Ursul, A.D. (2013). The national idea and global processes: security, sustainable development, noosferogenez. Security Issues, 2, 1–66.
The author notes that the national idea should be focused on the future, not only to express the specifics of the Russian way of the third millennium, but the trend of the global deployment of future evolution of civilization. Discussed in the article proposed components of the national idea, having mostly of Russian origin tended to focus not only on the national interests and the survival of our country, but of all mankind. This can be seen especially evolutionary and historical mission of Russia in global development. One of the components of the national idea is connected with the problem of national security, reflecting the specifics of the Russian state and society. Another component to a greater extent due to the global orientation of global processes, planetary transition to sustainable development and may acquire formalized in the form of the predictive-normative document as a national strategy for sustainable development of the Russian Federation. It is emphasized that the modern concept of sustainable development is still not adequate enough, because basically allocates the environmental aspect and its relation to the economy and social sphere. Definitely want to do this, but this is not enough, it is important to expand the subject field of the study of the sustainable problem, make examines the concept of a system-integrated. The national idea of the problems of national security and sustainable development will be integrated into a single conceptual and ideological system noospheric orientation. Expressed and justified the assumption that the national idea can find their noosphere continued, and the proposed version of the construction of the national idea shows that it is the concept of the noosphere integrates all the ideas in question in the paper. The noosphere is characterized as a hypothetical future state of society and its interaction with nature, which is formed through the transition to the information society and sustainable development, and in which priority will be to play the mind in the form noosphere intelligence.
security, globalization, global processes, innovation processes, modernization, national security, national idea, national interests, noosphere, sustainable development
System and interaction
Vladimirova, T.V. (2013). The problem of sustainable order as a security threat. Security Issues, 2, 67–87.
The article provides an approach towards the problem of security in a society, allowing for two types of organization and understanding of security. Security is understood as a sustainable social order in the conditions of growing number of various deviations. On one hand, the traditional society forms a view of security, which is based upon sustainable system of values, traditional institutions and state power. On the other hand, the security should be guaranteed within the framework of open modern society, where a growing number of social deviations and innovations forms a complicated highly organized security system, including rule of law state, private property, market, and civil society. The author discusses the problem of sustainable social order in the conditions of approved and non-approved deviation, where an approved deviation is regarded as an innovation. Then the author points out the further growth of deviations/innovations (variable communications in accordance with N.Luhmann in the modern state as a key problem in the sphere of public security guarantees.
public security, deviant behavior, deviation/innovation, social order, social norm, interests of a person, modern society, traditional society, approved deviation, growing deviation
Rapid response and tactics
Silaeva, N.A. (2013). Normative legal guarantees of prevention of crimes against political system of the Russian Federation. Security Issues, 2, 88–111.
The article is devoted to the legal aspects of prevention of crimes against the political system of Russia. The author analyzed the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Russian Federation on anti-criminal measures, including measures against extremism and terrorism, as well as some legislative norms of the Republic of Tatarstan on prevention of crimes against the political system of the Russian Federation. The author also analyzed the legislation of the Russian Federation on national security, she developed the draft of legal norm and made some suggestions on the improvement of legislation in order to protect the political system of the Russian Federation against criminal encroachments. In this article the author points out that in order to make fighting crimes against the political system of Russia more efficient, there is need to the improve the norms of other branches of law, as well as criminal law.
jurisprudence, crimes, extremism, politics, law, prevention, security, power, terrorism, Internet
Transformation of national security systems
Sosnin, V.A. (2013). The spiritual and religious bases for suicidal terrorism: the ideology of “Global Jihad” as a psychological motivation for the suicide terrorism by Islamic radicals. Security Issues, 2, 112–159.
The article is devoted to the spiritual and religious bases for the suicidal terrorism and the ideology of Global Jihad as a psychological motivation of suicide terrorism by the Islamic radicals. The author provides conceptual positions on the correlations between the concept of terrorism in general and suicide terrorism in particular. He analyzes the topical issues of Fundamentalism and its revival in the Islamic world in the current geo-political conditions. He evaluates ideological and psychological bases of the views on suicidal terrorism as martyrdom by the ideologists of Al-Qaeda (Ben- Laden, Al-Zavahiri). He also analyzes the psychology of motivation of suicide terrorists from the canonical Koran positions. He refers to the ways of fighting terrorism in the current conditions. The main goal of this article is to explain to the scientists specific features of spiritual and religious motivations of followers and performers of terrorism and to indirectly show that the problem of fighting terrorism in the current geo-political situation is not limited to "bombs and rackets" issue, or holding military and anti-terrorism actions (while military and intelligence elements of this fight are important). It is a fight in the sphere of morals and ideology, and it is a long-term one at that. It might take decades. And the information resistance should include psychological operations among the other technologies.
psychology, jihad, terrorism, spiritual and religious motivation, ideology of Al-Qaeda, martyrdom, the Koran, radicalism, fundamentalism, psychological operations
Informational support of national security
Chirkov, D.K., Sarkisyan, A.Z. (2013). High techology crime: tendencies and perspectives. Security Issues, 2, 160–181.
The article includes general criminologic characteristics of crimes in the sphere of telecommunications and computer information, the authors provide for the dynamics of development of such crimes for the period since 2009 to 2012 in comparison to the number of Internet users for the same period. In the latest decade the Internet became a virtual space, where people may express their ideas, get involved in social activities, etc. Currently the Internet networks play an important roles in our communications. We transfer money via computers, cash dispensers, and electronic payment system, we set the routes, look for good restaurants, find out what movie we should watch, and all of these actions depend on information technolgies. Many Internet users are attacked by cybercriminals. The above-mentioned problems are discussed in this article. The article may be useful for the officers of the law-enforcement bodies working with high-technology crimes.
high technologies, Internet users, characteristics of crimes, computer information, telecommunications sphere, criminal situation, cybercrime, criminal law, prevention, dynamics of crimes
Economical support of national security
Yurevich, A.V., Zhuravlev, A.L., Yurevich, M.A. (2013). Excessive inequality of income as a threat to national security of Russia. Security Issues, 2, 182–202.
The authors base their study upon the existing economic distinction between normal and excessive inequality in incomes, when the incomes of the 10% of richest persons are no more than 6-8 times higher than incomes of the 10% of poorest persons. They establish that the negative influence of excessive inequality of incomes, which is typical for modern Russia, goes far beyond the economics, and it influences various spheres of social life, such as birth and death rate, health of population, murders and suicides, corruption, social and political processes, etc., thus posing a real threat to the national security of Russia. In the opinion of the authors the lowering the level of excessive inequality could have a multifaceted positive influence on the modern Russian society, it could improve its social structure, help to overcome poverty, ease the social tension, allow for the growth of the middle class. However, the measures towards lowering the inequality level are countered by the persons with super-incomes and their ideologists.
normal inequality, excessive inequality, social comparison, relative poverty, birth rate, death rate, health of the population, social and political processes, murders, suicides