Rakitina E.V..
Employment relations with this employer: some disadvantages of legal regulation
// Legal Studies.
2024. № 8.
P. 67-81.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2024.8.71242 EDN: SDTEMA URL:
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The subject of this study is some shortcomings of the legal regulation of employment relations. An employment relationship with a given employer is understood as a relationship mediated by the employment service, as well as direct interaction between a candidate and an employer on employment issues. The article discusses the general aspects of the regulation of selection procedures by the employer, the use of psychophysiological research in the selection of candidates, as well as the existing practice of job offers. Consideration of these issues is relevant due to the lack of labor law regulation of the relevant relations. The purpose of the study is to formulate specific proposals for amendments to labor legislation in order to regulate polygraph testing and the practice of making job offers. When writing the article, the formal logical method was used, as well as methods of systematic and literal interpretation of legal norms. The result of the conducted research are proposals for regulating polygraph testing in employment (verification is carried out at the expense of the employer; with the written consent of the candidate for work; the range of questions asked and the research methodology are subordinated to the purpose of checking the business qualities of a potential employee; the conclusion based on the results of the study cannot be an independent basis for refusal to apply for a job). Proposals on the legal regulation of the job offer are also formulated, concerning its form, content, and options for interaction between the candidate and the employer in various situations. If the terms of the job offer and the terms of the concluded employment contract do not match, priority should be given to those conditions that are more favorable for the employee. In case of non-conclusion of an employment contract, it is proposed to assign the obligation to reimburse expenses incurred by the bona fide party to the employment relationship to the other party.
refusal of employment, employee candidate, job offer, personal data, polygraph test, employee's business qualities, competitive selection, selection procedures, employment, employment relations
Shishulina T.P..
Problems of legal regulation and organization of rotational work in the northern regions
// Legal Studies.
2024. № 8.
P. 94-109.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2024.8.71105 EDN: ZEYZRU URL:
The object of the study is labor relations developing in the northern regions. The subject of the study is regulatory legal acts devoted to the legal regulation of labor of persons working and living in the northern regions, special legal literature devoted to the consideration of this issue. Particular attention is paid to the study of the regulation of labor relations under the rotation method of work. Today there is a need for an in-depth analysis of the impact of this method on social relations, the health of workers and their social adaptation, as well as legal regulation of issues of wages and working conditions. Based on the analysis, conclusions are drawn that the provision of human resources in the context of the development of the northern regions is an essential component of strategic planning that requires special attention, given the negative migration trends manifested by the outflow of population from these regions. The research methodology is based on the fact that the shift method, or rather the interest in it, expands beyond the technical and economic aspect, also covering the social, psychological and legal aspects of its application. As a result of the study, the following conclusions were formulated: it is important to pay attention to research and analysis aimed at identifying the main challenges and problems in the field of labor regulation in the north; establish a federal body that will deal with the registration and classification of rotation workers and Arctic base cities; provide housing and relocation support for all employees and create conditions to meet the leisure and sports needs of shift workers, ensuring comfortable living through the improvement of the urban environment. It is important to involve corporate structures in cooperation with municipalities to implement infrastructure development projects.
guarantees and compensation, social programs, control mechanism, rotational migration, labour organization, Arctic zone, regions of the Far North, shift method, worker, Labor Code
Basalaeva S.P..
Failure to take measures to prevent and resolve conflicts of interest: labor law issues
// Legal Studies.
2024. № 4.
