Simonova, S.S. (2014). Foodstuffs security problems in the modern Russia. Security Issues, 1, 1–8.
The article concerns foodstuffs policy as one of the most important elements of the social function of the state. The author studies the foodstuffs security situation in the modern Russia. Based upon the scientific analysis of the legislative acts the author singles out the specific features of legislative guarantees of foodstuffs security in the modern Russia. The author analyzes national interests of the Russian Federation in the sphere of foodstuffs, as well as the main threats and risks regarding foodstuffs security guarantees. In the opinion of the author guarantees of national foodstuffs security concern overcoming the negative factors forming threats to foodstuffs security and leading to lowering of the amount, absence or worsened quality of food and energy values of the main types of foodstuffs. In order to discuss the problem in this article the author widely used the methods of analysis of normative legal acts regulating the foodstuffs security issues, comparative, historical and other methods of scientific studies. Having analyzed the current foodstuffs security situation in the Russian Federation the author came to a conclusion that currently there is a number of serious problems in this sphere, which require adequate solutions. In the opinion of the author the foodstuffs security problems in Russia include spread of genetically modified organisms, and smoking blends. The author makes a conclusion that foodstuffs security guarantees form an inalienable part of the social state policy.
social policy of the state, foodstuffs security, foodstuffs, social and economic rights of a person, foodstuffs problem, foodstuffs security, foodstuffs policy, foodstuffs security criteria, foodstuffs security problems, nutrition security
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Vladimirova, T.V. (2014). On the value of new mobilities for security. Security Issues, 1, 9–23.
The article concerns new social mobilities within the framework of information security guarantees as practices. A social subject guaranteeing information security, is the subject, who on one hand provides protection of information and protection from information, and on the other hand he develops orientation in the outer information environment, since his resources should be renewed in the conditions of mobile social environment. At the same time renewing information resources of a subject takes place with growing intensity according to the growth of intensity of information streams, which, in turns leads to more and more outdated information. In such a condition mobility practices may be interpreted as security practices. Theoretical and methodological basis for the studies includes social, philosophical and sociological theories. In particular, the ideas of mobility sociology by John Urry, the theory of object-centered sociality of Karin Knorr Cetina. The new mobility practices, which now form network and stream morphology of the social world are viewed by the author as general practices of information security guarantees. The idea of their organization is partially revealed through the term of channels, tunnels and streams (J. Urry). The author notes that the new mobilities need to be understood and used as practices of information security guarantees for national forces in the condition of growth of streams and networks. The substantial aspect of the new mobilities is high intensity of communications, as expressed by the speed and variety of interactions. It is noted that a characteristic features of new mobilities is objectivation of relations or the appearance of the object-centered sociality (K. Knorr Cetina).
new mobility practices, information security guarantees, high intensity of communications, object-centered sociality, channels, tunnels, streams, networks, growth of information outdate, security sociology
Informational support of national security
Akopov, G.L. (2014). Hacktivism in the process of information and political conflicts. Security Issues, 1, 24–32.
Politically opinionated hackers were activated due to the tension in the political situation in Ukraine. The author studied the activities of the hacktivists in the process of opposition between the West and Russia. In the Internet community the actions of computer hackers are more and more often of political character, and they may serve as significant means of influence upon the information processes for the purposes of political extremists and informational political raiders. It is very important for the information guarantees of national security to take into account the possible "cyber-warfare" threats, if the "cyber-terrorist" groups controlled by the intelligence services or extremist organizations of various types. The methodological basis for the studies are predefined both by its character and by the conceptual approach and scientific position of the author. Special attention is paid to the content analysis of the mass media. The defining research principles include objectivity, systemic character, comprehensive study, historicism. The means of information opposition in political conflicts and local wars exist and they actively used and the real threats of cyber-wars arise.
Hacktivism, politics and Internet, hacking, cyber-terror, cyber-security, cyber-war, network policy, information security, Internet communications, information warfare
Economical support of national security
Gulamov, E. (2014). The Eurasian Union project: structure, specific features and government institutions. Security Issues, 1, 33–44.
The article provides the facts allowing the author to state that the Eurasian Union project becomes more and more real. At the same time, this Union may be characterized as a very special regional union in the world. Its main specific feature is its great potential. It is a huge combined cultural and resource potential of the Eurasian territory, which may serve as the basis for political and economic growth. One of the most important results of the 20 years of independent development of the CIS is preservation of the bases for social, economic, political and cultural unity. It is especially important that even in the absence of clear concept for the CIS development and for the regional integration projects, the countries have managed to preserve the potential for trade and economic cooperation. The author used the studies of scientists, such as M. Hazin, O. Grigoriev, etc, as well as the information from the official websites of the Eurasian Union. The EurAsEC is currently an economic union with the perspective of becoming a union state. Although most people do not believe in this perspective, this might be just the matter of time. Currently Turkey, India, Israel, Vietnam, Syria are among the states wishing to join EurAsEC, and there are negotiations with the Ukraine. Membership of the states, such as India, Israel, Syria and Vietnam is very unusual for Russia, since they have no common borders, however, considering the latest political events in the domestic policy of Syria and its position in the international arena, its wish to joint EurAsEC may easily be explained. The wish of Israel to join is probably due to the changes in the positive relations with the USA and Iran, and Vietnam expects to strengthen its cooperation with Russia. India poses quite a question though. Its population is 1 187 000 000 people and it is enough for an economic zone. Maybe the interest of India lays more in geopolitical sphere, rather than in economic sphere.
the Eurasian Union, the Customs Union, the Eurasian Economic Union, the Eurasian Economic Commission, geopolitics, the Eurasian culture, integration process, global politics, innovation, the Eurasian civilization
Economical support of national security
Stepanov, P.Y. (2014). Foodstuffs security of Russia in the modern economic conditions. Security Issues, 1, 45–63.
The article contains evaluation of the state policy in the sphere of foodstuffs security guarantees of Russia, including evaluation of the current situation in the agricultural sphere of Russia and the possible measures for improvement of its competitiveness. It is offered to use an adapted basic macro-economic model in order to choose the state regulation measures for the purpose of guaranteeing foodstuffs security. The author substantiates the fact that currently foodstuffs security of the state may only be guaranteed by consecutive implementation of measures at federal and regional levels by combining state measures and inner reserves of the branches of economy, enterprises and companies of the entire agricultural complex. The author shows the main methods of guaranteeing foodstuffs security thanks to provision of the own resources within the state, reasonable amounts of imported goods, level and tempo of development of the branches of agricultural complex. Within the framework of foodstuffs security the author defines the problems of economic and agricultural reforms, real tendencies in the development of agricultural and foodstuffs production, Russian market and the level of its dependency upon the global foodstuffs market. In addition, the author offers to amend and clarify the provisions of anti-monopoly legislation, development and adoption of a number of normative and legal acts, including a federal law on regulation of trade in Russia, and wider target-oriented approach towards regulation of agricultural production. At the same time the following instruments may be used for the state regulation of agricultural and foodstuffs market: tariff and non-tariff regulation of import of agricultural products, raw materials and foodstuffs, material and technical resources; anti-monopoly measures, technical regulations, certification and licensing, purchase and goods intervention, changes in their procedures, also loan operations, purchase of goods for state needs, support of crediting and leasing in order to form the lacking infrastructural elements for the agricultural and foodstuffs market.
state policy, export and import operations, agricultural production complex, competitiveness of the agricultural products, foodstuffs security, Foodstuffs Security Doctrine, mechanisms for competition improvement, foodstuffs independency, macroeconomic models, goods and raw materials group