Law and order
Trofimov, E.V., Metsker, O.G. (2019). Law and artificial intelligence: the experience of computational methodology for analyzing and assessing quantitative changes in legislation and law enforcement practice (on the example of the Article 20.4 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses). Law and Politics, 8, 1–17.
The subject of this research is the changes that took place in law enforcement practice due to introduction in 2011 of the new revision of the Article 20.4 “On Violation of Fire Prevention Rules” of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses. The article presents the results of computational experiment conducted for the purpose of development and testing of high-performance software based on the intellectual analysis and computer-assisted learning that improves understanding of the new legal phenomena and processes associated with the impact of legislation upon law enforcement practice. For solving the research objective. For solving the research problem, the author uses the data of the State Information System “Justice” related to 56,500 orders on imposition of administrative punishment in accordance with the Article 20.4 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses for the period of 2010-2017. The author extracts and factorizes the necessary data; JSON data was converted using the algorithm in MapReduce paradigm for the models of factorization and learning. As a result of computer-assisted learning, was obtained the “tree of decisions”. On the “tree of decisions” it is demonstrated that middle of 2011 marks qualitative improvement in judicial practice, which became more uniform and logical; as well as in the context of imposing administrative punishment, the court started using standard circumstances of the case. The more efficient revision of the Article 20.4 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses allowed in a midterm period to enhance the rule of law in the area of satisfying formalized requirements to ensuring fire safety, by reducing the number of cases from 2012 to 2017 by more than 10 times. The author empirically substantiates the working version of the method of analysis and assessment of qualitative changes in legislation and law enforcement practice based on the computer-assisted learning technique in form of “tree of decisions”.
computational methodology, computational experiment, big data, machine learning, intellectual analysis, administrative liability, digital state, artificial intelligence, law, fire safety
International relations: interaction systems
Shugurova, I.V. (2019). Political law questions of formation of the regional innovation system of EAEU member-states in the conditions of digitalization of economy. Law and Politics, 8, 18–40.
The subject of this research is the EAEU policy in the area of innovation development aimed at solving the task of formation of the regional innovation system in the context of implementation of the digital economy agenda. The author focuses on the correlation between the aforementioned policy and cooperation of the EAEU member-states in establishing the right to intellectual property. Special attention is given to the analysis of possible algorithms of the formation of regional innovation system and usage potential of the digital platforms. The also author underlines that all member-states should witch to unified policy in this sphere. Application of the comparative-legal method allowed to compare the legal framework for ensuring innovation development in the conditions of digital economy in EU and EAEU with consideration of the growing role of the right to intellectual property in these processes. The scientific novelty consists in the following: the questions of EAEU legislation in the area of the right to intellectual property are presented in light of cooperation on the convergence of innovation development of the EAEU member-states in terms of implementation of the strategy of digitalization of economy. The key conclusion of the conducted research consists in the statements that the content of EAEU strategies in the area of intellectual property and innovation development should reflect the measures on formation of the regional innovation system, considering digitalization of law and intellectual property systems.
regional integration, clusters, EAEU, regional innovation system, digital agenda, digital technologies, intellectual property, innovation infrustructure, European union, legal policy
Authority and management
Chebotnikov, I.V., Yakovlev, A.Y. (2019). Dilemma of the character and depth of financial control on behalf of the founder of state (municipal) budgetary institutions. Law and Politics, 8, 41–47.
This research is devoted to the issues of financial control over the work of state budgetary institutions and municipal budgetary institutions carried out by their founders (Russian Federation, subjects of the Federation, and municipal formations). The authors examine the instruments used by the branches of government and local self-governance, fulfilling the functions and authority of the founder of the budgetary institutions. Analysis is conducted on the positive and negative practice, particularly one pertaining to financial control over the execution of state function through reporting (on the example of the introduced order of delivery/acceptance of work, executed by the institution within the framework of state commission), as well as control in the sphere of procurement and peculiarities of labor agreement signed by the founder and head of the budgetary institution. Due to absence of unified approaches towards the character and depth of financial control by the authorized branches, this area demonstrates broad pluralism, and thus the result of the work of organization.
state budgetary institution, municipal institution, state institution, budgetary institution, institution, financial control, lower organization, founders control, founder, executive body
Solomko, Z. (2019). Ideologeme of Rechtsstaat (rule of law): revealed and rejected. Law and Politics, 8, 48–60.