P. 49-64.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2024.4.70326 EDN: TNOVVM URL:
The subject of the study is the failure to take measures to prevent and resolve conflicts of interest. Failure to take measures is considered as an element of the objective side of disciplinary misconduct in labor relations, the composition of which is defined in paragraph 7.1. part 1 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, along with such elements as "conflict of interest" and "loss of trust". The types of measures are studied, the collision of their anti-corruption and labor-law nature; the subject of taking measures; the possibility of choosing a measure by an employee and an employer; the legal consequences of non-acceptance; the head as a subject of responsibility in case of non-acceptance of measures; the obligation to notify about a conflict of interests; the content of the concepts of "prevention" and "settlement". The object of the study is labor relations in terms of disciplinary responsibility for corruption offenses and related official legal relations. The author uses the general scientific method of dialectical cognition, as well as a number of private scientific methods: technical-legal, systemic-structural, formal-logical (deduction, induction, definition and division of concepts) and others. The article discusses the following problematic issues: 1) the ratio of measures provided for by anti-corruption legislation with labor law institutions, in particular, transfer to another job and suspension from work; 2) the possibility of abuse of the right by the employer and violation of the rights of the employee when taking measures; 3) the situation of legal deadlock when it is impossible to take measures; 4) unjustified inconsistency of legal regulation of measures in labor and official legal relations. The article draws conclusions about the illegality of dismissal only for failure to inform about a conflict of interest; about the priority of the employee's right to choose a measure to avoid abuse of the right by the employer; about the unification of legal regulation of suspension from work for the period of investigation of corruption misconduct or dismissal of the head for failure to take measures in labor and official relations; about ways out of the "legal impasse" if it is impossible to resolve a conflict of interest, in particular, a separate basis for termination of an employment contract due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties, or permission to act in a conflict of interest with little benefit.
restriction of labor rights, abuse of labor law, dismissal for conflict, notification of a conflict, prevention and resolution, failure to take action, anti-corruption duties of an employee, prevention of corruption, a corrupt disciplinary offense, employee transfer
Shishulina T.P..
Judicial protection of workers' labor rights: problems of implementation
// Legal Studies.
2023. № 9.
P. 108-126.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2023.9.40955 EDN: YFPDEV URL:
The object of the study was the legal relations arising between the subjects of labor law regarding the protection of the labor rights of employees. The subject of the study includes theoretical and practical foundations of judicial protection of workers' labor rights. The author analyzes the judicial method of protecting the labor rights of employees, and also identifies problematic aspects of their practical application. In particular, the author noted that the employee, being the most vulnerable party of labor relations, needs more protection from the state. As a result, the current system of restoring balance in labor relations is mostly focused on protecting the labor rights of employees. The main conclusions of the study are: 1. Judicial practice on the protection of workers' labor rights is very extensive and diverse, but its essence basically boils down to one thing: an employer, being interested in obtaining the best labor resources at minimal financial costs, will always strive to protect the interests of his business, regardless of the requirements of the legislator. 2. The effectiveness of all methods of protecting labor rights often largely depends on the reasonable behavior of the employee until the moment of conflict with the employer. 3. Being a more vulnerable side of labor relations, an employee, when applying to the court, claims a special attitude due to the possible lack of knowledge of all the subtleties of legislative regulation of labor relations. As a consequence, if there are contradictions in the position of an employee and an employer, the court seeks to promote the former as a priority. At the same time, such a position in no way infringes on the rights of the employer. 4. One of the urgent problems of protecting the labor rights of employees in recent years is the substitution of labor relations with civil relations with the self-employed. The solution may be the introduction of relevant provisions in the Federal Law on the self-employed, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
rights Protection, types of disputes, controversy, labor rights, legal relations, employer, worker, judicial defense, Labor Code, arbitrage practice
Filyushchenko L.I..
Legal Regulation of Employment in a Digital Society
// Legal Studies.
2023. № 5.
