Strategy of national security
Rabkin, S.V. (2014). Strategic industries and guarantees of economic security: the search for a new model of industrialization. Security Issues, 6, 1–17.
The object of this study includes the strategic economic sectors as the most important elements of economic security. The article considers the issues of interrelation between the theory and the practice of reform of state regulation of economy, the interaction between the state and the largest corporations in the strategic sectors of economy, the influence of irrational factors on the choice of a new model of industrialization. The author indicates the general trend of the changing role of the state in determining the sectoral development priorities, regardless of the chosen model of economic development. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the influence of rational and irrational factors on the formation of a system of industry regulation and the resolution of dilemma «market or nonmarket». On the base of the method of historical analogy and methodology of institutional analysis the author concludes about the necessity of modernization of strategic economic sectors as a basis for economic security. The proposed approach complements the system of assessment threshold values of economic security and creates a real opportunity to avoid a state of "institutional trap" of a new industrialization. For modern Russia it is fundamentally important to return the state to the real economy and to create certain points of economic growth, where the technological breakthrough is possible. The transition to the integrated forms of modernization of strategic economic sectors will allow specialization of national priorities of development in terms of institutionalizing of guarantees for their implementation.
irrational factors, state regulation, modernization, real economic sector, the new model of industrialization, guarantees of national security, economic security, strategic sectors, institutional theory, national priorities of development
System and interaction
Kurakin, A.V., Kostennikov, M.V. (2014). Public service and information security. Security Issues, 6, 18–67.
Due to the development of the processes of public management informatization, public servants become involved in the system of information legal relationship, thus it is practically impossible to imagine their activities of control, supervision, licencing, and jurisdiction without acquisition and use of the respective information. Taking it into account, the working out of a new model of administrative and legal regulation of information relations in the system of public service seems to be of a big importance. This system could take into consideration the fundamentally new problems of global informatization of a modern society.
security, service, public servant, information, information, control, technology, system, reform
Informational support of national security
Popov, V.V. (2014). Information as a factor of influence on the political life of a society (socio-cultural aspect). Security Issues, 6, 68–97.
The subject of the research is "information". This notion is a base for the modern civilization development. In a modern global world information is an accelerant of political, social, and economic processes, it causes worsening of socio-political relations in countries and regions. The amount of conflicts has risen in the information age, they are widely covered in the Mass Media, and fine a broad response among various social strata. A huge information scope undermines social structures and transfers the conflict into the manifest stage. The war of all against all develops in the society. In this relation the essense of "information" notion gains the key importance for the definition of measures of the social and state security system. The methodology of the research is based on the system approach. The study of information is possible only providing the use of the concepts of certain scientific fields. The main conclusions are made on the base of inductive and deductive methods. The main results include the identification of dependence of a society on the forming information flows oriented to particular consumers. Information doesn't have any energy or volitional meaning, it only transmits the event and its interpretation, and the receiving subject adds all the rest - the resourses, the will and the force, and becomes the physical bearer, the executor and the retransmitter of this information. In fact, a serious political crisis can be organized without any expenses, using only the right aspect of information. Information is especially sharp in terms of religious contradictions. Religious contradictions heighten political, social and economic problems.
information, information security, information society, revolution of functionaries, information matrix, information bit, religious contradictions, data, knowledge, post-industrial society
Economical support of national security
Feofilova, T.Y., Litvinenko, A.N. (2014). Small enterprises development in the provision of economic security of the region. Security Issues, 6, 98–149.
The article examines the development of entreprises as an economic basis of national security and as a basic element of economic capacity which maintains the economic security in Russia's regions, satisfying the needs of the population. The subject of the study includes the administrative and economic relations between the authorities and small businesses and its influence on economic security on the regional level. The aim of the study is an assessment of the status and analysis of measures to support small businesses, as well as to identify the real problems of small business development in Russia's regions. The main idea of the study is that the development of small businesses on the regional level affects the economic security of the region as well as of the whole Russia. The research methodology is based on an interdisciplinary approach. The authors use the methods of statistical data processing, economic analysis, induction, comparative analysis, experiment. The article identifies of the system drawbacks of small business in the Russian Federation: the inconsistency of government support measures developed by different agencies; the lack of a single governing body responsible for small businesses; the absence of a common information base to assess the effectiveness of the state support; a limited amount of financial support; the lack of motivation of entrepreneurs to improve their skills. The main conclusion of the authors is that the biggest problem of the development of small business in Russia is the population unwilling to create and participate in the development of their own business.
entreprise, economic security of the state, business development, government support, economic security of the state, entreprise, security levels, threats, taxes, loans
Economical support of national security
Anikin, V.I. (2014). Strategic assessment of the economic security of the BRICS-member states (energy vector). Security Issues, 6, 150–185.
The article presents the relevant aspects of economic and energy security of the BRICS countries and shows an urgent need to assess the strategic development and interaction of these economies. It is noted that the rising tensions within the international community and the general instability of the political situation, the aggravation of contradictions in the world's financial, energy centers and regions, have caused the urgent need for reforms both in the system of global governance in the world under the auspices of the UN and in the financial and economic system. The author notes that under these circumstances the creation, establishment and further development of the BRICS group is evaluated as an adequate response to the existing imbalance of powers on the world stage, elimination of contradictions and concentration of common efforts of these countries in the first place in the general economic and energy spheres. Using various methods of comparative analysis and ratings the author shows that since 2008 the pace of economic development of the BRICS countries has been slowing down, but at the same time every year the cooperation between these countries enters a new high-quality format, and aiming at the improvement of the states' energy efficiency and diversification of energy sources triggered by climate change are largely determined by the importance of energy security provision on the basis of renewable energy sources. The author concludes that the BRICS countries are and will remain among the major players on the global energy field, and today the interaction in the sphere of BRICS energy is bilateral but irregular in the degree of development of connections, which is also determined by the varying need for access to energy resources of each country to ensure energy security of the member-states.
strategic assessments, foreign policy, geo-economic instability, geopolitics, economic security, energy security, BRICS, energy efficiency, power imbalances, Energy Association BRICS