The object of this research is the mainstream discourse on Rechtsstaat – first and foremost, as it established in the post-Soviet academic legal awareness. The subject of this research is the concept of 'Rechtsstaat (rule of law) as an objectively substantiated ideologemes of modern society, characterized by some consistent patterns. The author analyzes the fundamentals of this concepts along with its functionality, criticizing the widespread within the modern academic jurisprudence ideology-driven perception of Rechtsstaat (rule of law) as a universal political-legal ideal of modernity. Methodological foundation is the authentic and early Soviet Marxist theory of law, concepts of the global class society and dependent peripheral capitalism, ideas of the representatives of the contemporary Western critical legal doctrine. The concept of Rechtsstaat is viewed as an objective intellectual form of capitalist society, which misinterprets the essence of the bourgeois state and legal order, as well as an element of the legal form of social relations. In the context of the global class society, such misinterpretation attains a specific ideological functionality. The author believes that the establishes within the post-Soviet academic legal doctrine mainstream field of perception of Rechtsstaat, considering its ideological nature, sidesteps the key problem of the modern Russian legal order: objective impossibility of formation in modern Russia of the Western type regimes of “rule of law”, substantiated by the specific character of post-Soviet capitalism.
a priori method, critical legal theory, Marxism, ideology, human rights, law and order, the rule of law, dependent peripheral capitalism, legal form, society
Rozin, V.M. (2019). Two types of research of the complex social phenomena. Law and Politics, 8, 61–67.
This article separates the two types of research. The first type are based on structuring schemes and oriented towards the practice of politics and individual understanding. The second type suggest building models of complex social phenomena, and oriented towards acquiring knowledge that help creating strong forecasts. The author also examines the concepts of scheme and models. Schemes are developed by the scholars, help solving a problematic situation, impart a new vision and reality, and allow performing actions from a new angle. If the scheme specifies its object for the first time, model building is preceded by the determination of a model object. Moreover, the knowledge acquired on the model can be referred to this object. The indicated differences are introduced on the comparative materials of the modern Russian state. The author succeeded in separating the two types of research of the complex social phenomenon; characterized the concepts of scheme and model; demonstrated that the works based on structuring schemes are oriented towards certain tasks, while the works that create the models of social phenomena are aimed at different tasks in the area of using social knowledge.
probability, forecasts, efficiency, truth, models, schemes, state, knowledge, research, concepts
Ogleznev, V. (2019). “Open texture” of legal language and cluster concepts. Law and Politics, 8, 68–75.
The subject of this research is the idea of the “open structure” of legal language proposed by the British legal philosopher Herbert Hart. The author carefully examines what Hart implied under the “open structure”, as well as its semantically similar notions as uncertainty and ambiguity. Special attention is given to the linguistic analysis of the legal concepts with “open structure”, their intentional and extensional meaning. The link between the “open” legal concepts and cluster concepts development in the modern linguistic is established. In the course of this work, the author applies the method of conceptual interpretation aimed at solving a set of tasks on explication of the fundamental legal concepts, and methodology of semantic analysis of the legal language. The main conclusion consists in the established link between the legal concepts with “open structures” and cluster concepts. It is demonstrated that in certain cases the concepts with “open structure” manifest as cluster concepts: in order for an object to be included into the scope of such concepts, it should not bear all the elements that comprise this concept.
analytical jurisprudence, extension, intension, open texture, cluster concept, legal rule, legal concept, legal language, legal philosophy, Herbert Hart
Transformation of legal and political systems
Belikova, K.M. (2019). Implication of the network economy in law: general approaches and application of the network information technologies in BRICS countries. Law and Politics, 8, 76–88.
In line with the general approaches and implementation of the network information technologies in BRICS countries, this article exposes the issues in the development of network economy and the reflection of its specificity in law at the present stage. Considering the fact that currently along with the market economy exists and gradually develops the information network economy, which practically does not have such characteristics as exceptionality, competitiveness and transparency, the author examines the economic relations in the hierarchical and network economy. The article provides the examples of organization of research activities based on the “open” network model, application of network information technologies in education, as well as analyzes certain problems (such as taxation) caused by the network form of interaction in organization of the cross-border e-commerce. The relevance and novelty of this study are substantiated by the fact that the development of information technologies, their convenience and other advantages, will not allow (in absence of global cataclysms) returning to the traditional economy, thus, they will continue advancing and require adequate legal regulation. Therefore, the goal of this research lies in determination of the modern directions for application of the achievements of the information network economy for establishing the depth and compliance with legal regulation and the need for making corresponding amendments. One of the results consists in establishing fact of the irreversible shift in the traditional economy towards the information network economy, which changes the perception of the world among both, regular citizens, as well as entrepreneurs.