P. 40-47.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2023.5.39007 EDN: PDCMPR URL:
The subject of this study is the legal norms that mediate the procedures for the selection of personnel and the employment of employees. The purpose of the study is to analyze the norms of labor legislation regulating employment relations in a digital society, and the practice of their application. General and private scientific methods were used (formal dogmatic, comparative legal methods of research, interpretation, modeling). The positive role of digital platforms in the employment of citizens was noted. However, the development of digital technologies displaces people from the sphere of employment, to which the legislation is still weakly responding. Particular attention is paid to employment issues that have not been resolved in legislation, which may lead to a deterioration of the situation of citizens. The transformation of labor functions is taking place, which excludes human participation in part of operations and makes it necessary to consolidate in legislation the obligation of employees to improve their qualifications. The content of the concept of "business qualities" of an employee is expanding, including digital competencies, including the ability to interact with artificial intelligence. It is desirable to reflect the definition of the concept in legislation and take it into account when posting information about vacancies on digital platforms. The conclusion is made about the inadmissibility of making a decision on employment (refusal of admission) by artificial intelligence on the basis of data collected without the consent of the applicant. The legislation in the field of employment is not quite ready to respond to the changes taking place in connection with digitalization. The proposed solutions may be the subject of discussion and useful for the legislator.
additional guarantees, discriminatory circumstances, information gathering, artificial intelligence, business qualities, in-demand professions, retraining, digital platforms, digital technologies, employment
Smirnova M.S., Listratov I.V., Yun D.A..
Legal Regulation of Qualification Requirements for the Teaching Staff of Higher Educational Institutions
// Legal Studies.
2023. № 3.
P. 13-23.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2023.3.40057 EDN: BLEWNV URL:
The subject of the study is the legal regulation of qualification requirements for the teaching staff of higher educational institutions in the Russian Federation. The authors discuss the main qualification requirements that apply to the positions of assistant, teacher, senior lecturer, associate professor, professor. Universities may introduce additional requirements when announcing a competition for positions, in most cases they are reduced to the applicant's compliance with a certain level of publication activity. The legal regulation of the requirements for the teaching staff of higher educational institutions is carried out in accordance with the norms of the Labor Code, the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", the corresponding Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. The activity of the teaching staff is connected with the implementation of federal state educational programs, which also prescribe the requirements for personnel. As a result of the study, the specifics of the qualification requirements for scientific and pedagogical workers were revealed. The complexity of the professional functions performed by the teaching staff largely determines the existence of a fairly extensive legal framework regulating social and labor relations between an employee and an employer. The analysis of this legal framework indicates not only its multi-step nature and complexity, but also a certain instability. A number of qualification requirements have recently undergone significant changes. A certain obstacle to starting a teaching profession is the qualification requirements for the position of an assistant. The requirements for the teaching staff vary not only from position to position, but also vary depending on the institution of higher education.
academic degree, effective contract, post, election by competition, legal regulation, qualification requirements, teaching staff, higher education institution, higher education, dissertation
Filyushchenko L.I..
Balance of interests of the parties to labor relations in the introduction of digital technologies
// Legal Studies.
2022. № 3.
P. 42-51.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2022.3.37469 URL:
The subject of the study is labor relations undergoing significant changes due to the digitalization of the economy and public life. The object of the study is the norms of labor legislation regulating the use of digital technologies in the field of labor relations, as well as the emerging practice of their application. The norms are analyzed from the point of view of ensuring a balance of rights and interests of the parties to labor relations. Attention is paid to the new rules for the introduction of electronic document management, the transition to accounting of information about work in electronic form, the implementation of remote work. General and private scientific research methods (formal legal, interpretation, comparison, mental modeling) were used. The main conclusion is the revealed imbalance of individual norms regulating the digital space in the field of labor relations. In some cases, the balance is violated in favor of employers, and the rights of employees are infringed. It was found ineffective to transfer the issue of providing labor means or payment of compensation for the use of their equipment to the discretion of social partners. It is proposed to legislate the provision of equipment and other means of labor by the employer if the initiative in remote work comes from him, as well as to limit the possibility of remote monitoring (supervision) of employees in the performance of their work duties. The use of electronic signatures requires a uniform approach that excludes the multiplicity of electronic signatures.
psychosocial risks, encumbrance of employers, contractual regulation, interest, remote monitoring, electronic document management, personal life, violation of rights, balance, guarantees
Basalaeva S.P..
