Globalization and national security
Ledeneva, M.V. (2015). Globalisation and neo-colonialism: how to get rid of dependence?. Security Issues, 6, 1–16.
The article focuses on the processes of globalization and the forming contemporary system of global neo-colonialism. The research subject is the range of economic relations, trends, and the mechanism of redistribution of elements of the national wealth between the countries of the world economic vanguard and periphery. The author considers the methods of redistribution of elements of the national wealth from the neo-colonies to the metropolitan countries. Special attention is paid to the position of Russia in the system of global neo-colonialism. The author offers the ways to save Russia from neo-colonial dependence, suggesting the measures for preventing the national political elite from falling under the influence of the foreign subjects, the main instruments of preservation of the national wealth, and the measures of modernization of the economy. The author applies the theoretical concept of the world-system theory. The author applies the cognitive capacities of the dialectical method within the reproductive, evolutional, and systems approaches to the study of the processes of globalization. To substantiate theoretical provisions and argue the conclusions, the author applies the methods of the subject-object, comparative, and level analysis. The author concludes that in the process of globalization, the system of global neo-colonialism has formed, which involves the countries of the centre and the periphery. The author reveals and describes the modern methods of redistribution of elements of the national wealth between the countries, and offers the ways of getting rid of neo-colonial dependence.
globalization, neocolonialism, neo-colonial system, the developed countries, developing countries, peripheral economy, reserve currency, technological revolution, neoliberalism, national wealth
Scientific and engineering support of national security
Loginova, E.V., Dubovikova, E.Y. (2015). The analysis of innovative capacity of Russian science in the context of national security ensuring . Security Issues, 6, 17–69.
The research object comprises the factors determining the formation and realization of innovative capacity of the Russian science. The research subject is the set of economic connections and relations emerging in the process of implementation of innovative capacity of Russian science with the purpose of national security ensuring. The authors characterize the factors determining the resource component of the innovative capacity of Russian science. Special attention is paid to the analysis of rates characterizing the efficiency of scientific studies: the knowledge content of the GDP, the number of patent claims and grants, the number of created and applied advanced technologies, and the balance of technological trade with other countries, which help to define the level of realization of innovative capacity of Russian science. The authors work within the framework of the fundamental system-functional approach and apply the structural, historical-logical, complex, comparative, and monographical methods. The conclusions are based on the results of application of such specific analytical methods as classification, structuring, comparison, verification, ranging, indexing, and geographic extrapolation. The use of heuristic potential of these methods increases the validity of the authors’ assessments and the effectiveness of conclusions and recommendations. The authors conclude that scientific studies (and technologies based on these studies) define the innovative vector of the modern economy development, thus promotes the formation of conditions for national security ensuring in contemporary Russia. Such an approach allows interpreting scientific studies (in terms of their integration into the market relations system) as an active source of national security of Russia in a complicated geopolitical situation.
knowledge content of the GDP, scientific migration, staffing, scientific studies' effectiveness, resource factors, Russian science, innovative capacity, national security, patent activity, scientific studies financing
Economical support of national security
Litvinova, A.V., Chernaya, E.G., Parfenova, M.V. (2015). The impact of retail lending on the economic growth in Russia. Security Issues, 6, 70–102.
The research subject is the banks’ loan facilities for the population, which are the element of the social product of the country influencing the scale and dynamics of its economic growth. The study is aimed at specification of the system of rates which assess the influence of retail lending on the economic growth; detection of the content and the composition of factors determining this influence and the analysis of their development trends; elaboration of the directions of strengthening of retail lending positive impact on the scales and dynamics of the economic growth in Russia. To achieve the research task and guarantee the validity of the conclusions, the authors apply the abstract-logical, the subject-object, the analytical, and the comparative research methods. The authors assess the impact of retail lending on the economic growth in Russia based on the dynamics of consumer loans rates within the GDP for the period of 1998 – 2015, taking into account its growth rates and the character of the downturn in the development of Russian economy. The authors detect and systematically analyze the main factors of impact of consumer loans on the economic growth. The study substantiates the thesis that this impact is represented by the complex multifactor system in which the resultant feature is the size of GDP, the factors are the volume of loans, the level of loan arrears, the peculiarities of lending policy of banks, the macroeconomic situation, the monetary policy of the Central Bank, the loan consumers’ repayment ability, and the level of inflation. It is established that each factor is characterized by its own function and dynamics, and has multidirectional impact on the economic growth, which can both stimulate the economic growth, and restrain the production of social product. The authors describe the negative influence indicators. It is necessary to control these indicators and timely correct the reasons of negative tendencies in the impact of retail lending on social product, thus providing for the positive character of retail lending influence on the economic growth.
retail lending, economic growth, gross domestic product, retail lending factors, the volume of granted credits, loan arrears, lending policy of banks, Central Bank, purchasing power of borrowers, inflation rate
Internal aspects of national security
Ledeneva, M.V., Plaksunova, T.A., Kulakova, S.A. (2015). Social sphere development as a precondition for human capital assets reproduction (the case of Volgograd region). Security Issues, 6, 103–127.
