Mathematical models and computer simulation experiment
Alpatov, A.N. (2017). Assessment of the impact of the distributed computing complex parameters of on the performance of load balancing algorithms. Cybernetics and programming, 1, 110.
The purpose of this article is to consider the correlation of the performance of computational load balancing algorithms for globally distributed computing systems implementing the principle of volunteer computing and the basic attributes of a distributed system. As the main considered parameters the author examines file system structure and the type of network protocol. The object of the study is a globally distributed computing system with scheduling nodes loading. The subject of the study are the balancing methods of loading units of the system, implementing the principle of dynamic computational load balancing strategy. In this article, the methodological basis of the article makes methods of fundamental and applied sciences: analysis methods, methods of mathematical statistics, simulation modeling. The author suggests a model of node computational load in form of nonlinear piecewise-stationary model. The paper shows a method of computing experiment to determine the effectiveness of the balancing algorithms. The author develops a simulation model of distributed complex with the possibility of setting the basic system parameters computer system and assess their impact on system response time. It is shown that a particular impact on the efficiency of load balancing algorithms have such parameters as file system structure and the type of network protocol. Thus, the necessity of taking into account these parameters to ensure the adequacy of the developed model of the distributed computing system implemented on the basis of volunteer computing.
quasilinearization, Grid Computing, simulation, volunteer computing, load balancing, distributed systems, DCS, dynamic balancing methods, schedule tasks, forecast
Telecommunication systems and computer networks
Gutkovskaya, O.L., Ponomarev, D.Y. (2017). Using the orthogonal model of the telecommunications network for solving the problem of optimal traffic distribution. Cybernetics and programming, 1, 1129.
The subject of the study is the telecommunications network presented in the form of a set of queuing systems. As a result of the study, the authors present a method of analysis of obtaining a mathematical model of optimal distribution of traffic of telecommunications network using the criterion of a minimum number of packets in services throughout the network. Optimization of traffic is performed in two stages. At the first stage, a general optimal solution is sought. At the second stage, the routes between each source-receiver pair within the optimal solution of the first optimization stage are determined. Two-step optimization reduces the number of independent variables in the objective function found at the first stage of optimization. To obtain a mathematical model of the network, tensor analysis of complex systems simultaneously allowing finding linearly independent (phase) variables is performed. This approach made it possible to minimize the dimension and complexity of the problem being solved. Scientific novelty in this article is an algorithm for obtaining a mathematical model of a telecommunications network allowing to find the optimal distribution of information flows through communication channels. The peculiarity of this method is that instead of independent variables in the objective function authors use not all possible traffic routes between each source-destination pair but phase variables of contour and node intensities, which in general will be less than routes. This reduces the dimension of the objective function, and, consequently, accelerates the search for the optimal solution.
mathematical network model, queuing system, optimal traffic routes, orthogonal network, traffic engineering, traffic distribution, tenzor analysis, queueing network, telecommunication networks, graph telecommunications network
Data encryption and data protection
Borodin, A.V. (2017). The feasibility study on implementation of technology of support of integrity and authenticity of information on paper carrier in case of aloof document handling. Cybernetics and programming, 1, 3047.
Object of the research in a broad sense is the system of document flow of the commercial enterprise rendering services to the population and using the Internet network as the main environment of communication with the client. At the same time for support of validity of agreements between the enterprise and its clients the traditional "paper" document flow based on delivery of documents on the solid carrier with use of a mail service is used. An object of a research is a process of aloof information processing on client side in conditions when the enterprise as the contractor of the transaction, has no opportunity to control this process. Special attention in article is paid to questions of reasons for economic feasibility of implementation of the offered process of aloof document handling.The systems concept and in particular authoring technologies of the ontological analysis is the basis methodologists of a research. On the basis of the analysis of an ontological domain model the specific technical solution of safety of technological process of aloof document handling is proposed and the event model of this process is synthesized. This model is probed with use of approaches of the algebraic theory of risk.Scientific novelty of a research consists in a unique combination of the technical solutions providing the solution of an objective. The preliminary analysis of the market showed absence of similar decisions in practice of the interested companies. The main outputs of the conducted research is an opportunity and feasibility of use of technologies of aloof document handling as transition stage to completely electronic document management between the commercial enterprise and its contractors of arbitrary nature.
total cost of ownership, Petri net, security policy, conceptual model, threat model, document, data integrity, digital signature, legal recognition, QR-code
Mathematical models and computer simulation experiment
Teplovodskii, A.V. (2017). Motion simulator algorithm for aircraft guided missiles. Cybernetics and programming, 1, 4860.