On responsibility of the employer to undertake measures for preventing corruption
// Legal Studies.
2020. № 6.
P. 65-79.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2020.6.33581 URL:
The subject of this research is the legal relations on corruption prevention in organizations from the perspective of anti-corruption and labor legislation, as well as law enforcement practice. The author employs a general scientific method of dialectical cognition, as well as a number of private scientific methods: technical-legal, system-structural, formal-logical (deduction, induction, determination and divisions of concepts). The article analyzes the four aspects of responsibility of an organization to undertake measures for preventing corruption: 1) circle of measures; 2) form and methods for establishing measures; 3) content of measures; 4) legal consequences of failure to deliver or unacceptable delivery) of the responsibilities for undertaking measures. The author describes the risks of the employer in organization of anti-corruption policy, as well as formulates the proposals on proper discharge of anti-corruption duties by an organizations in accordance with the following aspects: 1) the need to develop and undertake all measures established in the Part 2 of the Article 13.3 of the Law “On Corruption Prevention”; 2) the local normative acts should represent the form of anti-corruption measures; 3) the criterion for establishing anti-corruption responsibilities of the employees relates to their work function and rules of conduct in the organization; 4) proper discharge of responsibilities for undertaking anti-corruption measures is an essential condition for exemption from liability set by the Article 19.28 of Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
anti-corruption recommendations of the Ministry of Labor, code of professional conduct, code of ethics, anti-corruption policy of the organization, the limits of local rule-making, anti-corruption duties of employees, anti-corruption measures, prevention of corruption, corruption, restriction of labor rights
Aisner L.Y., Sochneva E.N., Chervyakov M.E..
Legal Aspects of the Creation and Development of the National Qualifications System in Russia
// Legal Studies.
2019. № 9.
P. 31-42.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2019.9.30738 URL:
This research is devoted to the process of introduction of the National Qualitification System into the social labor sphere of the Russian Federation. This is the System that succeeds the previous qualifications system. Generally, the National Qualification System in Russia is represented by four inter-related elements: professional standards, independent assessment of qualifications, professional social accreditment of education programs and directory of the most demanded professions. European countries have been having such systems for quite a logn time, thus they have a lot of experience in this sphere. The aim of this research is to find common features and differences between European and Russian qualifications systems as well as the experience of implementation of this sytem in Russia. In addition, the authors analyze differences between previous Russian qualification systems that were based on directories of professions and modern systems that are based on professional standards. In their research the authors have applied such methods as analysis, synthesis and summary of legal materials. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors analyze difficulties and challenges of introducing the new qualifications system into the Russian labor law as well as problems the society has faced as a result of implementation of the new system. As the result of the research, the author concludes that the main feature of the National Qualifications System in Russia is the synthesis of mandatory (imperative) and market grounds.
educational programs, professional standards, regulation, labor legislation, labor law, human capital, national qualifications system, qualification exams, assessment of qualifications, directory of professions
Nogailieva F.K..
Equality of the Different: Protection of Employee's Religious Beliefs in the USA
// Legal Studies.
2019. № 3.
P. 39-45.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2019.3.29247 URL:
The article is devoted to creation of an individual working setting that would take into account peculiarities of employee's religious beliefs (the need to prey, wear religious clothes and symbols, etc.). Problems that may arise in the process of applying religious norms at the workplace become important for Russia, too, this is why Russian law experts start to analyze the experience of the foreign states on the matter. In this article the author analyzes the lawmaking and law enforcement experience in the USA legal system, the country that has the longest story of conflict resolutions with 'religious' employees. The research is based on analysis and interpretation of legal acts, conclusions of the Comittee for Providing Equal Opportunities for US Employees and experience of the US judicial authorities. The main conclusion of the article is that despite a US specific concept of reasonable accomodation of working conditions to special needs of employees (including religious needs), this idea proves to be inefficient. According to the concept, an employer must change working conditions when these changes do not incure unreasonable expenses. There are criteria for such unreasonable expenses in relation to disabled employees and employees with families, however, there are no such criteria for religious employees. This makes it difficult for employees to protect their religious needs.
religious norms, terms of employment, reasonable accommodation, labor regulatory considerations, employee's belief, discrimination, equality in employment, employee's needs, unity and differentiation, undue hardship
Osina D..
