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«Cybernetics and programming» (18+)

¹ 5, 2016
Published since
2012 year
Registered in Roscomnadzor
Registration number
ÝË ¹ ÔÑ 77 - 60163

The Journal "Cybernetics and programming " had ISSN 2306-4196 and was previously called "NB: Cybernetics and programming" until December 1st, 2014.

Knowledge bases, intelligent systems, expert systems, decision support systems
P. 1 - 9
Computer graphics, image processing and pattern recognition
P. 10 - 15
Automation of manufacturing and production planning
P. 16 - 23
Automated systems of engineering process administration
P. 24 - 32
Forms and methods of information security administration
P. 33 - 37
Programming languages
P. 175 - 190
Mathematical models and computer simulation experiment
P. 191 - 198
P. 199 - 205
P. 206 - 212
Knowledge bases, intelligent systems, expert systems, decision support systems
P. 213 - 221
Forms and methods of information security administration
P. 222 - 227
Computer graphics, image processing and pattern recognition
P. 228 - 242
Contents details