The subject of the study is to develop algorithmic for test methods for aircraft guided missiles, based on the integration of differential equations in the Cauchy form adopted for the mathematical description of the movement of aircraft, which is the basis for modeling the motion of aircraft-guided missiles. The author suggests an approach to algorithmization of the flight path of aircraft guided missiles, which should be used in the development of methods of research and testing of aircraft guided missiles using modeling systems that allow reliably determining and assessing the compliance of the motion characteristics of the aviation guided rockets specified tactical and technical requirements. The research methodology is based on the methods of mathematical modeling, optimal control, computational mathematics, differential and integral calculus. The main result of the study is formed by the basic movement algorithm for simple model of aircraft guided missile based on the impact of wind disturbances. The algorithm allows increasing the complexity by including missile guidance algorithms and control algorithms that take into account the angular movement of the rocket center of mass, dynamic data sensors and steering dynamics rocket drives.
testing of aeronautical engineering, math modeling, computer experiment, dynamic motion simulation, flight simulation, aircraft guided missile, testing of aircraft, aviation cybernetics, computational mathematics, optimal control
Methods, languages and forms of human-computer interaction
Vanyasin, N.V. (2017). Semantic code editing in intelligent IDEs. Cybernetics and programming, 1, 6168.
The article presents description of the method of semantic editing and a overview of current research in this field. The overview is presented in terms of dividing the views of the software system into the abstract, editable, executed, stored and visual parts. Tools and methods that allow increasing the productivity of software development are always relevant. There are various integrated development environments (IDEs), which combine different methods to significantly increase the productivity of the programmer in comparison with the work without IDE. One of the promising methods is the semantic editing of the program code of the developed system allowing changing the abstract representation of the software through various editable views. The author concludes that currently there are no universal integrated software development environments with semantic editing of program code. The development of such environments could significantly increase the productivity of the programmer in comparison with the work without IDE due to the semantic editing and the function of the version control system that tracks not text changes, but changes in the abstract code model.
version control systems, IDE, human-computer interaction, linguistic tools, programming environments, projectional editor, semantic editors, code generation, user interfaces, software development
Educational software systems
Litvinov, V.A., Baumtrog, V.E. (2017). Learning through testing in Moodle and Stellus. Cybernetics and programming, 1, 6974.
The study reviews Moodle and Stellus systems of distance educational technologies. The authors review the structure of placement of educational materials, tests and the possibility of establishing logical links between them. The authors discusses the possibility of increasing the effectiveness of independent work of students if there are hyperlinks from the text of test tasks to the relevant chapters of the educational material placed in the database of the system. The paper describes mutual influence of the establishment of links of test tasks with the teaching content on the quality of the training materials themselves. The method and methodology of the study is a system analysis of the distance learning aids and their analogues at the stage of setting the problem. The results are obtained using discretization and dynamic programming methods. The main conclusions of this study is the statement that the establishment of logical links between the texts of test tasks and the parts of the educational material of distance learning systems make it possible to increase the efficiency and quality of the educational process. In the first place it stimulates the more frequent conversion of students to sources of information. Secondly, it allows the authors of the study material to check its completeness and adequacy to the test tasks. The article proposes a simple program code that allows automating the process of creating hyperlinks from the text of the test questions to the chapters of the training material.
education, pedagogy, programming, learning, PHP, testing, Stellus, Moodle, efficiency of training, system of distance educational technologies
Knowledge bases, intelligent systems, expert systems, decision support systems
Zinkin, S.A., Pashchenko, D.V., Puchkova, U.N., Mustafa, S. (2017). Integrating Methods of Conceptual and Behavioral Modeling of Discrete Event Systems: II. Logical-Algebraic Operating Models and Infocommunication Technologies. Cybernetics and programming, 1, 7593.
The object of the present article is information processes in asynchronous discrete event systems. Examples of such systems include organizational-economical, production and computer-based systems. The subject of the research is the methodology of formalization and analysis of asynchronous discrete event systems based on integration of artificial intellect and behavioral discrete event modeling methods. As an example of a relevant topical area the authors of the present article view a section of flexible automated manufacturing systems (FMS - Flexible Manufacturing Systems). The methodological basis of the research involves the logic of predicates of the first and second order, formal description of abstract machines, artificial intellect models and Petri conceptual nets offered for the first time. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that as a result of their research and based on their conceptual and behavioral model of an asynchronous discrete event system, the authors define formalized directly realizable specifications, for example, typical for further realization of the wireless network system running the flexible production process. Part II of the article shows that semantic networks with events, role and causal relationships between objects (scenario networks) can in a fairly full degree represent not only declarative, but also procedural knowledge of the subject area. In order to construct a behavioral discrete-event model authors develop a transition from a semantic network with events describing a section of flexible automated manufacturing systems to Petri nets and further to a network of abstract machines described by logical-algebraic expressions. To preserve the informative nature of the model the authors suggest variety of Petri nets, as well as a new class of Petri nets - the conceptual Petri nets. The article proposes formalized executable specifications that take into account the roles of all objects participating in the implementation of events and management from the wireless network. The use of the network language of abstract machines simplifies the further implementation of the intellectual behavioral model of the system based on programming languages such as C, C ++, C #, etc. The authors suggest a principle of constructing a logical-algebraic operational (executable) model designed to build a distributed network application for a wireless network that manages robotic production on its basis.
