Data encryption and data protection
Galanina, N.A., Ivanova, N.N. (2015). Analysis of the effectiveness of synthesis of computing devices for non-positional digital signal processing . Cybernetics and programming, 3, 16.
The article researches methods, algorithms and computing devices for encoding, digital filtering and spectral analysis of signals. The subject of the study is methods of synthesis and analysis of devices for signals digital filtration and spectral analysis in system of residual classes. The proposed article presents efficiency analysis of synthesis of computing devices for non-positional digital signal processing in the system of residual classes. The authors show results of comparative evaluation of performance of computing devices for digital filtering and spectral analysis. The authors propose a method of increasing the speed of digital devices in the system of residual classes. The research is based on the apparatus of mathematical analysis, mathematical logic, theory of algorithms, theory of algebraic integers, automata theory, the theory of the discrete Fourier transform and fast variations, probability theory, mathematical methods and simulation. The study presents ways of solving the problem of implementation of digital signal processing algorithms in system of residual classes on modern signal processors taking into account peculiarities of the system of residual classes. Implementation of digital devices on digital signal processor intended for data processing in non-positional number systems, including system of residual classes, is a promising line of development digital signal processing devices.
fast Fourier transform, residue number system module, speed, digital signal processor, residue number system, digital signal processing, hardware expenses, spectrum analysis, service simulating test, nonpositional notation
Software for innovative information technologies
Milovanov, M.M. (2015). Using Windows PowerShell scripts to manage Microsoft SQL Server backups in application for Department of Social Security. Cybernetics and programming, 3, 710.
At the present time it is very important to save gathered data. The development of modern information technologies, using databases raises questions of storing and backups for big amount of data. The high requirements to the speed of data recovery imply the correct organization of storing data and backups. Keeping that in mind the author shares his experience of setting up making of backups in command line using Windows PowerShell scripts. The article describes mechanisms and results of the applied technique. The research is focused on the observing IT-processes. The article reviews usage of upgraded Windows PowerShell command line instead of outdated command line. The author presents a short review of the main commands used in writing a PowerShell script. The article gives examples of using the developed script for backing up and storing databases. Using this technique proves to be reliable for a long time based on the tests on different platforms. This method increases the efficiency of IT, the reliability of information processes and optimization of employee time.
big data, data archiving, database, powershell, script, windows, baskup, software, IT-process, algoritm
Telecommunication systems and computer networks
Borodin, A.V., Varlamov, A.S., Korablev, D.V. (2015). Educational proving ground for elaboration of technologies of exact time distribution. Cybernetics and programming, 3, 1123.
The paper deals with technologies of distribution of exact time in the data communication networks. In particular the technologies based on the Network Time Protocol (NTP) are considered. It is important to point out that this article has especially practical character, it is reviewing an implementation of a proving ground of testing of appropriate technologies. By proving ground the authors mean a set of software and hardware solutions which can be used in case of implementation of technology, and which can be integrated by any principle in rather independent stends. The composition of the stends which are a part of a polygon is considered. Examples of the organization of subnets - clients of system of distribution of exact time are given. The optimal version of the logical organization of a subsystem of time synchronization is offered. Ways of further development of a proving ground are planned. A methodological basis of this research is an experiment. The proving ground allows to simulate a huge number of configurations of the subsystem of distribution of exact time and to measure the different parameters of this subsystem. Auxiliary methodology of this research is the methodology of simulation modeling allowing to create optimum configurations for the purpose of practical confirmation of their relative efficiency. The proposed technical solution of the educational proving ground has no domestic analogs: it is unique both as a set ot technical means for support of educational process and from the point of view of creation of complexes of support of scientific researches in the field of distribution of exact time. Authors also present original solutions in the proving ground, monitoring of the environment and separate components of the equipment.
IT infrastructure, standards of time, clock synchronization, distribution of exact time, multiservice networks, GPS, NTP, PTP, Sync Ethernet, Petri net
Mathematical models and computer simulation experiment
Milovanov, M.M. (2015). Using Wealth Lab software for technical and graphical analysis to evaluate effectiveness and appliance of the trading algorithm. Cybernetics and programming, 3, 2429.
Modern software allows using technical and graphical analysis to build charts and predictions based on the technical indicators and oscillators. The article describes a technique of making a trading algorithm for stock market using Wealth Lab. The author reviews features of Wealth Lab and describes trading algorithm using standard indicators available in Wealth Lab. The article gives and analysis of the developed algorithm and shows the evaluation of its effectiveness based on the gathered data. Observation is the main method of the study. The author observes a set of data, described by the price and time. Since stock market is constantly changing, it is urgent to have an accurate trading algorithm to make a profit. Applying software allows to evaluate the algorithm. Using techniques of finding the optimal solution of the problem of selection of the parameters, such as exhaustive search and Monte Carlo method, author gathers all data needed. The Wealth Lab allows to test the algorithm using C#, find parameters using optimizer and build charts using build-in methods to evaluate the performance of the algorithm visually.
Monte Carlo method, optimal solutions, software, technical analysis, algoritm, economic, futures, stock market, optimization, prediction
Question at hand
Surma, I.V. (2015). The modern information society and topical issues of knowledge . Cybernetics and programming, 3, 3046.
The article deals with the fact that at the present time knowledge is, on the one hand, the information used for decision making and on the other, as assets, directly involved in the production of tangible or intangible benefits thus becoming a commodity. The author highlights that in this way an traditionally managed organization, for which the most important resource is the capital, turns into a knowledge oriented organization. So the main factor of competitiveness of a country today is the ability to acquire and use knowledge. The article also reveals a fundamental difference between the information society and the knowledge-based society. The author points out, that shift from the first type of society to the second type requires very responsible approach to the creation of knowledge and its dissemination. The article uses the most comprehensive and integrated approach to measuring "the economy based on knowledge", developed by UN experts. The approach is based on the four basic elements, including dynamic innovation infrastructure and innovation systems. A key conclusion of the article in the fact that approach to knowledge as an asset is the basis of a modern the knowledge-based economy. Asymmetry of knowledge between organizations is a key factor for competitive advantage. The processes of integration and significant pace of changes in technology so greatly influence the characteristics of the processes of globalization that global knowledge economy emerges. The author notes, that changes take place not only in ways of managing, but also in fields of culture and public relations, including the corporate culture of the organization and human resource management.
the model of knowledge sources, knowledge assessment methodology, knowledge index, resource model, knowledge for development, OECD, information society, knowledge economy, information and communication technologies, the knowledge society
Question at hand
Alekseev, I.V. (2015). Modern state and main tendencies in development of internet technologies in the field of marketing. Cybernetics and programming, 3, 4758.
The article is devoted to internet technologies in the field of marketing under conditions of informational environment. The subject of the study is the state and main development trends in this area. The aim of the article is to study appliance of internet technologies in the field of marketing. The purpose of this research is to define a vector of progress in the development of ideas about internet technologies by analyzing scientific sources, and to highlight their role in the activity of enterprises by comparing the basic and massive stages of development of internet technologies. For this research the author studies sources on the topic of marketing in internet. The author concludes that taking into account the growing influence of internet technologies to the consumer market, companies need to focus on creating marketing mix within its structure. Studies of changes in economic environment highlight the urgency of expanding the role of internet marketing and its adaptation to the constant innovation and technological solutions. The implementation of the united development of the company's marketing and internet marketing is a necessary condition for building a successful business model.
economy, inforamation space, commercial, comsumer, instrument, technologies, marketing, Internet, PR, IT-market