Particularities of the Procedure of Discharging a Head of an Organization As a Result of a Decision Made by a Property Owner of an Organization (the Case Study of Discharging a Municipal Official)
// Legal Studies.
2018. № 5.
P. 29-38.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2018.5.26177 URL:
In her article Osina studies the case of discharging a municipal official and analyzes particular features of implementing Article 2 of Clause 278 of the Labour Code of the Russian Federation that regulates the procedure of dismissing a head of an organization as a result of a decision made by a property owner of an organization. Base on the literal interpretation of the provisions of Article 278 of the Labour Code of the Russian Federation, an employer does not have to explain grounds for his or her decision about discharge of an employee. However, actual situations are not so explicit. For this regard, the question about the balance between public and private interests and inadmissibility of abuse of rights and discrimination in the labour sphere based on discretionary authorities of a property owner is emerging full blown. These issues have been focused on by the researcher, as well as a few others. The research was carried out using such methods as analysis, structured system analysis, formal law method and comparative law method. As a result of her research, Osina makes a number of conclusions including the following: 1) an individual who is, on a pro forma basis, runs an organization but does not perform a particular labour function, cannot be regarded as a head for purposes set forth by Clause 2 of Article 278 of the Labour Code of the Russian Federation; 2) a lack of legal clarity of Article 279 of the Labour Code of the Russian Federation causes a situation when an employee may be punished twice for his or her disciplinary violation which, on the one hand, cannot be the cause of discharge but, on the other hand, creates grounds for denial of a compensation; 3) public interests of a municipal unit should be taken into account when discharging a head of an organization (municipal official). However, a comprehensive answer to the question about a particular manner public interests should be taken into account is provided neither by legislation nor judicial practice.
Discharge procedure, Constitutional Court, Municipal official, Public interests, Supreme Court, Nuisance, Discrimination, Emplyment contract, Labour code, Discharge of head
Paramonova S.V..
Annual paid prolong basic leaves of higher educational institutions’ employees in executive positions
// Legal Studies.
2017. № 11.
P. 61-83.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2017.11.21070 URL:
The article observes the evolution of legal regulation of annual paid prolonged basic leaves of higher educational institutions’ employees in executive positions. The author carries out retrospective analysis of statutory acts regulating the length and the procedure of granting annual paid prolonged basic leaves to the employees of educational institutions and formulates the ideas about potential scenarios of their application to this category of employees. It helps demonstrate the drawbacks of the old and the current legal instruments. The author attempts to formulate particular practical recommendations for their effective implementation. The research methodology is based on general scientific and specific research methods: dialectical, historical-legal, formal-logical, linguistic, system approach and system analysis. The author deliberately uses the generalizing theoretical category – an “annual paid prolonged basic leave” (shortly, a “prolonged leave”), regardless of the terminology used in statutory acts of the related historical period, though the notions can be used in compliance with the analyzed statutory act. It demonstrated the diversity of the terminology used in statutory acts. The estimation of legal regulation of annual leaves of the executives of higher educational institutions, described in the article, and the author’s assumptions about a relatively new legal procedure can be considered as a reason for the further theoretical consideration of the problem issues and will be used in law enforcement practice and for the improvement of lawmaking. The scientific novelty of the study is determined by the fact that it is a practice-oriented research of the legal regulation of annual leaves of a specific category of higher educational institutions’ employees which hasn’t been profoundly studied so far.
