Strategy of national security
Panenkov, A.A. (2012). Criminological conditionality of public policy in the sphere of fighting crime as the key to success in the fight against terrorism and its financing in Russia. Security Issues, 1, 1–54.
The author argues in favor of the need for criminologically conditioned public policy in the sphere of fighting crime. He sees this matter as being key to success in the fight against terrorism and its financing in Russia. The author analyzes peculiarities of the effect of external factors on terrorism-related crime, discusses the problems of identifying the sources and channels of terrorist financing based on scientific research, and he provides some examples.
criminology, state, politics, fight, crime, success, terrorism, financing, coordination, interaction
Technologies and methodology of security systems
Pogodina, I.V., Fraimovich, D.Y., Mishchenko, Z.V. (2012). The multilevel approach to definition of optimum indicators of regional security based on economic-mathematical modeling. Security Issues, 1, 55–80.
Substantial differentiation of regional development, non-uniformity of domestic innovative territory, unsatisfactory criminal situation and bureaucratic thresholds substantially limit implementation of a modernization of the state. Therefore, an adequate estimation of functioning social and economic systems is necessary for the solution of the specified problems from a standpoint of use of their internal and external capabilities. The offered technique for defining an integrated indicator allows to make multilevel calculation of potential of constituent subjects of Russian Federation, and then on the basis of mathematical processing of the results to form the model characterizing a complex parity of de-facto and optimal regional security.
security, region, evaluation, indicator, integral, social and economic system, parameters, modrenization
Transformation of national security systems
Ursul, A.D., Ursul, T.A. (2012). The problem of security: global and universal evolutionary aspects . Security Issues, 1, 81–159.
The paper analyzes the security problem from the standpoint of global and interdisciplinary research and is considered formation of a unified methodology of research problems and the concept of security in connection with their expansive interpretation, and on the basis of a global (universal) evolutionism. It is noted that the formation of the global world fraught with new risks and dangers planetary scales, which may cause anthropogenic global catastrophe. Arises the need for exposure to globalization and other global processes of a sustainable development-oriented full providing security and the survival of civilization. In the future, global world with sustainable development, national and global security will be ensured by not primarily a defense, but mainly through this type of development, which will promote the positive and overcome the negative trends in global development.
security, interdisciplinary studies, national security, globalistics, globalization, global security, global processes, global evolutionism, sustainable development, evolution globalistics
Legal support of national security
Stepanenko, V.S. (2012). Concerning the Need in Laws Regulating Treatment of Packaging and Packaging Materials. Security Issues, 1, 160–181.
Packing industry in Russia has been practically formed as a branch but its legal status is still needed to be fixed legally. It would guarantee a necessary state support, provide a methodological support which is missing now and overcome the notable disbalance between possibilities of the packing industry and its scientific basis, equipment and raw material provision. In this regard, the author f the article analyzes the worldwide trends in the sphere of treatment of packaging waste from the point of view of environment, economics and law as well as the laws and standards regulating the treatment of packaging waste in Russia including the Moscow Region. Based on teh analysis of foreign and Russian experience, the author proves that it is certainly necessary to make an individual law regulating the treatment of packaging waste. Implementation of the above mentioned legal system in Russia would allow to solve nettlesome issues of the packaging industry which has started to form as a branch of industry back in mid 90's of XX century. Taking into account that this is quite a new approach for Russia, the author suggests to develop the draft law for Moscow on Packaging and Packaging Materials. It would allow to evaluate mechanisms of the federal draft law at the level of the Russian Federation constituents and local goverment and develop necessary additional acts as well as to get enough experience to further introduce this law in another regions of Russia.
waste, package, packaging materials, environment, legislation, directive, separate collection, utilization sytem, harmonization, international law
Informational support of national security
Sedykh, N.S. (2012). Terrorism as a Part of Information and Psychological Threats of Modern Age. Security Issues, 1, 182–212.
The article analyzes terrorism as an information and psychological threat. The author analyzes mass media as a discursive system and their role in social construction of the terrorism phenomena. The author suggests methods of studying peculiarities of information and psychological influence of mass media messages about terrorism for the purpose of organization of efficient information and psychological reponse.
discourse, text, communication, information, influence, threat, terrorist attack, terrorism, media discourse, social images
Internal aspects of national security
Noyanzina, O.E., Goncharova, N.P., Maximova, S.G., Avdeeva, G.S. (2012). Contemporary challenges to security: estimating risks of vulnerability to extremist and terrorist threats in the conditions of regional societies. Security Issues, 1, 213–254.
The article contains a sociological research analysis of data regarding problems of reproduction of such social risks as nationalism, extremism and xenophobia. Conclusion that extremist practices are present in all spheres of social life and have universal non-specific character was made basing on data from the six regions of Russian Federation. It is revealed that the contents of such indexes as attitudes towards representatives of other nations, fear to be a victim of national hostility and sense of national hostility has regional specific features. It is possible to mark a disposition of respondents towards estimating high probability of terrorist acts in their place of residence without any connection with the rational security estimation.. The fear of terrorist act and evaluating its possiblity are the interconnected variables. Generally, the perception of possibility of a terrorist act is determined by psychological causes.
extremism, nationalism, xenofobia, security, national security, relations among the nations, tolerance, intolerance, conflict among the nations, terrorism
Internal threats and countermeasures
Volokh, V.A. (2012). Migration Policy: Readmission as an Efficient Instrument of Illegal Migration Management. Security Issues, 1, 255–270.
Over the past few years the migration issue has become a stable and usual priority in the agenda of the global community. Illegal migration, i.e. entry and stay in a country in defiance of the established order, remains one of the most nettlesome issues of modern times. It is illegal migration which comes to the first place among other challenges and threats today. Obviously, it is impossible to handle the situation using the old approaches. The author of the article suggests new efficient methods of interstate interactions for the purpose of returning illegal migrants to their native land. The author also describes the main mechanisms of readmission and analyzes the modern state of the institution of readmission in the Russian Federation. The author also underlines the main factors necessary for implementation of readmission responsibilities and suggests further ways of developing this institution. Based on the author, readmission is an efficient instrument of illegal migration management that would contribute to the national security.
state, globalization, migration situation, migration policy, migration processes, conception, modernization, national security, legislation, readmission