mathematical statistics. The article contains the algorithm of identification of a corporate and telecommunication network’s area with abnormal behavior, and the example of its program realization, and raises the problem of importance of timely and reasoned localization of a corporate information and telecommunication network’s area with probable information safety incidents. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the development of the model of an information safety incident and the algorithm of localization of a corporate information and telecommunication network’s area with abnormal behavior. The authors formulate the algorithm of localization, which helps reduce the time of an information safety incident detection by approximately 15% and identification – from 5 to 10%.
experimental facility, detection algorithm, abnormal behaviour, IS incidents, corporate Information-Telecommunications Network, information safety, localization of a network's segment, graph model, reference values, equipment CITN
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Gribanova-Podkina, M. (2017). Construction of a model of threats to information security of an information system using the object-oriented design methodology. Security Issues, 2, 25–34.
The research object is the project of the system of information security of an information system, which includes the development of the model of threats, and the related issues of the current state of an information system assessment and recommendations about the improvement of information protection. The paper considers the approach to the construction of the model of threats based on the use of the object-oriented design model. Such approach involves active use of UML-diagrams when describing the conceptual model of threats to information security, the ways of these threats realization, and threats realization and protection scenarios. Within this approach, using the UML language and Enterprise Architect tool, the author develops and describes the object-oriented model of threats to information security for a distributed information system. This model can be embedded into the documents of information security of an information system. The developed models of threats and scenarios will help information analysts and information security specialists to interact more effectively to protect information systems against information security threats.
UML, object-oriented design, protection scenario, threat scenario, threats model, information security threat, ways of threat realization, security module, protection contour, object-oriented model
Rapid response and tactics
Semenyuk, A. (2017). Arms embargo as a factor of the Libyan crisis. Security Issues, 2, 35–43.
The research subject is arms embargo imposed on Libya in 2011. The author analyzes the consequences of the UN Security Council resolutions 1970 and 1973, which had introduced embargo on arms supply to Libya. Special attention is given to the work of the UN institutions in charge of control over sanctions compliance. The author demonstrates the arms embargo’s impact on the armed conflict in Libya in 2011, and the situation with the proliferation of Libyan weapons beyond the country. The author considers such aspects of the topic as the impact of arms embargo on the political crisis in Libya after Gaddafi’s deposition and its role in the 2014-2015 military conflict. The main research method is the principle of historicism, which helps analyze the role of arms embargo in the political crisis in Libya at its different stages in 2011 – 2016. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the consideration of the reasons of toughening or easing of arms embargo against Libya in 2012 – 2016, and the political consequences of these decisions of the UN Security Council. Besides, the author notes the recent tendencies in weapons proliferation in Libya and the reasons of embargo’s ineffectiveness.
The Government of National Accord, the Libyan political agreement, political process, armed conflict, Sahel region, armed groups, arms embargo, the United Nations Security Council, Libya, The Libyan National Army
Globalization and national security
Anikin, V.I., Abdeev, R.F., Surma, I.V. (2017). Philosophical aspects of information civilization and modern problems of management in the context of global security. Security Issues, 2, 44–54.
The research subject is the modern problems of management in the context of geopolitical and geo-economic uncertainty. The authors use contemporary philosophy and the conceptual world-view model of development and identity of nature and society in the form of the confluent spiral called the philosophy of the modern civilization. Based on the latest scientific and technical achievements, the authors outline its three most important features: dialectics of spasmodic changes; definite limitedness of the number of the spiral turns, and nonlinearity of development processes. The authors use the model based on the authors’ philosophy of information civilization as a methodology of the contemporary life, which reveals the driving forces and vast opportunities of information technologies. The proposed approaches animate most countries to overcome the crisis; that is very important, because people and society without any modern ideology or uniting ideas are not able to organize and embark further progressive development.
Information society, Philosophy, self-organizing systems, system-cybernetic approach, global security, information civilization, UN, scientific analysis, socio-ecological system, system convergence
Informational support of national security
Kostin, A., Zhigulin, G. (2017). Efficiency assessment model of the information protection system of the remote financial document management system. Security Issues, 2, 55–61.
The research subject is the remote financial document management system. It has been introduced in 2013 to replace the former electronic document management system. It is necessary to analyze this system in order to detect threats and construct a model, which would take into account the system’s protection and its ability to resist security threats. This model should take into account many vulnerabilities and the obstacles, which in an ideal information protection system completely isolate all the threats. The authors use the formal information protection model, which includes five sets helping calculate the system’s efficiency. The scientific novelty consists in the consideration of efficiency assessment of the information protection system in the remote financial document management system. The authors construct the graphs modes of the information protection system, which takes into account its vulnerabilities. The authors define the elements of efficiency assessment of the information protection system of the remote financial document management system and demonstrate the formula of efficiency assessment.
information protection System, municipality, federal treasury, Remote financial document management system, electronic document, electronic document management system, graph model, assessment of information protection, many threats, vulnerability of the system
External aspects of national security
Grachev, B. (2017). Stability factors of integration associations. Security Issues, 2, 62–69.
The paper reveals the factors determining the existence and functioning of an integration association, which is considered as a political system. The research subject is the political system of an integration association. The author considers the issues of the integration theory and detects fundamental characteristics of such a type of international political objects as economic integration associations. The paper characterizes the research methodology and contains a brief description of functional elements of the political system of a state and the ways of their interaction. The author analyzes and systematizes the factors determining the existence of an integration association. The research methodology is based on the key provisions of the structural-functional analysis of Gabriel Almond, the elements of David Easton’s system theory, and the neo-functional approach to the study of integration processes. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the detection, description, and systematization of the factors determining the existence of an integration association from the position of probability of their transformation and the degree of impact on it. The author’s conclusions develop the methodology of integration studies and the comparative approach in the political science in general, help study the stability of supranational political objects, and can serve as a basis for political prognostication and such objects management.
