Theory, software and languages of concurrent computing
Korobeinikov, A.G., Kutuzov, I.M. (2013). Obfuscation algorithm. Cybernetics and programming, 3, 18.
The paper deals with the algorithm of Chenxi Wang’s, shows are the main disadvantages of this algorithm. The authors suggest the ways of modification to improve it. The algorithm of Chenxi Wang's is one of the most famous. The input data for the algorithm is the usual procedure, written in high level language. The authors describe the three stages of obfuscation of any such procedure. In the classic version of Chenxi Wang's the algorithm has poor stability. The authors suggest ways to improve stability of the algorithm, present modified version of the algorithm and reviews results of its implementation. The authors compare the source code and the resulting code and conclude that it is almost impossible to establish their functional identity and the logic of the program code is very difficult to understand using obfuscated source. Sometimes this can be done using the examples run of the resulting source code. This implies that after eliminating the shortcomings the algorithm is quite effective.
obfuscation, technology, source code, algorithm, Chenxi Wang, graph, variable, stability, dynamic analysis, information security
Knowledge bases, intelligent systems, expert systems, decision support systems
Korobeinikov, A.G., Grishentsev, A.Y., Svyatkina, M.N. (2013). Using intelligent agents for magnetic measurements for railway infrastructure monitoring. Cybernetics and programming, 3, 920.
The paper proposes the use of the intelligent hybrid meta-agent for solving a problem of intellectualization management and information systems in rail transport. In order to ensure the safety and risk management for harmful natural and man-made situation in rail transport the authors propose to use intelligent software for management and informational support. The article reviews general structure of intelligent environment as hybrid cognitive agent consisting of four main parts. The main obstacles to the creation of intelligent monitoring systems are: lack of finance support, absence of knowledge base on pre-threshold facilities, nonexistence of specialized software and hardware. Modern sensor networks combined in multi-agent system where each individual sensor is a single agent, with its local knowledge base possess the necessary characteristics. Multi-agent system formed by multiple interacting intelligent agents can be used to solve these problems that are difficult or impossible to solve with a single agent. The article shows variants of construction of logical models of interaction between the sensors using the apparatus of multi-valued logic and bilattices.
sensor networks, management, security, information support, rail infrastructure, monitoring, magnetic measurements, intelligent agent, multi-agent system, knowledge base
Forms and methods of information security administration
Bogatyrev, S., Dobrynin, S.S. (2013). Information base of banks cost analysis. Cybernetics and programming, 3, 2142.
The paper presents the results of the use of the world's leading information products, received after over 6 years in the analytical work. The authors consider quality software products used in the cost analysis of banks and show the possibilities of modern information systems and banking analyst. Experience in the use of modern analytical bank software is systematized by several criteria that are important to the user. Each software product was rated on the five-point system based on the views of the authors and their colleagues: university lecturers and professional financial analysts on eligibility. For the first time a rating table of modern analytical software products of leading world manufacturers of specialized information and the software operating on the Russian market was compiled. The authors analyzed availability of products at current rates at the moment and the possibility of remote access, evaluated user interface and the ease of handling produced data, frequency of software updates and relevance of information, openness to users and promotion in the Russian media market.
software development, information systems, spreadsheets, software solutions, information agency, DBMS, cost analysis, coefficients of cost analysis, multipliers, producing data
Methods, languages and forms of human-computer interaction
Korneenko, D.A., Kashin, S.V., Kuropatkina, A.E. (2013). Criteria for evaluating information and psychological stability of IT-specialist. Cybernetics and programming, 3, 4354.
The article focuses on the stress structure in IT and reviews a set of psychological techniques used to evaluate stress tolerance and personal qualities of a person. The authors select criteria for evaluation of informational and psychological stability of IT-specialist. Special attention is given to the importance of evaluation of informational and psychological stability of IT-specialist and building a technique of evaluation. The authors review the main stages of stress development: mobilization, frustration and deformation. These stages have common characteristics. However along with them there are individual differences in responding to stress factors. Depending on the level of stress tolerance and the ability to withstand stress for a long time authors identify three basic types of personalities. These types differ by the time during which a person can maintain the stability of the temporary pressure of chronic stress conditions, characterized by individual threshold of stress tolerance. The article presents criteria of informational and psychological stability of IT-specialist. These criteria form a necessary complex for further development of a technique of evaluation of informational and psychological stability of IT-specialist.
stress tolerance, resistance measure, technical activities, digital information, stress, it-specialist, evaluation, criteria, operator, technology
Systems analysis , search, analysis and information filtering
Gurevich, I.M. (2013). Physical Informatics - a new synthetic scientific direction. Cybernetics and programming, 3, 5574.
Ursul A.D. in 1968 in the book "The Nature of information. Philosophical essay” predicted that the methods of information theory will study the properties of space and time, what is still mainly engaged in physical theories (eg, special and general theory of relativity, Einstein). Interpenetration of physics and information theory in the development of computer science formed a synthetic discipline " Physical Informatics". Since 1989 to the present day I. M. Gurevich systematizes knowledge of complex systems and information methods of their research based on the laws of Informatics and carries out research of complex systems on the basis of these laws. The main results of this author are: the statement of the existence of laws of nature more general than physical- Laws of Informatics, that define and limit physical phenomena and processes and are prior to physical laws; formulation of the Laws of Informatics; evaluation of the amount of information in the universe. Work of the author and foreign scholars justify the primacy of information law (Laws of Informatics).
divergence, information entropy, information characteristics, information laws, informatics, physical laws, physics, joint information entropy, information communication, differential information capacity