Knowledge bases, intelligent systems, expert systems, decision support systems
Surma, I.V. (2015). Analytical and information technology and human resource management. Cybernetics and programming, 2, 145.
The object of study in the article are computer intelligent information management decision support system, using such basic principles on the implementation of information technology management as the principles of adaptive, integrated, network management and real-time control, that can supply leadership and staff with easy to use and powerful by internal content means of solving the basic problems of organization management. The article describes the different management information systems such as CRM (Customer Relationship Management), ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), systems of information support of analytical activities BI (Business Intelligence), as well as various types of real-time analytical information processing technologies - OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) systems. The article uses a comparative analysis of various data storages with a set of tools to retrieve data from ERP and other systems and ways of further analysis of the collected data. Using the systems of information support of analytical activities data resources of any organization can be converted into pure information and can be used as a basis for making effective management decisions. BI systems are considered as decisions on the basis of OLAP business analysis systems and DSS (Decision Support Systems), an integrated set of tools for processing information and data (obtained by other corporate information systems and different methods of processing these data) is used for strategic analysis of the company.
Data Mining, Business Intelligence, principle of adaptive management, Enterprise Resource Planning, OLAP systems, principle of network management, information and analytical systems, Human Resources Management, Organization Memory Information System, Situation Centre
Telecommunication systems and computer networks
Kolomoitcev, V.S. (2015). Comparative analysis of approaches to the organization of secure connection of the corporate network nodes to public network. Cybernetics and programming, 2, 4658.
The purpose of the study is in increasing the protection of nodes when accessing resources of an outside network. The objects of the study are the schemes of secure access from corporate network nodes to the information in the external network via "Direct connection" and "Connecting node". The study of these schemes is carried in terms of improving the security of the terminal node of corporate network, convenience and quality of organizing access of this node to the external network resources, as well as the complexity of the implementation of these schemes. In addition, the paper considers the possibility of protecting corporate network nodes from DDoS-attacks. The basis of the research is in the method of comparative analysis, which allows to reveal the advantages and disadvantages of each of the schemes. Based on the results it can be concluded that the scheme of "Direct connection" should be used in the following cases. Firstly, when it is impossible to make significant changes to the existing network architecture. Secondly, when the organization has limited financial resources. And thirdly, if it is necessary to work with external network resources in real time. Scheme "Connecting node", in contrast, requires (radical) rebuilding of network architecture and significant financial costs, but allows a much greater extent than the scheme of "direct connection", protecting an organization from the threats from the external network.
encryption, network organization, firewalls, unauthorized access, information security, information technology, information protection, protected storage, monitoring of network traffic, access control
Mathematical models and computer simulation experiment
Mayer, R.V. (2015). Numerical method of the solution of a boundary problem for the oscillating membrane . Cybernetics and programming, 2, 5967.
The article considers the simple method of the numerical solution of the two-dimensional wave equation which allows to simulate the following phenomena: 1) propagation and reflection of waves; 2) change of wavelength upon its transition from one environment to another; 3) an interference of waves from several coherent sources; 4) formation of a standing wave; 5) rounding by a wave of obstacles, diffraction of waves; 6) the forced oscillations of an elastic plate; 7) free oscillations of an elastic plate of any form; 8) self-oscillations of an elastic plate. The method of mathematical modeling, a method of the numerical solution of the differential equations in private derivatives, and also a method of color mapping of two-dimensional fields on the screen are used. Novelty of work: the article presents two simple computer programs written in Free Pascal, allowing to simulate rather big set of the phenomena connected about distribution of waves in two-dimensional environments and oscillations of an elastic plate. The given programs can be used in studying numerical methods and bases of computer modeling.
forced oscillations, diffraction, interference, membrane oscillating, programming, wave equation, numerical methods, computer modeling, autooscillations, differential equations
Simulation systems
Oleinikova, S.A. (2015). Features of a simulation system for project management tasks with random duration of tasks. Cybernetics and programming, 2, 6877.