Structural-functional approach, Comparative political studies, Integration association, Political system, Political system of an integration association, Stability of an integration association , Integration, Integration theory, Political prognostication, International relations
Economical support of national security
Golobokov, A.S., Zaborova, P.A. (2017). Dynamics of development of Russia’s economic relations with former countries of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance under western economic sanctions. Security Issues, 2, 70–78.
The paper studies the peculiarities of Russia’s economic relations with the countries of Eastern Europe under western sanctions. The research object is Russia’s economic relations with East European countries. The research subject covers the dangers and the threats to Russia’s economic security connected with bilateral economic relations with former countries of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance in historical retrospective and at the modern stage. The authors analyze the development of economic relations between Russia and the mentioned countries with account for the current geopolitical and geo-economic situation, which includes the interests of joint economic activities of parties to the relations. The topicality of the study consists in the ambiguous character of development of the peculiarities of economic relations between Russia and the new EU member-states in the context of the new geo-economic balance of powers, toughening of international competition and the increased volatility of European markets. The proposed research method includes the historical approach, political and economic analysis of scientific sources, official media reports, and statistical data describing the dynamics of economic relations between Russia and the countries-founders of the CMEA, and the comparative analysis of actions of the parties to bilateral relations in the context of political transformations in Eastern Europe and anti-Russian sanctions. The authors conclude that the toughening of international competition in Eastern Europe is still threatening national security of Russia, but with account of easing western sanctions against Russia, there are tendencies of positive development of bilateral economic relations. Besides, to consistently implement the initiatives of Russia and East European countries, it is necessary to scientifically reason the instruments of investment promotion and business activities encouragement. The research results can serve as the information and analytical material for politicians, diplomats, specialists of international relations studying economic aspects of Russia’s relations with new members of the EU.
turnover, geopolitical context, bilateral relations, European Union, economic relations, USSR, Eastern Europe, Russia, economic security, western sanctions
Person and citizen within security systems
Loboda, A.E. (2017). Possibility of broadening the list of reasons for released from administrative liability for breaching the legislation on registration of citizens of the Russian Federation. Security Issues, 2, 79–85.
The research subject is the range of legal acts regulating social relations in the sphere of household or residence registration of Russian citizens, and scientific works in this field. The research object is social relations in the sphere of household or residence registration of Russian citizens. The author considers the reasons for release from administrative liability for breaching the legislation on registration of citizens of the Russian Federation. The research methodology includes the set of traditional methods of cognition, such as the dialectical and the system methods. The author formulates the proposals about the improvement of legislation in the sphere of registration of citizens. The author proposes amendments to the legislation, which can simplify the procedure of movement of Russian citizens in the territory of Russia. The author studies the problems of release from administrative liability for living in the region of the Russian Federation without residence registration in this region.
draft law, improvement of legislation, legal analysis, balance of interests, facilitation of movement, place of residence, relatives, citizens of Russia, registration, administrative liability
Person and citizen within security systems
Tahirov, Z.I., Toropov, B.A. (2017). Personal ID: principles of international registration of population and personal identification in modeling transnational terrorist and extremist networks. Security Issues, 2, 86–103.
The research object is the states’ activities aimed at registration of the population; the research subject is the practical mechanisms of granting unique digital personal identifiers. The paper describes the theory of universal two-factor genom-dactyloscopic identification. Within this method, each person is granted a unique digital identifier. This model serves as a basis for a practical method of international registration of population based on a calculated ID. The authors consider international legal principles of personal names, and give attention to the national, regional and religious peculiarities of naming, define the problem of unification of personal names in the context of globalization and the open borders policy. The authors use the comparative-legal, problem and activity methods, analysis, abstraction, modeling, and algorithmization of processes. The problem of personal identification, in the authors’ opinion, should be solved by introducing digital personal names into the international practice – his/her individual digital and calculated identifiers. The authors develop and reason a new model of digital personal identification, formulate the authors’ hypothesis (a verbal model) and an information technology (algorithm) of granting personal identifiers, and describe some practical areas of personal IDs application.
modeling, authentication, identification, recognition, digital name, personal id, personal code, population registration, personal name, human rights
Gorian, E. (2017). In memory of V.F. Antipenko (23.01.1949 – 19.01.2017). Security Issues, 2, 104–110.
The piece is in memory of an international law scholar, the founder of a new scientific direction – international criminology - and the new scientific school, Vladimir Fedorovich Antipenko. The paper describes the process of formation and development of the departmental scientific school, actualization of its scientific idea of formalization of the international criminological methods in international legal law-making and law improvement, first of all, in the sphere of the struggle against terrorism and other international crimes. The author gives attention to the fruitful cooperation within this school of the representatives of three generations of Russian international legal science: the older, the medium and the younger. The research methodology is based on the historical-genetic and comparative-psychological methods, which help study the appearance, formation and development of the scientific school. The results of V.F. Antipenko’s scientific work are the model of terrorist asymmetry and the concept of the state anti-terrorist system, which have led to the discovery and testing of the new independent direction of criminology – international criminology. Based on the experience of researching international terrorism, the author reasons the specificity of the object, the system of methods and the instruments of international criminology. With account of low efficiency of the existing anti-terrorist norms of international law, the author proves that criminology doesn’t cover the determination and the reasons of international crimes, forming in the area of global processes and determined by the shortcomings of the global order. It has negative impact on the reality of international legal norms and, consequently, on the effectiveness of international struggle against terrorism.
theory of terrorist asymmetry, cumulative subject, international law, conflictology, international law-making, international crime, terrorism, scientific school, counter-terrorism operation, international criminology