Strategy of national security
Anikin, V.I., Surma, I.V. (2016). Russia’s national security: mew approaches in a changing world. Security Issues, 3, 1–18.
The research subject includes the main elements of strategic planning and the key priorities of the Russian Federation. The appearance of the new challenges and threats has caused the necessity to update the 2009 national security strategy of the Russian Federation till 2020. The authors analyze the new national security strategy and note that the tendency to increase and modernize offensive armament, to create and deploy its new kinds significantly weakens the global security system and the established system of treaties and agreements in the sphere of arms control, all the more so as the basic principles of equal and indivisible security are not observed nowadays both in the Eurasian and Asia-Pacific regions and in Euro-Atlantic region. Special attention is paid to the measures of foreign and domestic policy aimed at the national security strengthening and ensuring sustainable development of the country for the long run. The authors apply the multiple factor approach, comparative and express-analysis. Based on the results of the key indexes monitoring and the assessment of the structure of the key characteristics of the national security state, the authors outline the main features and peculiarities showing the domination of the positions of social and economic security and the role of government regulation of the economy as the basis of the national security and internal stability of the civil society. The authors note that in order to protect Russia’s national priorities, the updated national security strategy presupposes adopting an open, rational and pragmatic foreign policy which would exclude a money-losing confrontation and a new armaments drive. The authors emphasize the fact that it is planned to use military force only if all peace-building and diplomatic mechanisms run dry or prove ineffective.
USA, Transatlantic partnership, Russia, economic security, national security, Russian Security Council, National Security Strategy, Pacific partnership, European Union, NATO
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Dement'ev, V.E. (2016). Justification of the conceptual framework of a protocol-based protection of information and telecommunications network. Security Issues, 3, 19–29.
The paper proposes a conceptual framework forming the grounds of the protocol-based protection of the information and telecommunications network. The purpose of this article is to develop theoretical foundations of the protocol-based protection. Based on a review of the existing descriptions of vulnerabilities and approaches to assessing the security of information and telecommunications networks and the known types of threats the author identifies their contradictions and shortcomings. The author proposes the classification and the definition of the concept of a protocol-based impact, gives some examples of such impacts and the main definitions revealing the essence of this concept. Analysis is the main research method. The author considers the shortcomings of the definitions of the existing normative documents. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the study considers the new class of vulnerabilities and the related threats to the information and telecommunications network. The proposed definitions help describe the technological peculiarities and the existing features which will hereafter allow dividing its protection into the information and the technological ones. The results of the study can be used for the further development of theoretical foundations of the protocol-based protection of the information and telecommunications network.
protocol-based protection provision , protocol-based security index, protocol vulnerability, packet modification, improvement of tours, technological traffic, remote shutdown, protocol-based threat, protocol-based security, protocol-based impact
Staffing of national security
Guzii, A.G., Lushkin, A.M. (2016). Methodological peculiarities of flight safety management specialists training. Security Issues, 3, 30–40.
The research subject is the procedure of airlines personnel training in the sphere of flight safety management according to the functional peculiarities and the form of participation in a particular flight safety provision system taking into consideration the interaction between the units of the airline and the departments of the sector, the achieved level of flight safety and the flight safety system development plan in the interest of safety culture development and the decrease of a negative impact of human error on flight safety. The research methodology combines the methods of the reliability theory, industrial psychology, flight pedagogics, system analysis, professional training and retraining management. The novelty of the study consists in the justification of a standard program of differentiated professional training which reflects the requirements and recommendations of regulatory documents, implements the main principles of the system approach to flight safety management, reflects the conceptual framework of the flight safety management system, and considers the achieved security level and the plans of its development.
flight safety provision, airlines personnel, airlines personnel training, flight safety management, flight safety system, flight safety, corporate safety management, flight safety strategy, flight safety management, flight safety
Globalization and national security
Shul'ts, V.L., Kul'ba, V.V., Shelkov, A.B., Chernov, I.V. (2016). Scenario analysis in regional security management. Security Issues, 3, 41–79.