Human capital assets accumulation is one of the “engines” of economic growth and the key factor of economic and social wellbeing of contemporary societies. The research subject unites the processes and conditions of human capital assets reproduction. The research object is the condition of “human forming” sectors of the economy in Russian regions, particularly, in Volgograd region. The authors analyze the processes of human capital accumulation in Volgograd region in comparison with the Russian Federation and the Southern Federal District, and offer the methods of its accretion. Special attention is paid to the recent changes in Russian legislation determining the reduction of social expenditures both on the federal and on the regional levels. The authors apply general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, the dialectical method, system analysis, and comparative analysis. For human capital assets accretion calculation in the regions of the Southern Federal District the authors use the method of national wealth accretion calculation model introduced by M.V. Ledenyova, and statistical and mathematical methods. The authors come to the conclusion that human capital assets reproduction in the region and in the country is the result of a complex interaction between the state, the population, and the business structures, and the most important investment sources are the federal spendings on the educational system, public health service, and social protection, and the citizens’ personal incomes, primarily, the salaries. For human capital accumulation it is necessary to form the investment basis for human capital reproduction and development, and to intensify the state participation in organizing the process of its accumulation via strengthening and development of state structures in these spheres. The human capital accretion in the regions of the Southern Federal District in 2010 – 2014 is calculated according to the formula of human capital relative gain of M.V. Ledenyova. The analysis defines the tendencies of human capital gain in Volgograd region.
human capital assets, reproduction, social policy , salary, subsistance wage, investments, Volgograd region, health, education, human forming sectors of the economy
Economical support of national security
Guzev, M.M., Mishura, N.A. (2015). Cluster policy implementation as a factor of economic safety provision in Russian regions. Security Issues, 6, 128–137.
The paper considers the cluster policy concept in the Russian Federation. The authors describe the algorithm of its development: individual approach to clusters support, establishment of instruments and directions of support, development of the mechanism of interaction between authorities and business in clusters forming. The paper analyzes the regional cluster policy and its specificity in the regions of the Southern Federal District consisting in the competitive environment development, market institutions strengthening, cluster policy structuring according to the levels of management, and the optimal variants of production factors choosing. The authors apply the system and the complex approaches, and general and specific scientific methods. The authors offer the ways of regional cluster policy improvement in the Southern Federal District based on the existing experience of its implementation in the macro-region and the country in general, and the macro-region’s peculiarities: 1) competitive environment maintenance and development; 2) small businesses maintenance and development; 3) development of innovative production structure; 4) maintenance and development of scientific and educational environment; 5) detection of elements of cluster potential and development of cluster initiatives; 6) creation of mechanisms of interaction between the participants of the forming cluster; 7) clusters development stimulation and monitoring of their activities.
cluster, cluster formation, cluster policy, regional cluster policy, increase of competitiveness, cluster initiatives, innovative production structure, economic entity, state, business
Informational support of national security
Zhukov, G. (2015). Program for calculating a probability of failure-free operation of the system of information protection. Security Issues, 6, 138–143.
Electronic computers and information technologies are used in almost all areas of human activity. The object of the research is information. The subject of the article is protection of information. The problem of information protection is the assessment of the effectiveness of trouble-free operation of the system of information protection. In assessing the effectiveness of information security systems the three approaches are used: classical, formal, and experimental. Programming is actively used in information technologies, being the basis of infware of the national security. The author describes the program of calculation of a probability of failure-free operation of the system of information protection. The research methodology is based on object - oriented programming. The application program is developed in the programming environment Delphi 7. The author presents a new application which is of practical importance in computer-aided design. Dialog boxes in the program allow the user to interactively enter the initial data for calculation and automatically get the numeric values of a probability of failure-free operation of the system of information protection. The calculation program can be used in project activities, automating the computational process, in the operation of information security systems for assessing their effectiveness.
program, method, calculation, environment, propability, failure-free, work, system, protection, information
Internal aspects of national security
Ran'zhina, I.V. (2015). Search for a model of federative relations in contemporary Russia as a national security idea. Security Issues, 6, 144–152.
The research object is federalism as a form of state structure which has the right to solve the state problems of ethnic, national, socio-economic, and political and legal character. The research subject is the search for a state structure model in contemporary Russia leading to the transformation of federalist relations. The paper exposes the essence of federalism, and the problems of federalist relations development in modern Russia. The author studies various approaches to defining the state structure model in the Russian Federation, striving to find the optimal one, since it touches upon the issues dealing with state and national security. The author outlines the following issues: sovereignty, Russian regions’ independence, the aspiration of many peoples and ethnic groups for national consolidation, and socio-economically determined integration processes in the Russian society. The author carries out the analysis of the problems coming from the specific interests of peoples, which manifest themselves during the ongoing reforms, and the necessity to coordinate them, to search for compromises in the process of coordinated implementation of economic, political, and social reforms on the whole territory of the Russian Federation.
federalism, federative relations, region, unitarity, territorial principle, ethnic problem, asymmetry, responsibilities, sovereignty, state structure