Director of the Institute, Dean of faculty, prorector, President of the Higher school, rector, executives of education system, Annual basic leave, Manager of department, Branch, Higher education
Demidov N.V..
Dismissal of a pregnant employee: on practicability of the current legislative guarantees
// Legal Studies.
2017. № 11.
P. 84-91.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2017.11.21903 URL:
The article considers legal guarantees for pregnant employees in the situation of employer-initiated termination established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. The author analyzes the positions of the Supreme Court in this sphere and studies the practice of regular courts. The author exposes the contradictions between the legal regulation of dismissal of a pregnant employee and the actual needs of the labor market and an employer. The author takes into account the objective current labor relations with pregnant employees. The article critically analyzes the actual prohibition on termination of particular categories of employees. The research methodology includes formal-legal and logical methods, analysis, deduction, induction, dialectical and legal-sociological methods. The author concludes about the contradictory nature of the current prohibition on dismissal of a pregnant employee in case of disciplinary offences without good excuses. The author points at economic destructiveness of transferal of the burden of social protection from the government to the employer. The author substantiates the need to amend the article 261 of the Labour Code of the Russian Federation with compromise initiatives in order to achieve a balance of interests of an employer and an employee. The author suggests accepting the possibility to dismiss a pregnant employee who has repeatedly committed a gross misconduct without a good excuse, or replace reemployment with a leave compensation.
sociology of work, dismissal, labor discipline, guarantees at dismissal, pregnant employee, termination of employment, labour liability, Labour legislation, court practice, changes in legislation
Safin R.R..
Direct and indirect interaction between civil and labor law
// Legal Studies.
2017. № 7.
P. 47-54.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2017.7.19731 URL:
The research object is the aspects of interaction between two branches of law – civil and labor. The author considers the provisions of the current Russian legislation, law-enforcement practice, the opinions, ideas and visions of the problem of agreement-based regulation in the sphere of labor. Scholars have raised the problem of interaction in their works, but a proper answer about inter-branch connections of civil law with other branches of law hasn’t been found yet. However, there’s a necessity to guarantee the balance of civil and labor regulation of agreement-based social relations connected with labor activity. The present article gives the author’s understanding of interaction between civil law and labor law, analyzes agreement-based regulation and inter-branch connections. The combination of elements of different branches is a representative sphere of scientific analysis of inter-branch connections of civil law. Therefore, the civilized approach to the study of inter-branch connections between civil and labor law in agreement-based regulation of relations in labor activities and services delivering seems to be reasonable. It is also important to detect and describe these connections. This work will help not only to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the construction of a labor agreement in the context of new economic conditions, detect the correlation between a labor agreement with related civil agreements, but also analyze the need for and the expediency of civil regulation of relations in this sphere. It will also help to harmonize civil and labor means of regulation of these social relations (implement so-called “collision law regulation).
interaction, relation, law, contract, labor, services, work, activity, labor law, civil law
Epifanova E.V., Pavlisova T.E..
Legal regulation of labor in Russia: history and modern tendencies of development
// Legal Studies.
2017. № 7.
P. 55-71.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2017.7.23480 URL:
The research subject is the process of formation of labor law as an independent branch in the result of complication of social relations caused by economic development (development of industry and necessity to regulate the status of workers employed in industrial sector). The authors study the main stages of development of labor legislation, the evolution of methods of legal impact determined by economic and political factors, the basic principles underlying legal regulation of labor relations at the modern stage of development of state and society, the tendencies and prospects of the sector in the context of globalization of the world economy. The research methodology is based on the axiological approach, the comparative-legal and historical-legal methods, the principles of scientific character, objectivity, analysis of events if their correlation and historical interdependence. The analysis of history of legal regulation of labor relations in Russia allows concluding that Soviet law, which had formed on the basis of socialist principles of commonality and obligatoriness of labor, had significant impact in foreign legislation. At the present stage, Russian law, influenced by liberal values, has declared the principle of the freedom of labor. We observe an opposite tendency – a unifying impact of international legal regulation of labor, international migration, universalization of mechanisms of recognition and protection of labor rights and freedoms, implementation of international conventions by the national law.
state and law, history, tendencies and prospects, globalization, labor law, Legal regulation, principles of law, method, sources of labor law, political conditions
Khusyainov T.M..