The paper is devoted to the methodological and practical problems of regional security management improvement in the context of globalization, intensification of contradictions between the Western countries and Russia, and the instability in the global economic system. The authors analyze the main external and internal threats to regional security; demonstrate the results of analysis of the main peculiarities of regional security management including those related to the Russian regions development disparity. The study considers the main principles of social stability monitoring organization, and the mechanisms of scenario analysis application in a region’s socio-economic development management, and provision of its protection from external and internal threats to social stability. The paper demonstrates the results of the scenario analysis of the developed multigraph model of regional security management and social stability provision in the context of globalization. Problems of regional security management are solved on the base of the methodology of regional security management effectiveness assessment based on the scenario approach and simulation modeling using the set of functional signed graphs. The analysis shows that the main peculiarity of regional security management in the context of globalization is the need for a coordinated solution of two basic sets of tasks: provision of sustainable socio-economic development of a region and its protection from external and internal threats to social stability. The scenario analysis use for regional security management helps detect the threats to social stability, ensure a complex assessment of their prospective danger, and assess the effectiveness of measures of threats prevention.
social stability, extremism prevention, external threat, internal threat, information impact, simulation modeling, signed graphs, scenario analysis, management, regional security
Confrontation and defense potentialities
Ryazanov, L.F., Starodub, I.V. (2016). The network principle of “hybrid wars” organization. Security Issues, 3, 80–88.
The research subject covers the issues of wars’ format and content change in the 21st century conditioned by the change of the international relations paradigm. Based on the retrospective and prospective analyses, the authors discuss the question whether the hybrid war is something new or it is a development of a known phenomenon. The authors take into consideration the fact that the main objective of network wars is conducting the operations in the form of basic effects defined as a set of actions aimed at the formation of the model of conduct of friends, neutral powers and enemies in the context of peace, crisis and war; the object of the network impact includes all spheres of life: the physical, information, cognitive, and social. The research methodology combines the methods of strategy, tactics, the system analysis, art of war, major tactics, and the system activity approach. The authors conclude that a hybrid (network) war is a grim reality, and the modern wars are the polygons for training the forms, ways and methods of hybrid wars. In a military and practical sense, a network war allows moving from the attrition warfare to a more transient and a more effective war, in which the troops, owing to their information advantages, realize the principle of massing of results instead of massing of forces. As a result of such actions, the enemy loses the capacity to act and falls into shock, and can be defeated.
strategic initiative, international relations paradigm, diffuse war, network war, hybrid war, war, military security, strategic superiority, network impact object, means of warfare
Person and citizen within security systems
Markevich, A.S. (2016). Theoretical and legal analysis of foreign legislation on personal data protection in labour relationship. Security Issues, 3, 89–98.
The research subject is the set of provisions of labour, administrative and information law and the doctrinal provisions of the corresponding legal sciences forming the institution of protection of personal data in labour relationship. The research object is the set of social relations in the sphere of protection of personal data within labour relationship. The purpose of the research is a complex and system study of the existing foreign statutory base regulating the issues of protection of the employee’s personal data, and the development of scientifically grounded proposals for the Russian legislator on the improvement of organizational and legal means of protection of personal data. The research methodology is based on the dialectical, synergetic, system and historical methods, analysis, synthesis, the comparative-legal, formal-logical, formal-legal, statistical methods, the method of analogy and modeling. The scientific novelty lies in the intersectoral character of the problem in question and its insufficient status, the attempt to scientifically interpret the essence of organizational and legal protection of personal data in labour relationship which lies behind the traditional understanding of this problem from the position of labour law. The author concludes that one of the priority tasks for the development and optimization of the corresponding Russian legislation is the analysis of the national approaches to the problem of legal regulation of personal data protection.
privacy right, confidentiality, human rights, labour relationship, privacy, privacy, personal data processing, information space, personal data protection, information security