In this paper the problem of project management with the random duration of works is considered. An important task is to analyze the risk of delayed completion of such projects. Existing approaches are based on assumptions that are not always feasible under real conditions. In this regard, it is necessary to develop mechanisms for research on the accuracy of the available estimates and may modify them. The object of study is a project given a set of mutually-dependent work with random time of execution. Object of research is probabilistic-temporal characteristics of such project. The aim of the study is to obtain a probability-time characteristics through a series of experiments. To achieve this goal it is necessary to design and implement a system simulation, which allows taking into account the specifics of the problem to conduct experiments to analyze the characteristics of the project. As a result, a system simulation is proposed, which is a fundamental difference from existing analogues is to focus on the use of solutions for a class project management tasks with random duration of execution of certain works. The system allows the researcher to conduct a variety of experiments to obtain the statistical characteristics of the duration of the project in different conditions.
risk analysis, PERT estimates, random duration of tasks, probabilistic and temporal characteristics, duration of the project, project management, system simulation, model, Use-Case Diagrams, experiment
Question at hand
Borodin, A.V. (2015). On import substitution in creation of distribution of exact time systems in multiservice computer networks. Cybernetics and programming, 2, 7897.
The article deals with processes of design and creation of the secure wide area network (SWAN). Object of research is the subsystem of distribution of exact time of SWAN. Existence of the specified subsystem is the basic requirement from the point of view of safety of functioning of a network. Means of registration of events in SWAN, systems of the analysis of protocols of events, intruder detection systems is only a small list of subsystems of SWAN which can't exist without service of exact time. On the other hand, the specified service can be considered as the SWAN client service. In this quality the service of exact time in computer networks from year to year becomes more and more demanded. At the same time it is not a secret that as the sources of exact time in modern SWAN the production of the western countries are used. Thus, in view of categories hi-tech of the specified products, the corresponding production isn't taken out to the countries of Asia. Respectively today in this sphere there are certain difficulties at selection and the order of the equipment. Considering above told, author in detail considers such aspects of import substitution regarding creation of services of exact time of SWAN, as existence of available basic sources of exact time in the Russian Federation, presence of domestic producer of the equipment in the relevant market, economic aspects of consequences from realization of possible import substitution. The special attention is paid to the standard configurations of sources of exact time in SWAN which are based on the equipment of a domestic production. The article is based on set of results of the researches of the domestic market of radio electronics conducted by author. As sources of information the Internet publications and phone calls to the sales departments of a number of producers were used. When forming the purposes of market researches the standards in the field of protocols of distribution of exact time over the Internet-protocol and also some researches of the author were used. The main conclusion of the conducted research is ascertaining of possibility of use as sources of exact time in SWAN of the complexes constructed on the equipment of domestic producers. A special contribution of the author to the research of a subject is development of recommendations for domestic producers regarding correction of their market behavior. Novelty of the research is in the use of the concept of total cost of ownership when comparing various scenarios of creation of subsystems of distribution of exact time in the computer networks which are based on the Internet-protocol.
accurate time server, RBU, clock synchronization, RTZ, GLONASS, GPS, NMEA, network, NTP, total cost of ownership
Question at hand
Galimov, A.A. (2015). Development of an ontological model of publications. Cybernetics and programming, 2, 98106.
Activities of publishing organizations, as well as researches is closely related to publication. Currently, there are some complex Semantic Publishing and Referencing Ontology (SPAR) ontologies in free access, designed to work with publications. However, this complex is English-based and designed to work with foreign sources of literature. Direct translation of the complex into Russian does not solve the problem of working with Russian publications. The paper presents an ontological model of knowledge, built on the basis of Russian standards regulating the main types of publications in the Russian Federation. To describe the classes and slots the author selects main types of publications, most commonly used in scientific research. Ontology developed in Protégé ontology editor. The article evaluates the competence of the ontology and show its capabilities for analyzing scientometric indicators, filling a variety of reports and ratings, make a bibliographic records.
knowledge base, bibliographic style, bibliography, Protégé, ontology, publication, knowledge management, SPAR, publishing work, OWL