BRICS NU, ONSA, e-Commerce, network economy, traditional economy, law, BRICS, RUDN esystem, team teaching, knowledge economy
Law and order
Damm, I.A. (2019). Corruption prevention in education: questions of theory and practice . Law and Politics, 8, 89–100.
The subject of this research is the legislation of the Russian Federation on countering corruption, bylaws and departmental normative legal acts containing provision on corruption prevention, materials from the legal precedent, as well as the works of the national experts on criminology and criminal law. The article explores the approaches towards determination of the role and place of anti-corruption programs within the system of counteracting corruption, and analyzes its current state. Special attention is given to the characteristics of the object, subjects, and corruption prevention measures in the area of education. The author comes to the conclusion that anti-corruption programs has its peculiarities with regards to education management system and organization of educational activities. At the same time, within the framework of education management system, it is characterizes by the uniform, consistent and centralizes work of the authorized subjects on corruption prevention. While in the field of organization of educational activity, there is no systemic precautionary approach. The author believes that for improving the efficiency of anti-corruption programs in educational institutions it is necessary to determine the basic conceptual directions, provide methodological support along with coordination of this activity by the government and municipal authorities that control the sphere of education.
education, offense, crime, criminality, fight, prophylactic, prevention, counteraction, corruption, educational institution
International relations: interaction systems
Lisauskaite, V.V. (2019). Humanitarian cooperation in the area of protection against disasters and center of disaster response – “soft power” in advancement of Russia’s interests abroad. Law and Politics, 8, 101–118.
The subject of this research is the establishment and promotion of the international humanitarian centers as the means of “soft power” for creating a positive image of Russian in Eastern Europe and Transcaucasia. The author meticulously examines the peculiarities of the institution of “soft power”, as well as its application techniques. One of the recent is the humanitarian cooperation realizes by the Russian Federation in form of institutional international cooperation of the specially designed centers that provide humanitarian aid and other assistance in the area of protection against disasters. Special attention is given to the activity of the Russian-Serbian Humanitarian Center, its legal and political status, foreign policy issues encountered by the partnering countries. The scientific novelty is defined by the fact that the international humanitarian centers became the subject of interdisciplinary research for the first time. The author describes them as the international law institutions on one hand, and the state’s “soft power” strategy on the other. Humanitarian cooperation itself is rarely analyzed in the context of fulfilling foreign policy interests of the country. The author underlines the following facts: the importance of application of the various “soft power” techniques for creating the country’s image and advancing its foreign policy; use of humanitarian cooperation in the area of protection against disasters in this context as one of the effective methods; despite the existing opposition of Western countries, the further implementation and promotion of the activity of humanitarian centers is necessary.
international centre, image of the state, foraign policy, humanitarian centre, international cooperation, protaction of disasters, humanitarian cooperation, soft power, humanitarian assistance, foraign policy interests
Human and state
Kurbatova, S. (2019). On the essence of understanding of the social state as the means for ensuring legal status of individuals with limited cognitive abilities (on the example of criminal procedural law). Law and Politics, 8, 119–129.
The goal of this article is to raise the question of proliferation of modern understanding of the essence of social state in not only the area of social security, but also other areas, including criminal procedural law. Naturally, the subject of this research became the concepts of understanding of the essence of social state and the peculiarities of their application in the area of theory of criminal procedural law in examination of the question of the legal status of parties in criminal procedural relations overall and individuals with limited cognitive abilities in particular. The results of this research, reflected in its conclusions, consist in attention to the need for a change in understanding of the essence of a social state on the present stage of development of society and formation of its values on the international and national levels. The author proposes using the concept of “cognitive abilities” as a criterion for determining the level of realistic ability of a subject of violation to realize their rights and responsibilities, and as a result, attribution of individuals with limited cognitive abilities to the category of citizens requiring special protection by the state, which corresponds with the modern understanding of social state. This also justifies the novelty of the research, as well as designates the area of application of its results – in the theory of law in general, and in criminal procedural law particularly.
the minor accused, guarantees of legal status, participants in criminal procedural, legal status, limited cognitive abilities, cognitive abilities, socially unprotected persons, social state, victims and witnesses, criminal procedural law
Human and state
Grigorev, I.V., Kudryashova, N.A. (2019). The role of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation in protection of citizens’ right to essential medicines . Law and Politics, 8, 130–139.
