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«Software systems and computational methods» (18+)

№ 4, 2018
Published since
2013 year

Mathematical models and computer simulation experiment
P. 1 - 14
Knowledge Base, Intelligent Systems, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems
P. 15 - 26
Methods, languages and forms of human-computer interaction
P. 27 - 38
Quality aspects and improving the margin of reliability of software systems
P. 39 - 47
Automated systems of engineering process administration
P. 48 - 59
P. 60 - 67
Knowledge Base, Intelligent Systems, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems
P. 68 - 75
Systems analysis , search, analysis and information filtering
P. 76 - 85
P. 86 - 101
Mathematical models and computer simulation experiment
P. 102 - 113
P. 114 - 123
Theory, software and languages of concurrent computing
P. 124 - 133
Computer graphics, image processing and pattern recognition
P. 134 - 143
P. 144 - 153
P. 154 - 163
Contents details