Internal aspects of national security
Panenkov, A.A. (2014). On Application of Article 16 of the Law “On Veterans” to Prosecutors Acting in the Chechen Republic on a Permanent or Temporary Basis in 1994 – 1996. Security Issues, 4, 1–30.
The author describes certain specifics of the prosecutors’ work during the active phase of the counterterrorist operation in the Chechen Republic, cites the number of the dead and injured prosecutors (as of May 2005), talks about the interaction an coordination of actions with the military prosecution office, the command of the United Group Alignment in the Northern Caucasus region, gives a detailed description of the nature of the tasks performed by prosecutors and investigators makes conclusions about the necessity to declare the local prosecutors (at least 1,000) combat veterans. The author uses the comparative historical and statistical research methods which help to better identify the role and importance of the activities carried out by the regional prosecutor’s office of the Chechen Republic during the active phase of the counterterrorist operation. The role and importance of the activities carried out by the regional prosecutor’s office of the Chechen Republic during two armed conflicts of non-international nature is not sufficiently researched. However, the work of the prosecutors and investigators of the prosecutor’s office of the Chechen Republic was of great importance to the restoration of the constitutional order in the republic, holding the referendum on the Constitution of the republic and elections of the first President of the Chechen Republic, protection of the constitutional rights of the person and the citizen.
legal order, veteran, fight, interaction, coordination, terrorism, prosecutor's office, investigator, military actions, losses
External aspects of national security
Kosorukov, A.A. (2014). China’s Strategy at the Beginning of the 21st Century: Going Global. Security Issues, 4, 31–69.
The questions related to the interaction between China and other countries as part of foreign policy relations and, first of all, the USA, are considered. The author believes that China’s foreign-policy strategy is a complex and multi-level phenomenon which consists of the global, national and intra-national levels, on each of which certain typical of China determinants are in action. The authors acknowledges that China, while actively building up its aggregate national power, in its foreign-policy strategy is objectively starting to lean, to a greater extent, on the determinants of the global level seeking to transform the modern architecture of international relations to fit with its interests by making such architecture more multi-polar. The research methodology includes using the multi-tier approach within the theory of international relations, the works of neoclassical realism which focus on the determinants of the intra-national level during the development of the country’s foreign policy. The scientific novelty of the article is in the introduction into scientific use and application of the theoretical works of neoclassical realism, integration of the determinants of the global, national and intra-national levels hen explaining the formation of the foreign-policy strategy, analyzing China’s foreign-policy strategy using the tools provided by neoclassical realism and the theory of foreign-policy analysis.
China, foreign-policy strategy, determinant, determinant, peaceful uptake, soft balancing, governmental institutions, Communist Party of China, USA, the Pacific Rim
External threats and countermeasures
Alireza, N. (2014). Russia and Iran’s Nuclear Program: Geopolitical Aspects and Implications. Security Issues, 4, 70–90.
The conflict between the nuclear Iran and the geopolitical plans of the West in the Middle East is one of the central topics of the world politics in recent years. The main cause of this conflict is Iran’s position as one of the central links in the system of geopolitical relations of the Middle East and Eurasia as a whole. Each of the four probable scenarios of further events around Iran’s nuclear program (1) Iran obtain nuclear weapons, 2) Iran’s capitulation, 3) War against Iran, 4) Iran’s positioning as a civil nuclear power) will have its consequences on the regional and global levels, including geopolitical consequences for Russia. As the methodological base, this article uses the systematic analysis approach and the realism apparatus, taking into account the provisions. Realization of the fourth scenario would mean a failure of the aggressive expansionist policy of the West and would fit with such long-term geopolitical interests of Russia as 1) Enhanced stability and preservation of the geopolitical status quo in the adjacent geopolitical zones of Iran and Russia, 2) Strengthening of Russia’s positions in the area as a geopolitical counterweight to the West. Three other scenarios will have negative implications for Russia. Especially if the West succeeds in making Iran capitulate, strengthening of its geopolitical influence in the area will inevitably cause Russia damage.
Russia, Iran’s nuclear program , geopolitical implications, West, Greater Middle East, probable scenarios, "threshold" status, USA, militry actions, balance of forces
Economical support of national security
Akopdzhanova, M. (2014). Legal Protection of Banking Operations: New Legislation. Security Issues, 4, 91–103.
This article is devoted to the research into the currently effective version of the legislative regulation of the legal protection provided for banking operations taking into consideration the amendments made to laws and regulations which have come into force. In this article, the author considers in detail the functions of lending institutions a relates to performing banking operations, lists the limitations and restrictions effective when carrying out trading operations, exemptions from the general rule, the author also describes the penalties imposed for the violation of the above prohibitions. The article describes in detail the specific features of the administrative and criminal responsibility of the officers working in such lending institutions and committing violations of the banking law. Methodologically, the article is based on the combination of the general scientific and special methods of research of the objective social and legal reality in the area being studied: the methods of analysis, synthesis, systematization and generalization, as well as the formal logic method. The article examines and analyses the most important aspects of using the dispositions of the legal rules on responsibility in banking. During this research, the author provided the lit of violations of banking discipline resulting in criminal or administrative responsibility. The conclusion made in this article may be useful for the law enforcement agencies when investigating cases of the relevant category, judges, undergraduate and graduate students, and all those interested in jurisprudence.
legal protection, law, banking operations, Central Bank, lending institutions, violations, officers, administrative responsibility, criminal responsibility, enforcement actions
Person and citizen within security systems
Yashina, A.V. (2014). Information Technology and Transformation of the Security System. Security Issues, 4, 104–130.
Information and communication technology (ICT) used in virtually every area of life of the man and the society has become an attribute of today’s life directly affect national security and the mechanisms of providing it, which makes the analysis carried out in this article especially relevant. The author maintains that introducing ICT in every sphere of human life, on the one hand, because of the vulnerability and imperfection of computer software and information technology as well as their availability, creates serous risks and threats, both for ordinary citizens and for whole nations. At the same time, the article points out that the dissemination of democratic values results in greater importance of the matters related to the national and public security and the matters related to personal security, the safekeeping of personal data, democratic control over the government’s activities in this field. In connection with the above, n this article the author focuses her attention on studying the questions of ensuring the security of the state, the society and the person in the new information environment, and chooses the research objective of identifying the comprehensive approaches and analysis of alternative opportunities for procuring the security of the person, society and the state in the new information technology conditions of the civilization’s development. The theoretical and methodological basis for this article is formed by the conceptual provisions of the general theory of security, the theory of democracy and the works of Russian and foreign researchers into the problems of national security. As a result of this research, the author draws the conclusion that in the situation when the information component becomes one of the prevailing ones in the life of the person, society and the state and the information instruments are distributes among numerous different actors, the basis of the security system should be, on the one hand, network-centricity which becomes ad imperative of the forthcoming time and the society’s response to the challenges of the information era, and on the other hand – the formation of a new type of human who uses modern technology knowingly and responsibly.
national security, socil responsibility, information security, social networks, network approach, crowdsourcing, MOOC, ICT, security of person, cybersecurity