The subject of this research is the peculiarities of the work of Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation pertinent to protection of citizens’ rights to essential medicines. The article examines the questions of legal regulation on the citizens’ access to essential medicines, as well as the powers of the Prosecutor’s Office in this regard. The authors meticulously analyze the results of prosecutors’ oversight activities in different subjects of the Russian Federation for the past two years. Special attention is given to the prosecutors’ work on eliminating violations and introducing recommendations on lodging complaints with the court. The scientific novelty lies in the comprehensive study of legal issues related to the protection of citizens’ right to essential medicines by the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation. Among the most meaningful results obtained in the course of this research is the formulation of proposition on improving the current legislation on the protection of citizens’ health, subject of prosecutor’s oversight and administrative liability for violating citizens’ rights, as well as the established law enforcement practice.
protection of rights, social support, social assistance, health protection, medical care, drug provision, prosecutor, representation of the prosecutor, inspection, administrative responsibility
Human and state
Shamraeva, I.L. (2019). The peculiarities of legal regulation of surrogacy. Law and Politics, 8, 140–148.
The subject of this research is the set of principles and rules of civil, family and other branches of law regulating surrogacy in the Russian Federation. The author analyzes the case law established in this field, explores the scientific publications that point at the issues of legislative regulation. Attention is turned to the fact that the reproductive technologies require more accurate regulation in order to avoid difficulties in establishing the status of children born through surrogacy contract. It is demonstrated that the current legislation does not fully protect the interests of the newborn, surrogate mother and biological parents, and needs improvement. Moreover, the State Duma of the Russian Federation introduces the fundamentally different draft laws, which either are aimed at regulating surrogacy (bill of the State Duma Deputy S. S. Murzabayeva), or outlaw it altogether. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that based on the analysis of legal regulation of surrogacy and civil peculiarities formed in this field of legal relations, the author formulates and substantiates the changes and amendments to current legislation, which would specify the type of surrogacy contract, determine the legal status of a surrogate mother and potential parents, as well as set of rights and responsibilities of the parties.
esponsibility of the parties, agreement, child, embryo implementation, surrogate mother, infertility, assisted reproductive technologies, genetic parents, legality, moral aspects
Practical law manual
Gruzdev, O.S. (2019). Peculiarities of the subject structure of a swap contract and the order of its signing. Law and Politics, 8, 149–160.
The subject of this research is the relations emerging between the parties of the exchange and OTC swap contracts in their execution. The author particularly examines the peculiarities of swap contracts, subject composition of the parties involved; analyzes the rules of stock trades, clearing, standard terms of forward transactions; determines the civil law nature of the used security constructs in executing exchange swap. The author comes to the conclusion that exchange swaps are executed with the central counterparty in compliance with the exchange rules and specifications with the requisite of two counterbids. A limited circle of persons has a right to participate in execution of such swap by making a security payment. According to the general rule, OTC swaps can be executed without involvement of a central counterparty and do not have limitations with regards to subject composition of parties to the contract. The content of such contracts is defined by the standard contract terms. The author also underlines that the established by law essence of contract, which negotiation is necessary for executing a swap contract, depend on its type and civil law qualification.
clearing organization, central counterparty, credit-default swap, interest swap, exchange, currency swap, derivatives, swap, making of contract, essence of the contract
Practical law manual
Vaselovskaya, A.V. (2019). The criteria for implementation of compulsory measures of medical nature. Law and Politics, 8, 161–171.
The subject of this research is the social relations emerging due to imposition of compulsory measures of medical nature by the court. The author’s goal is to determine the criteria that establish the selection of a particular compulsory treatment in each specific case. The author carries out classificat6ion of the types of compulsory treatment associated with isolation of an individual from society or not related to such, as well as division of the criteria into main and secondary. The author conducted a complex analysis of case law and the current criminal law to determine methodology for the selection of a type of compulsory treatment by the court. The research demonstrates that the medical criterion suggesting the essential establishment of mental condition of a person underlies the selection of the most suitable type of therapeutic and protective regimen. Besides the main (medical) criterion, the author also highlights the secondary criteria revealed through a number of socio-psychological traits (criminal behavior in the past, social alienation, violation of therapeutic regimen, proneness to alcoholism). The selection of the type of compulsory treatment must be based on implementation of the aforementioned criteria in their entirety and interrelation, complying with the general principle of necessity and sufficiency of the compulsory measure of medical nature imposed upon a person. The presented conclusions meet the criteria of scientific novelty.
grounds for compulsory treatment, psychiatric hospital, labor therapy, social disadaptation, socio-psychological criteria, medical criterion, types of compulsory treatment, criminal law measures, criminal law, punishment