logical-algebraic operating models, robot-based manufacturing, conceptual Petri nets, casual relations, conceptual graphs, scenarios, semantic networks, intellectual systems, networks of the abstract machines, wireless industrial networks
Knowledge bases, intelligent systems, expert systems, decision support systems
Ulianov, R.S., Shikolenko, I.A., Velichkin, V.A., Zav'yalov, V.A. (2017). Prospects for use new design methods in CAD in part of the diagnostics, placement and selection of operating modes of lighting fixtures of the artificial lighting system. Cybernetics and programming, 1, 94106.
The object of the study is the process of computer-aided design of artificial lighting systems. The study was made on the possibility of improving its effectiveness through the application of the concepts of methods outlined in the article: automation the selection of operating modes of lighting devices with controlled emission spectrum, methods for optimizing the placement of lighting devices in particular by using specialized robotic complexes. In the paper the authors reviews problems the solution of which is caused by the development of technical progress in the field of lighting engineering and automation systems. The appearance of LED lamps with the possibility of automated control of lighting parameters as well as the availability of modern automation and robotics poses new challenges for design professionals and at the same time opens up new opportunities to reduce the amount of manual labor in the design process. In the course of the study, the existing solutions in the field of automated design of internal artificial lighting systems were analyzed. The system solution aimed at facilitating and increasing the efficiency of the processes of construction design is suggested. The result of the study is in conceptual description of three new methods aimed at improving the efficiency of CAD in construction. As the first method, the concept of automation of the procedure for preparing project solutions is presented. This concept is applied in terms of the choice of modes of operation of smart lighting systems, depending on the criteria for the specificity of the work in the room, the physiological impact and the specified indicators of the energy efficiency of the lighting system. The second method is the optimization of the procedure for automated placement of lighting devices in the development of appropriate design solutions. The third method is the concept of automatic survey of premises and the transfer of data to CAD to generate the initial data for the relevant design decisions. In the final part of the article, the method of combining these solutions within the framework of the system approach is considered and the assumption is made about the urgency of a more detailed elaboration of these solutions.
energy efficiency, hardware and software system, placement, optimization, emission spectrum, robotics, automation, artificial lighting, design, CAD
Knowledge bases, intelligent systems, expert systems, decision support systems
Deryugina, O., Nikulchev, E. (2017). Software tool for automated UML class diagram refactoring using given quality criteria. Cybernetics and programming, 1, 107118.
The article is devoted to the task of the automated UML class diagram refactoring, which is important for the development of tools for transforming UML models in the framework of the MDA approach. The authors formulate the problem of the automated UML class diagram refactoring, introduce the abstract UML Map data structure storing hash maps of the UML class diagram elements. This data structure allows analyzing and transforming UML class diagrams in a convenient way. The paper presents algorithms of UML class diagram analysis in order to apply Strategy and Interface Insertion transformations. Computational experiment demonstrated that the computational complexity of these algorithms is O(n). The proposed algorithms became a part of the UML Refactoring Tool, which allows user to import UML class diagrams from XMI format, to analyze and transform it (calculate metrics, receive transformation recommendations) and to export it back to the XMI format.
software architecture, software design, MDA, UML class diagram refactoring, UML class diagrams, UML, MDE, model refactoring, UML Refactoring, XMI
Data encryption and data protection
Mironov, S.V. (2017). Game-theoretic approach to testing compilers for the presence of undeclared capabilities of implementation mechanisms. Cybernetics and programming, 1, 119127.
The subject of research is mathematical software software certification procedures for information security requirements in view of time constraints, regulatory and design requirements. This essential requirement is the availability of the source code on the test software, which is quite critical for developers as a potential channel formed intellectual property leakage. To overcome this drawback, the technique of testing the compilers on the lack of mechanisms for the implementation of undeclared capabilities to stage software compilation. The research methodology combines the methods of software engineering, theory of possibilities of object-oriented programming, systems analysis, the theory of reliability. The main conclusion of the study is that by forming an optimal set of tests using the mathematical apparatus of the theory of games, spending his compiling and analyzing the control flow graphs and data obtained from the compiler output and built according to the original texts of the tests, we can conclude the presence or absence in the test compiler mechanisms introduction of undeclared capabilities in the compiled software.
information security, software engineering, software compilation, introduction of undeclared capabilities, compilers testing, software certification, software, software security, program analysis, certification testing programs