The process of formation and features of legal regulation of Internet employment in the labor legislation of France
// Legal Studies.
2016. № 12.
P. 9-16.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7136.2016.12.1862 URL:
This paper examines the process of formation of the national labor legislation of France in the field of legal regulation of Internet employment and the impact on it of supranational labor law - the norms of the "European Framework Agreement on Telework" ("European Framework agreement on telework"), adopted in 2012, Despite the rapidly growing interest of modern researchers in new forms and types of employment including those based on Internet technologies, the study of foreign and European labor legislation, and especially the norms of labor law in the field of regulating Internet employment in France, as well as in other countries, is currently insufficient and requires closer attention of researchers. The methods of this research were the analysis of the legislative base of France and the European Union, Russian and foreign scientific literature, as well as data from sociological and statistical studies. Within the framework of this work, the features of the implementation of the "European Framework Agreement on Telework" in the national labor law of France are determined, the degree of implementation in comparison with some other countries of the European Union is noted. The role of national and supranational law in the formation of labor legislation in the field of regulation of Internet employment is highlighted.
Information Society, Post-industrial society, French Labour law, Atypical forms of work, Atypical employment, Remote employment, Remote employment, Teleworking, Internet employment, Network economy
Savin V.T..
Agencies, responsible for the consideration of individual industrial disputes, whose decisions are guaranteed by the financial responsibility of employers
// Legal Studies.
2016. № 11.
P. 18-27.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7136.2016.11.2104 URL:
The research subject is a poorly studied problem of agencies, making decisions about the reemployment of workers. The non-observance of these decisions is considered as a reason for the financial responsibility of an employer, provided by the paragraph 3, article 234 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The author gives special attention to the agencies, established by federal laws, defining the peculiarities of consideration of individual industrial disputes of certain categories of workers, which differ from jurisdictional agencies and, therefore, can’t consider industrial disputes according to the procedure, established in the chapter 60 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The research methodology is based on the general scientific dialectical method, the universal scientific methods (system-structural, functional, the methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction) and special scientific methods (historical, comparative-legal, legal and dogmatic). The scientific novelty of the study consists in the analysis of the composition of agencies, responsible for individual industrial disputes, which decide about the reemployment of the worker. The author finds out that the composition covers not only jurisdictional bodies (the Labor disputes commission, court), but also the bodies, established by federal laws, which are known as the administrative jurisdiction bodies, which also decide about the reemployment of a worker. The author comes to the conclusion that the article 382 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, defining the jurisdictional bodies, responsible for the consideration of individual labor disputes, should be amended with the bodies of administrative jurisdiction. The author proposes a new version of this article. The realization of this proposal will complement the paragraph 3 of the article 234 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation which needs improvement due to the absence of references to the bodies of administrative jurisdiction. This measure will raise the level of the financial responsibility of an employer and the protection of labor rights of a worker.
decision of a jurisdictional agency , State labor inspector, financial responsibility of an employer , individual industrial disputes , court, Labor disputes commission , administrative jurisdiction bodies , jurisdictional bodies, employer, employee
Chuklova E.V..
Collisions between the norms of corporate and labor legislation in regulation of work of a head of organization
// Legal Studies.
2015. № 9.
P. 43-51.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7136.2015.9.15953 URL:
The subject of the research is the range of norms of corporate and labor legislation regulating the order of guaranteeing and compensating for the head of a legal entity. The article considers some collisions between the use of norms of corporate and labor legislation concerning the conditions of a dismissal wage inclusion in the work contract of the head of organization. The object of the research is a range of social relations with the participation of a head of a legal entity. The author concludes that it is reasonable to recognize the conditions of work contract as civil transactions. The research is based on the dialectical method of cognition and the related general scientific and special methods: comparative-legal, formal-logical, functional, systems and other methods. The author considers unacceptable the recognition of a voidable transaction as invalid and the use of the consequences of its invalidity for the protection of violated rights. In the considered cases a more adequate way of protection of a violated right would be the recognition of a decision of a legal entity council or (and) bodies about payment of dismissal wages, compensations or other pays to heads of organizations and members of collective executive bodies due to a work contract termination as invalid.
void transaction, interested party transaction, big transaction, dismissal wage, termination of work contract, guarantees and compensations, head, protection of shareholder's rights, work contract, decision of councils
Eseva E.Y..
Russia and international law: collisions and perspectives
// Legal Studies.
2015. № 1.
P. 16-21.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-7136.2015.1.13810 URL:
The article is devoted to consideration of the Russian legislation in the sphere of employment law of foreign nationals. The research is carried out on the example of a foreign national who has an international driving license issued by a foreign state and a profession of a driver, and tries to get a job of a driver in the Russian Federation. The article analyzes the existing regulations of the Russian labor and administrative law in this sphere in the context of their correlation with the regulations of international law, which had been ratified by the Russian Federation. The author uses the general scientific methods of cognition, such as the comparative method, the historical method, analysis and synthesis. The author reveals discrepancy between the regulations of the Russian law and the regulations of international law. In the conclusion the author offers two ways of solution of this problem: either bringing of the Russian legislation to conformity with the international one, or the Vienna Convention “On Road Traffic” denunciation.
international law, national legislation, international license , supremacy of international law, discrimination, employment law, commercial traffic, responsibility, freedom of labour, violation of rights
Volokh V.A., Volodin E.V..
Employment Procedure for Foreign Nationals with Refugee Status or Temporary Asylum in the Russian Federation
// Legal Studies.
2014. № 10.
P. 19-37.
DOI: 10.7256/2305-9699.2014.10.1313 URL:
In their article “Employment Procedure for Foreign Nationals with Refugee Status or Temporary asylum in the Russian Federation”, the authors consider the problems of forced migration as relates to employment of foreign nationals with refugee status or temporary asylum in the Russian Federation, the relationship between foreign nationals and the governmental authorities, local authorities, officials of such authorities, established in connection with the work carried out by such foreign nationals in the Russian Federation. The article deals with the problems associated with the registration of such persons by their employers with various authorities and the responsibility in the event of non-performance of such obligations. It describes the matters relating to the taxation of foreigners working in Russia and their duty to pay social contributions. It is noted that for today’s Russia, forced migration has become a problem which has not received sufficient attention or well-thought-through governmental decisions. The government’s inability to assist such forced migrants on a number of occasions results in non-performance of international obligations and lower international esteem of the country, while the non-regulated nature of the legal status of a significant number of foreign nationals and stateless persons increases the probability of crime and administrative offences. It is noted that foreign nationals which have the refugee status or temporary asylum for employment purposes in the Russian Federation do not need to obtain a work permit and their employer or customer buying their work/services does not need to obtain the permission to employ foreign workers. At the time of being hired, the above category of foreign nationals cannot show their passports, therefore, pursuant to the provisions of Article 65 of the Labor Code, they produce their refugee certificate or the certificate of temporary asylum respectively, the details of which their employer should include in the employment or civil-law contract. Both when entering into employment and when providing documentary support for employment of such employees, their employer should act pursuant to the provisions of the Labor Code. However, both refugees and the persons with temporary asylum in the Russian Federation remain foreign nationals, therefore, their employer should understand what to do with respect to such category of employees pursuant to the migration, tax laws and the laws related to social security.
migration, refugees, forced migration, temporary asylum, work permit, federal law, labor code of the Russian Federation, temporary residence, foreign worker, permits and authorizations